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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Evaluating the performance of the museum is one of the most important management tasks in museums. The directors are obliged to evaluate the performance of the museum under their management according to the mission, goals and tasks explained to the museums and while constantly monitoring the actions that are going on in the museum. Today, museum management is one of the most important independent aspects in the science of museology, which indicates the knowledge and awareness of a museum's responsibility to society, which in recent years has become one of the main concerns of related organizations and institutions worldwide. Many museums are facing a pattern change. For example, the public budget crisis has forced them to choose new strategies in terms of organization, funding, presentation, and how to organize independently. Therefore, raising awareness, recognizing the tools of the economy, attracting investment and sponsors, improving efficiency, guiding and motivating staff, orienting groups with similar goals, and marketing and monitoring the work of the museum are essential. The performance of museums as one of main heritage tourism attractions, has very important role in attracting tourists. This paper examines the development of cultural heritage tourism, with an emphasis on the museum's function in the historical cities of Sari. Methodology: The research is applied in terms of purpose and from the point of view of descriptive-analytical nature. It was conducted in 2017 in order to study the development of cultural heritage tourism with emphasis on the performance of Kalbadi House Museum in the historical city of Sari. The data of the present study have been collected by library and field methods. The library method includes the study of relevant resources for problem solving, theoretical foundations and questionnaire design. Field research also includes the distribution of a researcher-made questionnaire among tourists visiting the Kalbadi Museum. Due to the uncertainty of the statistical population, the Cochran's formula is used to determine the sample size. Based on Cochran's formula, the sample size was 270 people, of which 210 questionnaires were distributed, 210 complete questionnaires were collected and used for analysis. SPSS software was also used for data processing. Results and discussion: The results show that there is no difference between the attitudes of women and men regarding the importance of the development of heritage tourism in the city of Sari. But the attitudes of these two sexes are different about importance of museum performance. Performance of the museum in this research has had a Meaningful effect on the development of cultural heritage tourism in the city of Sari. The beta for the performance of the Kolbadi house's museum featured its contribution (more than 60 percent) to the development of cultural heritage tourism and the importance of museum performance in this area. In this regard, it should be acknowledged that audiences faced a collection of specialized activities in this museum. In fact, the interface between the audiences and silent cultural objects in museums is the museum's performance, which is mainly designed and implemented by a dedicated human resources. The technical performance museum (Beta=. 404) also had the most share in the development of the heritage tourism, that reflects the strict observance of the conservation issues in this museum. The service quality criterion (Beta=. 076) had less contribution to the development of heritage tourism based on Kolbadi house's museum. This result is also related to the quality and quantity of cultural services provided by the museum and its staff to the tourists. Conclusions: The Cultural Institutional Museum is a place for storing and displaying objects with the aim of educating and promoting the level of public knowledge, cognition, understanding and awareness. In the field of tourism, museums also play an important role in teaching culture through cultural tourism and heritage. From this approach, museums are a unique cultural place to provide information and cultural attractions related to the region or ethnic group or nation to the audience and tourists and play an important role in the development of heritage tourism. Kalbadi Museum House is one of the unique museums in Mazandaran province, which according to the statistics obtained in this research has a 60% share in the development of cultural heritage tourism in Sari. This situation is related to the collective and integrated presentation of human cultural works to the audience, which can increase their level of satisfaction.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Nowadays, tourism is being planned as one of the strategies of economic development in many countries. Even so, tourism planning due to its dynamic and complex nature requires a comprehensive and targeted approach to development. Murphy believes that a tourism destination is located within a system that, as an intermediary, allows local residents and tourists to meet on the spot and provides tourists with various components of the tourism product in terms of accommodation, services and attractions. Understanding of stakeholders’ perception of tourism effects and their support for the tourism development process has been the subject of much research. Various models including social exchange theory, tourism life cycle and segmentation have been used to study stakeholders. In the social exchange method, the tourism host community examines the cost-benefit. In the segmentation theory, the costs and benefits of different departments or groups are examined, and in the life cycle theory, tourism evaluation is considered over time. In order to achieve sustainable tourism development in Lahijan, it is necessary to study stakeholders' perceptions of tourism development. Therefore, this research seeks two aims. First, it assesses the current state of tourism development from the perspective of stakeholders to determine its sustainability level and then examines the difference between stakeholders’ perception and its significance. Therefore, the following questions were formulated in terms of the research purpose 1. what is the level of tourism development of Lahijan city from viewpoint of sustainability? 2. Is there a significant difference between stakeholders' perceptions (local residents, officials, investors and tourists) regarding the tourism impacts sustainability in Lahijan? Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method of research. Documentary (library studies) and field (questionnaire) methods were used to collect the required data. The statistical population of this study includes local residents, managers, tourists and investors in Lahijan, which was determined by Cochran formula. Data were analyzed by using of mean and one-way analysis of variance in SPSS 25 software. Results and discussion: Data analysis showed that in view of economic perception, tourism development is in the mean (3/34) and above average in Lahijan city. Compared this between groups, it also showed that economic perception is at the suitable and moderate level from the standpoint of investors and managers, locals and tourists, respectively. A survey of the tourism development in terms of social also showed that the overall of the stakeholders’ perception was at an average level (3/16), but the highest level of social perception was for investors and the lowest was for managers. Local residents and tourists also rank second and third place, respectively. Physical development caused by tourism development is also in an undesirable condition (2/8) in Lahijan, as all four stakeholder groups confirmed it. Environmentally, the average situation in Lahijan is at an average level (3/07). The highest level of environmental perception was for investors (3/14) and the lowest one was for local residents (2/86). Managers and tourists are ranked second and third spots, with scores of 3/28 and 3, respectively. In general, the comparison of stakeholders in the four dimensions of tourism development in Lahijan indicated that the highest level of development is allocated to economic variables and the lowest level of development is belonged to physical ones. Social and environmental dimensions were ranked second and third, respectively. In addition, The Fisher test statistics presented that the environmental, economic and social perception of the stakeholders with 99% confidence had a significant difference, while there was no significant difference between the stakeholders. The quality of mean differences for stakeholder groups also showed that in terms of perception, investors are in high-level and managers are in low-level. Also, tourists and residents are ranked second and third. The Tukey test also indicated that there were two groups of perceptions in Lahijan. The first group includes managers, residents and tourists, while the second group consists only of investors. Conclusions: Understanding stakeholders’ perceptions is one of the key factors of tourism development in a destination. Planning from top to bottom, regardless of all stakeholders has led to a lack of tourism sustainable development, especially in Iran and Lahijan city. It is widely believed that tourism sustainable development is the only way to make the most optimal use of the tourism industry. Proper and systematic planning is needed to identify the key factors of tourism sustainable development. In none of the tourism development processes in Lahijan has been provided the necessary background for the participation of local residents and tourists. While local residents, as main owners of tourism destination, play a key role in the tourism development process. So that, the consent and satisfaction of local residents to attract tourists can extend the lifecycle of a destination. The productivity and benefit of managers and investors are somewhat clear. Managers are looking to attract more investors and thus fund the city's public spending through taxation and investors are also looking for an opportunity to make more profit at a lower cost. In the meantime, tourists and especially local residents do not have the power and necessary context to participate in the tourism development process.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: The knowledge about the existing situation in the process of development has a determining effect on the knowledge about the correct path of planning towards the development of tourism and Butler’ s model or theory regarding the tourism area life cycle is one of the best tools in this respect which has been approved by specialists in the field of tourism as a valid scientific theory from its first publication in the early 1980s to the present in a lapse of more than 40 years. From the beginning to the present, a lot of methods have been applied to identify diverse stages of the life cycle and a lot of effort has been made to bring the theory into practice and that is what the present article is also about. The determination of the position of any destination in the life cycle of tourism destination logically follows a three-stage process. Initially, it is required that the features of the different stages in life cycle be pointed out, the conditions of these parameters in the six-staged life cycle of Butler be stated exactly and finally in order to determine the position of the destination, its present conditions be matched with the relevant parameter of each stage. Methodology: Accordingly, the variables of the different stages in the life cycle have been extracted in the form of 20 parameters from theoretical studies which can be categorized in three groups; the quantity of tourists, the style of traveling, and the condition of the destination. Then the conditions of these parameters in each stage of the cycle are examined. Since one of the major problems of Butler’ s model is the absence of an exact borderline between these different stages, instead of attributing the options and the stages to each other, the upper and lower bounds is determined for each option. Based on the final algorithm of the position of destination in each specific stage of its evolution, it will be proved if and only if the option related to that stage has the correct value in all the parameters. Results and discussion: The life cycle of a tourist destination has been regularly tested since Butler's initial proposal in 1980. In this research, time series have been used mainly for tourism purposes that have long-term historical information and statistics. More recently, Garay et al. (2011) Used to study various periods of the tourist life cycle in Catalonia. Efforts have also been made to quantify and use mathematical models. Also, some studies have focused only on a specific stage of the cycle (mainly the stages of recession and decline) and have described the characteristics of that stage. Research on the Butler model covers a wide range from a single attraction such as Niagara Falls to destinations with diverse attractions such as Lancaster, northwestern Canada, Yellowstone and the Smoky Mountains. Also during this period, various tourist attractions and resources, including beaches, islands and mountains, have been studied from various angles such as model validity, social, environmental and economic changes during the life cycle stages or tourism planning. Conclusions: In case of a problem in the cycle and there is a zero violation after entering the defect elimination cycle, first the two indicators of travel organization and length of stay are removed and the process continues again to achieve the correct result. To delete the index, the value of all the fields associated with that value row is actually filled in correctly. If the problem persists after the error message is returned by returning to the next index entry stage for the accommodation and loyalty indicators if they have a correct option. Two options are entered correctly; And as before, the process continues until the result is achieved. In this process, priority is given to indicators that have a lower degree of validity. Obviously, the indicators that an option was used to respond to must have been stored somewhere before. In case of a problem in the cycle and there is a violation of more than one, entering the defect elimination cycle is done like the second part of zero defect, with the difference that by returning to the entry stage of the next index with the same priority for the four indicators of travel organization, length of stay, The way of residence or loyalty, if they have two right options, one is considered the right option and the process continues until the correct result is obtained. If the algorithm is not applied correctly in the destination application even after the defect elimination cycle, the accuracy of the entered information should be re-examined or the subject should be evaluated as an exception, although the probability of this event is very small and zero.

