Seismic analysis of earth and rockfill dams is generally done in two ways: quasi-static and dynamic. However, a quasi-static method with easy application and simple assumptions may lead to unsafe and uneconomical results. In the present study, two static and dynamic analyzes have been used nonlinearly using the Rayleigh Damping rule to calculate the stress and strain of Azadi Dam in the stages of the end of construction and steady-state seepage. Also, in numerical analysis, Abaqus software and simple elastoplastic behavior model based on the Mohr-Coulomb criterion have been used. The results show that in both quasi-static and dynamic seismic analysis, the highest strain of the Azadi Dam core occurred at the upper levels of the core and the highest stress occurred at the level of the core floor. The stress in the dynamic state is higher than the quasi-static one in the directions σ xx 49%, σ xy 30%, and σ yy 28%. Also, the maximum crust stress on the floor, middle and upper levels is 29%, 68%, and 72% higher than the core, respectively.