Aḥ mad ibn Muḥ ammad ibn ʿ Ī sā al-Ashʿ arī is one of the companions of Imā m Reḍ ā , Imā m Javā d and Imā m Hā dī (AS) and one of the great Shiʿ ite narrators in the third century AH. All jurists and scholars have agreed on his trustworthiness and there may not found any doubt in the field. According to the narrations transmitted by Aḥ mad Ashʿ arī about the status of the Infallible Imā m, his beliefs about what Imā mate is, the necessity of the existence of the Imā m, the necessity of knowing the Imā m, the knowledge of the Imā m, the infallibility of the Imā m, the common characteristics of the Imā ms, Imā m`s state of having the power to do extraordinary things and. . . have been explained. As explained in the article, the beliefs common in Qom and, common in the third century in general, and the beliefs of Aḥ mad ibn Muḥ ammad ibn ʿ Ī sa al-Ashʿ arī in particular do not differ from those common among Shiʿ ites today considerably. Of course, among the theological issues raised in the narrations narrated by Aḥ mad ibn Muḥ ammad ibn ʿ Isa al-Ashʿ arī , those related to Imā mate are more extensive than other issues, and the fact shows the importance and controversial state of the issue.