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عملکرد موزه ها به عنوان جاذبه های محوری گردشگری میراث، از اهمیت شایانی در جذب گردشگران برخوردار است. مقاله حاضر به بررسی توسعه گردشگری میراث فرهنگی با تاکید بر عملکرد نهاد موزه در شهر تاریخی ساری پرداخته است. داده های پژوهش با روش کتابخانه ای (مطالعه منابع مکتوب) و میدانی (ابزار پرسشنامه) گردآوری شده است. برای پردازش و تحلیل داده ها نیز از نرم افزار spss و آزمون های اتا، پیرسون، تی تک نمونه ای و رگرسیون خطی استفاده شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد، میان نگرش زنان و مردان نسبت اهمیت توسعه گردشگری میراث در شهر ساری تفاوتی دیده نمی شود. اما نگرش این دو جنس نسبت به اهمیت عملکرد موزه متفاوت است. بعد عملکرد موزه، تاثیر معناداری بر توسعه گردشگری میراث فرهنگی داشته است. بتای محاسبه شده برای بعد عملکرد موزه خانه کلبادی، نشانگر سهم بیش از 60 درصدی آن بر توسعه گردشگری میراث فرهنگی و اهمیت عملکرد موزه است. در این خصوص باید اذعان داشت، آنچه مخاطب در موزه با آن مواجه می شود، مجموعه ای از فعالیت های تخصصی است. در حقیقت رابط میان مخاطبان و اشیاء فرهنگی صامت در موزه ها، عملکرد موزه است که عمدتا از طریق نیروی انسانی متخصص طراحی و اجرا می شود. همچنین معیار عملکرد فنی موزه با بتای 404/0 بیشترین سهم را در توسعه گردشگری میراث داشته است که نشانگر رعایت دقیق مسایل حفاظتی در موزه است. معیار کیفیت خدمات نیز با بتای 075/0 کمترین سهم را در توسعه گردشگری میراث داشته است، این وضعیت با کمیت و کیفیت ارایه خدمات فرهنگی توسط موزه و کارکنان آن به گردشگران در ارتباط است.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Today, most resources around the world are consumed in cities with high economic importance and poor environmental performance. Global carbon dioxide emissions, largely due to urban growth and a major contributor to climate change, have increased by 45% over the 20-year period (1990 to 2010). The environmental problems and urban sprawl emphasize the importance of new sustainable solutions in communities. It requires the development of Smart urban spaces that provides the necessary platform to reach the sustainable city. Due to the rapid and pervasive development of digital and mobile technologies, the everyday life of people has been profoundly influenced in urban communities and the behavior and interests has been changed. Methodology: Due to the novelty of the concept of cyber park and the newness of ongoing cyber park projects in different parts of the world, in this research, an attempt has been made to take advantage of the features of the content analysis method, accurate and systematic analysis of research and actions taken. In this regard, while extracting and developing concepts related to cyber park, a summary of research findings in the form of a cyber park conceptual model is presented. In this way, based on the researches and actions performed and the analyzes performed during the research stages, the main functional areas are identified and extracted. In the continuation of the research, in one stage, the content and components of each functional area are categorized and presented separately, and in the next stage, through analysis and comparison, the interactions and interactions of different functional areas are determined. Finally, the activities that can be formed in cyberspace are explained. These activities arise from the interactions of three functional areas, including influencers and tourists, urban tourism spaces, and information and communication technology. Results and discussion: Cyberpark is being developed via the co-creation approach through digital interactions and built environment. So consecrating both virtual systems and real systems in nature, Cyberpark can establish a balance between digital and human life. A world of intelligent environments where sensors and computers are seamlessly embedded to enhance ordinary park activities, places where the landscape itself might respond to people moving through it. Tourism development relies on good public infrastructure. Cyberpark can influence public policy for infrastructure upgrade, making them more sustainable, innovative and resource-efficient and moving towards low carbon growth, thus attracting tourists and other sources of foreign investment. This Cyber-physical system allows tourists to exchange information, share knowledge, experiences, and transfer technology and innovation as drivers of future growth. Due to the new concept of Cyberpark and emerging similar innovations offering new forms for the future, this research supports a wide range of assumption, theoretical background, and previous technical approaches to analysis “ smart UPS” , “ smart torism” “ ICT” , and digital interactions of people in urban socio-cultural environment, and attempts to develop the “ conceptual model of Cyberpark” . The aim of Cyberpark is to use ICT Through co-creation to improve the values of public and tourism spaces and extensively the functions of them from different aspects. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that Cyberparks are known to have three main functional areas includes: stakeholders and tourists, urban tourism spaces, and ICT. It consequently explains that how people and tourist experience the city, appreciate the environment, along with the way they interrelate to each other and with the urban space. The interaction of the activities in this cyber-physical context is beneficial for the environment, and should be the basis of development that would make cities more attractive places for living, visiting and working, since it is people who bring life to public spaces.

