The efforts for better planning of power systems from various viewpoints, such as economic, technical, and environmental, for reliably meeting the demand are continued. The unit commitment (UC) is one of these planning problems. In this paper, the security-constrained unit commitment problem is addressed with focusing on the strategic importance of electrical energy in the presence of smart grids. To achieve this, firstly, a comprehensive UC model, amalgamating with emergency demand response programs (EDRP), is presented. To adapt the model with war condition, a modified form of EDRP, the so called strategic EDRP, is also proposed. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming problem solved via the GAMS. Then, to investigate the impacts of smart demand response programs on the reliability of load meeting, several scenarios are conducted regarding a stochastic contingency model for generating units under war condition. It is found in result evaluation that smart demand side contribution under war condition can increase reliability and so decreases the costs.