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Ezatpanah Bakhtiar


Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Urban tourism due to the complexities of urban systems, the most important components of which are uncertainty, acceleration of developments, increasing urban competition, complexity of citizens' needs and unpredictability of things provided by the growth of technology and information technology requires principled and purposeful management that is not possible with traditional methods. The inability to accurately predict the future, as well as the complexities of increasing change, has led researchers to harness the capabilities of emerging future research knowledge and to incorporate futurism into the planning and anticipation of scientific and technological developments. The tourism industry is influenced by specific driver forces such as political, institutional, economic, socio-cultural, environmental and physical parameters and, development process of that depends on how these various driving forces influenced or impressed. Also, these driving forces have different communications with each other that make the future of this industry. Methodology: This research aims to identify the most effective driver forces in the future outlook of the tourism industry in Baneh city and to analysis cross effects on each other. The present research has been conducted in terms of applied purpose, as a survey approach from the perspective scrolling method in Exploratory level and based on a futuristic approach. Given the matter of this research, first, some experts and executive officials who should participate in this subject identified and then effective driving forces determined by using Delphi Methodology and documentary studies. Also, structural analysis and Mic Mac software used for weighting and identifying the most important impacts on tourism industry in Baneh city. The number of Delphi participants who were identified and contributed to the research consisted of 15 experts and executive officials associated with tourism industry of the city. Results and discussion: To achieve this goal, first 15 experts and executives who should be involved in the discussion were identified and selected, and then the most important drivers of tourism in Baneh were identified and scored using the Delphi method and a questionnaire. Finally, cross-matrices were formed in 50 drivers and five categories of political-institutional, economic, cultural-social, environmental and physical factors. In the next step, the obtained weights were applied using Mick Mac software. Finally, ten key drivers were identified as the most important drivers of future development of Baneh tourism industry. The results of this research indicated that, with considering high value of the direct and indirect effectiveness, 10 key driver forces of 50 variables, such as adoption and implementation of the free trade-industrial zone, construct factories and establish industries, foreign and private investment prosperity, and development special economic zone are effective in the future of tourism industry in Baneh city. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that the key and important drivers for the development of tourism industry in Baneh, which are the same two-dimensional variables are: approval and implementation of free trade-industrial zone, establishment of factories and industries in the region, prosperity of foreign investment, increasing private sector investment., Strengthening the special economic zone and Siranband market, improving the economic and financial situation of the people, regional competition with Marivan, Sardasht and Javanroud and access to international markets In addition, influential or intermediate variables also play a key role in the future of Baneh tourism industry, which are: exchange rates and prices of imported goods, strengthening relations between Iran and the Kurdistan Region and developing the country's political and security stability.

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Zeytounli Abdol Hamid


Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Tourists need information about the destination in order to choose tourism destinations. They are constantly gathering information from the mass media, including television, satellite, the Internet, and so on. Although these resources provide valuable information to the tourist, tourists prefer to receive a significant portion of the information that they need from the advice and word-of-mouth of friends, relatives and acquaintances. In tourism marketing analysis, word-of-mouth advice leads to reduce marketing costs to attract visitors. Also, the destination advice to others is a sign of a person's positive experience and satisfaction of the tourism destination. In a competitive tourism market, utilization of powerful advertising tools to influence the attitude and behavior of tourists to choose tourism destinations is one of the most important challenges in marketing. Due to the intense and growing interest of people, sports tourism is one of the leading and important sectors of the tourism industry and sporting events are as one of the key tools in attracting tourists and destinations marketing. Word-of-mouth advertising of sports tourists present at the event is one of the best advertising tools in a competitive market. Therefore, according to the importance of sporting events on attracting tourists and its impact on the destination word-of-mouth advertising, the present study has been codified with the aim of investigating the factors affecting the word-of-mouth advertising of sports tourists in Gonbade Kavous tourism destination. Methodology: The study, is applied research based on the purpose and is descriptive-correlational one in terms of collecting data method. Also, in point of the collected data, it is a quantitative (questionnaire) type that has been implemented in the field. The statistical population of the research was all professors, senior managers, tour leaders, coaches, referees, members of the media and tourists at Gonbade Kavous sports tourism destinations, especially the traditional equestrian sporting event in the spring of 1398, which 374 people as a statistical sample were selected by simple random technique. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were assessed and confirmed by 6 experts and also by using of Cronbach’ s alpha correlation coefficient and combined reliability, respectively. Data analysis was performed by using of structural equation method via SMART PLS V2. 0 M3 software. Results and discussion: In view of the fact that the factor loading of the observed variables on the related structures are between 0/667 and 0/988, and all of them are significant at the 1% error level. The results indicate that service quality structures, perceived value and relationship marketing, as well as the image of equestrian sporting event, have a positive and significant effect on tourists' satisfaction of the tourism destination (P <0/05), perceived value structures, marketing relationship and image of equestrian sporting events have a positive and significant effect on building trust in tourism destination (P <0/05), the quality of services provided in the event does not have a significant effect on trust in tourism at the 5% error level (P> 0/05), tourist satisfaction, trust and loyalty structures have a positive and significant effect on word-of-mouth advertising of tourists (P <0/05), as well as satisfaction quality and tourists’ trust of the event have a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of tourists to destination (P <0/05). The main criterion in the structural model evaluation is the coefficient of determination(R2), that refers to the amount of variance explained by extrinsic structures. The results show that extrinsic structures (service quality, relationship marketing, perceived value and event image) explain 32/1% of structural changes of tourist satisfaction of the event; 2/21% of the tourists' trust structure changes to the event are also explicated by the perceived value, relationship marketing and event image structures; the tourist’ s satisfaction and trust to the event, accompanied by the loyalty structure, demonstrate 24. 7% of the changes of the tourism destination word-of-mouth advertising structure; and 9% of the loyalty structure changes are also explained by the tourists ‘ trust and satisfaction structures. Also, the values of the Acetone-Gisser (Q2) coefficient for the satisfaction, trust, loyalty structures and word-of-mouth advertising are greater than zero, which indicates the appropriate ability of the structural model in forecasting. Conclusion: The results of the research indicate that the word-of-mouth advertising of tourists is directly affected by loyalty, satisfaction and trust and also it is indirectly influenced by the quality of services, relationship marketing, perceived value and mental image, respectively. Based on the study’ s results, it can be concluded that with increasing of tourist’ s trust, satisfaction and loyalty, the word-of-mouth recommendation of the destination will be enhanced by tourists. If tourists trust to a destination due to the experience of service quality and the formation of a positive mental image during the sporting event, they will get satisfaction from the tourism destination and so become loyal to the destination and finally, offer it to others. The important Conclusion of the research is that the experience of the tourists in the traditional equestrian sporting event of Gonbade Kavous and gaining pleasure and excitement from equestrian competitions causes satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth advertising during and after the trip. Therefore, in order to create tourist’ s loyalty and their word-of-mouth advertising, it is recommended that managers and officials of tourism destination management must have continuous communication and evaluation of the services quality, value and perceived mental image of tourists of the event and destination in order to improve the tourist’ s satisfaction, trust and loyalty to develop the word-of-mouth advertising of the destination with sufficient awareness and knowledge of weaknesses and strengths.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy that has been considered as a clean industry and, while increasing foreign exchange earnings, has helped the national economy to generate employment and revenue. As a leading industry, it has played an important role in the development of a range of other industries, notably hospitality, domestic and international transportation, and handicrafts. Due to the fact that Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad is one of the provinces with diverse potential and climatic conditions for attracting domestic and foreign tourists and according to the importance of tourism industry and its incomes, the need to pay attention to it must be on the agenda. The existence of tourist attractions in the historical, cultural and natural attractions fields in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province can be the basis for the growth and development of various economic, environmental, social and improve the quality of life of the people in the province. However, the tourism industry in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province has not received much attention and the available statistics show the weakness and lack of proper planning and management of this industry in the province. Therefore, the present study attempts to identify the key factors and major drivers involved in tourism development in the province and then, by designing the most desirable and feasible scenarios in the future, provide a flexible policy and appropriate planning to the region. It also enables the development of tourism industry in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, utilizing strategic and forward-looking management approaches and relying on scenario-based planning models. Methodology: The type of research based on purpose is applied-developmental and in terms of nature and method, it is analytical-exploratory. The method of collecting information was based on library studies (taking notes and documentation) and field studies (questionnaire and interview). The studied Statistical population included experts and specialists in the relevant subject who were selected by using of non-probability and purposeful sampling. Structural analysis, scenario writing and Delphi technique have been used in this study and also Scenario Wizard and MIC MAC software programs have been applied. In this study, 25 individuals were selected as the sample of the statistical population of experts. Finally, based on their frequency of their response in each paired matrix houses, a general questionnaire for structural modeling was prepared. After the structural analysis model, 25 experts were interviewed. The type of interview was a semi-structured one in which all respondents were asked similar questions and the researcher has been responsible for encrypting the answers and classifying them. Results and discussion: Based on the results of data analysis via structural analysis model and MIC MAC software, out of 40 indices, 12 indices were selected as the most important ones that affecting tourism development of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. Among the 12 key indicators affecting the system, there are eight indicators from the planning and management variable, three indicators of service variable, and one index of the economic variable group that the results indicated a significant difference between the planning and management variables with the other studied ones. Wizard scenario software results also showed that five scenarios with strong adaptation and 541 scenarios with poor adaptation are facing the province tourism development. In total of five major scenarios for the tourism development of the province, most of the scenarios were in desirable situation, which indicates a promising condition for the tourism development of province. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that five scenarios with strong adaptation and 541 scenarios with poor adaptation are facing tourism development of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province. Out of 5 strong scenarios for tourism development in the province, most of the scenarios were in desirable condition that indicates a promising situation for tourism development of the study area. From the 60 possible scenarios in strong ones, 47% (28) had a desirable situation, 33% (20) had a relatively favorable situation, and 20% had a critical situation. Among the strong adaptation scenarios, scenario number one included the best situation for the future of province's tourism development. Scenario two and three were next, considering both the future situation and the current trend for the province's tourism development. Scenario four considered most of the current trend for tourism development of the province and was in a relatively favorable position. The next and final stage belonged to scenario five, which includes critical situations for the tourism development of the province. According to the results of the research, the most important strategy for tourism development in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province can be selected based on competitiveness and program-based strategy.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: The concept of destination marketing has been a key factor in the strategy of many local communities for more than a decade, seeking to gain a competitive advantage in a particular field (eg, production, tourism, art, sports). Today, Tourism destinations have fierce competition with each other. Tourist destinations marketing provides a way to differentiate a destination from its competitors and is considered as an important tool to increase the competitiveness of tourism destinations. Revisit Intention is one of the concepts considered in destination marketing. One of the issues facing tourism marketers is determining the factors associated with the intention to revisit tourists so that they can be effective in re-attracting current tourists. The destination brand image is an important factor in the development of tourism and destination marketing. In fact, tourists travel to destinations to visit their mental images. The destination personality attributes human personality traits (eg, intimate, exciting, attractive, etc. ) to a tourist destination. The character of the destination creates a special kind of tourism experience. In fact, the tourism experience is the essence of the tourism industry and hospitality. Researchers argue that memorable tourism experiences affect tourist satisfaction and are the best predictor of future tourist behavior. The present study examines the impact of the destination brand image on the revisit intention, introduces suitable grounds for the success of tourism destinations, and offers strategies to guide tourism managers. Therefore, this study examines the mediating role of selected components of tourist destination marketing, including the memorable experience of tourism, destination personality and satisfaction in the relationship between the destination image and the intention to revisit the tourist destination. Methodology: The present study is an applied and descriptive-correlational research. The statistical population of the study included tourists visiting Ardabil in the spring of 2019. Also in the present study, the data collection tool is the standard questionnaire consisting of 26 main questions for the variables of the destination brand image, intention to revisit the destination, destination personality, experience and satisfaction of the destination, which is based on 5-point Likert range. According to Morgan's table, the sample size was estimated at 384 people. We distribute 450 questionnaires and 420 complete questionnaires were collected and analyzed. Cronbach's alpha results and the combined reliability coefficient (CR) confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire. To analyze the hypotheses, Lisrel software and structural equation modeling methods were used to test the hypotheses derived from the theoretical research model. Results and discussion: This group of people, with a total of 160 people, accounted for 38. 1% of the total sample size. In addition, people with a bachelor's degree show a higher frequency than other members of the sample. With a large population of 223, the group accounted for a total of 53. 1% of the total sample. Also, in the study of the number of trips to Ardabil, 4 to 5 times with a frequency of 150 people had the highest frequency. In the variable study period of residence, 2 to 3 days with a frequency of 122 people, in total, 29% of the total sample has been allocated. Also, in the study of income variable, it was found that people with an income of 10 to 20 million Rials with 168 people had the highest frequency. The first hypothesis of the research states that the destination image affects the intention to revisit it; the T-value of this hypothesis is 7. 79, which indicates that this hypothesis is confirmed. Also, the beta coefficient of this hypothesis (β ) is equal to 0. 76, since the path coefficient obtained is positive, so this relationship is direct. In order to test the other three hypotheses of the research, which have an intermediate variable, the Sobel test was used according to the obtained path coefficient. The z-value of the three hypotheses-that had a intermediate variable-was 2. 38, 8. 45 and 2. 65. Based on the results of the research, it can be said that the destination personality, the memorable experience of the tourist and the satisfaction of the destination in the relationship between the destination brand image and the revisit intention, have a positive and significant mediating role. Conclusion: The results of the hypotheses confirmed the positive relationship between the destination brand image and the revisit intention and also confirmed the mediating role of the destination personality, experience and satisfaction of the destination; therefore, focusing on improving the brand image of the destination can be one of marketing strategies to increase competitiveness and differentiation of destination. Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that the destination management improve the mental image of the destination among tourists by carrying out advertising and promotional activities. Based on the obtained results, it is suggested that the destination managers, create the facilities of tourism infrastructure and valuable features in the tourist destinations, in order to improve the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists to the destination. According to the research results, destination managers should pay more attention to improving the quality of tourists' experience when determining and formulating long-term strategies; In order to create the facilities of tourism infrastructure and valuable features in tourism destinations, more serious efforts should be made to improve the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists to their destinations. Also, in order to motivate the reuse of tourism services, the consumption behavior of tourists should be analyzed and their basic needs should be identified.

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Introduction: In many successful countries, cities are the basis for the development of the tourism industry, and urban tourism plays an important role in increasing welfare, improving community mobility, reconstruction and urban sustainable development. Sports tourism can be recognized as the motivation and goal of tourism in cities and has the potential to become a trans-sectoral thing in this industry. Cities have many attractions for sports tourism, and the development of the sports tourism industry can be an important and effective factor on the growth of urban development. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to develop competitive strategies and development of sports tourism in cities by using of the Meta SWOT technique that was performed as a case study on the metropolis of Mashhad. Methodology: According to the studied components, the present research is applied and descriptive-analytical one in terms of targeting and the research method, respectively. This research has been done quantitatively and qualitatively. To develop the theoretical framework for research and review of past research, library (documentary) studies and also the survey method in the form of field surveys and interviews as a tool for collecting information related to research have been used. In the qualitative part of the research, the goals, resources, capabilities and environmental factors that effective on the development of sports tourism through library studies and in-depth interviews with ten experts in the field of sports tourism (five professors of sports management, three deputies of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts and two PhD students in Sports Management), were identified to compose the Meta-SWOT questionnaire. Data collection was based on Delphi method and Delphi team selection was based on targeted sampling method. The statistical population in the quantitative research section consists of all managers, officials, experts and professors of the university, who have a history of scientific and practical activities related to sports tourism, and finally 35 people participated in this research as a statistical sample. 73% of the participants in the study were male and 27% were females. Also, most of the participants in the study were 65 years old and the youngest were 25 years old, and the total average age of the people in this study was 38 years. 40% of people had a doctorate, 32% had a master's degree and 28% had a bachelor's degree. Also, the participants in the study included 11 research professors and faculty members of universities, nine PhD students in sports management, ten deputies and employees of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization of Khorasan Razavi province and five ones from managers of travel and tourism agencies. Results and discussion: The results showed that the factors of technology, inflation and non-response of infrastructures were considered as the biggest macro-environmental obstacles for the development of sports tourism in Mashhad and due to the size of their bubbles, they need to be considered more by the authorities. Other macro-environmental factors such as the imposition of sanctions, laws and regulations, popular culture, the ability of the country's executive branch, and political instability, were ranked next in terms of the impact and necessity of executive action. Among the factors affecting the success and development of sports tourism in Mashhad, security, government support, ease of provision of suitable accommodation, health, appropriate communication channels and at the top of all dynamic economies had the highest strategic proportion. In other words, they are more valuable, unimaginable and irreplaceable than other factors; therefore, special attention should be paid to these factors in order to develop tourism in the city of Mashhad. And even the authorities must be try to promote and develop these factors. Creating diversity in the attractions of sports tourism in Mashhad, the geographical location and as well as diversifying access and solving some kind of climate and environmental restrictions of it must be considered as priority. Conclusion: Finally, it can be concluded that the development of sports tourism in Mashhad depends on the priority factors that were identified as the most important indicators of the development of sports tourism. As the results indicated, dynamic economy is the most important factor for attracting and developing sports tourism in Mashhad; But a dynamic economy can be achieved when environmental barriers such as inflation, sanctions, and technological and technological issues are taken into account. This means that all factors must be taken into account and that the development of tourism will not be provided by upgrading one sector; Because the identified factors, such as chain links, are interconnected. Also, since the city of Mashhad has a high competitiveness among Iranian ones, so that there is a lot of position for improvement and by upgrading the infrastructure and facilities in the shadow of government support, it must hold various sporting events to promote sports tourism.

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Introduction: Nowadays, tourism industry is one of the main economic activity among the countries. Tourism help countries to improve their infrastructures, services, and as a result, it generates a lot of activity and job creation. One of the more recent and important branch of tourism is health tourism, in this form of tourism, tourists go to medical services. Health tourism, as a branch of tourism, has many positive economic effects, especially that it has been emphasized on job creation in Iran. Considering the position of Iran in the Middle East and the potential in health and cure system, it is necessary to pay more attention to this industry in today's competitive world. The metropolis of Tabriz, the biggest city in the north west of Iran and its close proximity to the provinces of West Azerbaijan, Kurdistan and Ardabil and the nearby Caucasian countries, has provided a good place to attract health tourists by introducing its abilities for absorbing of tourists from the above mentioned cities. The intention to revisit the tourism destinations is one of the important factors which determining the success of tourism destinations. Investigating the factors influencing the intention of tourists to visit tourism destinations can help tourism manager and planners to achieve the success of tourism destinations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the great value of health services in Tabriz on the intention of revisiting this tourist destination among health tourists traveling to Tabriz. this study has four hypotheses;-The destination image of Tabriz medical services has an effect on loyalty to this tourism destination-The perceived quality of health services of Tabriz effects on the loyalty of visitors.-The perceived value of health services of Tabriz has an effect on the loyalty of visitors.-The satisfaction from health services of Tabriz effects on the loyalty of visitors. Many researches have dealt with the health tourism in recent years but in the case of Iran and especially in Tabriz there is a few researches; this fact point out the value of study in this field. Methodology: The statistical population of this study included tourists visiting health centers and hospitals of Tabriz in the summer of 2018. About 385 of them were randomly selected as samples. Data were collected via a 45-item questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by using of content validation and the reliability was assessed based on Cronbach's alpha test. SPSS software was also used to analyze the data. The questionnaire was made up from five variables such as destination brand image, effect of destination image, perceived quality of health services, perceived value of health services and satisfaction, which every variable had its own indicators. These indicators were extracted from literature review. For the first variable, eight indicators were used. The second Variable had 12 indicators and for the third, fourth and fifth variables; twelve, six and seven indicators were applied, respectively. Then the data were analyzed, at first the normality test were used based on K-S normality test. Because of the test result which showed abnormality of data in this research we applied the nonparametric statistical methods. Hence at first Spearman’ s correlation method was exerted. Then multivariate linear regression was applied for analyzing. Results and discussion: From 385 people which were the research sample; about 57. 7 percent were male and 42. 3 percent were female. Exploring of sample age showed that 40. 5 percent of samples were in age 18-29 years' old which were highest frequency in the sample, and about 92. 2 percent of samples were from northwest and west of country. The first analysis which was applied on the questionaries' answer, was Normality checking, in this research we used K. S method for evaluation of normality, the result of this analysis indicated that the data which gathered from questionnaires were not normal, so Spearman correlation test was used. The result of correlation analysis demonstrated that between destination image and loyalty had correlation rate about 0. 657, and for perceived quality and perceived value with loyalty the rates were 0. 724 and 0. 753 respectively. Finally, correlation rate for satisfaction and loyalty was 0. 689. All coefficients were significant at the level of 0. 95. Multivariate linear regression showed a general correlation coefficient between the variables equal to 0. 63. The result for F test was about 166. 893. Conclusion: The main goal of this research was to investigate the effect of brand equity on the absorption of visitors and tourists in the health services field. The Intention to revisit is one of the main factors in sustainability of tourism. Many factors could influence the intention to revisit. The research findings showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between destination image, perceived quality, perceived value and satisfaction with tourists' loyalty. Actually these factors effect on the intention to revisit. Among the mentioned variables, satisfaction index with 31% beta coefficient had the greatest effect on the loyalty of health tourists to Tabriz health centers. And the second more important variable had 26% beta coefficient, which was perceived value. For the third variable i. e. perceived quality, the beta coefficient was 23%. Finally, the lowest beta coefficient was related to the destination image variable. As the results revealed the main factor which could effect on the health tourism trend and brand image of Tabriz is satisfaction of health services on one hand, that means services providers must pay more attention on this factor. On the other hand, the perceived value and perceived quality are the second more important variables, beside the satisfaction for health providers. The results of this study were in line with previous research, so that satisfaction was emphasized in the research of Hutchinson et al. (2009) as well as in the studies of Williams and Sutter (2009).

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