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In the past half-century and especially in the past two decades the expression “mystical epic” has gained significant prevalence in the field of literary studies, and even some researchers have assumed the existence of a “mystical epic” as an independent genre in Persian literature. This study on the basis of the genre theory shows that against some similarities between some aspects of epic texts and some of examples of sufist literature, it is not possible to verify this assumption from the point of view of genre critic, because the acceptance of such genre is not matched with the intention of the sufi authors which is an important factor in determining the genre, and also it does not create any useful augury for the reader and lastly it does not offer any help for an accurate and reasonable classification of the species of Persian literature. Furthermore in explaining the extant similarities paying attention to the “mode” and the phenomenon “mixture of species” and the wonderful stability of the eastern and especially Persian forms of literature and also the interchange of the themes and concepts between various forms makes a reasonable explanation and formulation more possible.

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Qá 'im Maqam Farahani’s Monsha’at has been considered as follower of prose style in Sadi's Golestan. Monsha’at is a collection of letters, introductions, monographs and other texts that he has written to politicians of Qajar era to show his agreement or disagreement with them, which due to its eloquent and proper prose style is considered as a great prose sample of of Qajar era, has been paid attention by critics and experts. Mostly, Experts has paid attention to the rhetorical aspects of Monsha’at such as pleasant rhyme and short sentences and have compared these aspects with prose style of Golestan, but the extent and manner of affidavit in both works that shows other facts about the influence of prose style in Golestan onQá 'im Maqam’s prose style has not been considered yet. Affidavit that is considered as mentioning a verse of Quran, hadith, or a verse of other poems as a confirmation of writer or poet’s idea-in Monsha’at prose –in comparison with prose style of Golestan-has some differences and similarities. Each of these differences and similarities like criteria shows the level of influence that Monsha’at had taken from Golestan. In this paper, the differences and similarities are examined deeply and eventually it is determined that the how close or far the prose style in Monsha’at is to prose style in Golestan.

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About the great figures of history, such as kings, ministers and men of politics, writers, jurisprudents and scholars. . . From the ancient times to the present day, special works have been written and sometimes in the text of some historical books this issue has been investigated. The same category of works should be mentioned in the books that have been introduced to the ministers. These works should be classified in a Persian prose poet as a book of the life of ministers. The purpose of this particular type is to find works that, like the books of general history from pre-Islamic to the epoch of the author, are examined in terms of the knowledge of the ministers or they have focused specifically on one of the historical periods. The background to these works dates back to Islam. In Arabic literature, such a Al-Zura Val Kottab, Al-Jahshyari, and Fakhri's history of Ibn al-Taqtaqi represent this literary form. In Persian literature, the book of life of ministers has been popular since the sixth century and has continued for centuries. Some of these works include: The Tarikhol Vozara najmaddin Qomi, Naseem al-Ashar Nasir al-Din Monshi Kermani, the Asarol Vozara Aghili and others. The book of minister's life is of historical, social, political and literary importance. Some of the works of this type of literary are corrected and printed, and some are still manuscripts and lithographs. In this article, the author attempted to mention the Persian works of this literary genre to study and characterize the features of this group of works from a structural point of view.

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Poetical works of Khaqani has been always in the center of attentions of exegetes due to containing meaningful and rich odes and they have tried to go through the poet’s mind by eliminating the literal and spiritual obstacles. Among Khaqani’s odes, Tarsaeiyeh attracts much concern. Exegetes have cared a lot to this ode because it includes shortened Christian expressions which you cannot find in any other odes and it makes you familiar with rituals of that religion. In this writing, the author tries to review one of the verses of this ode and gives a new interpretation for it. The writer is to examine the word “Isha” in a famous verse of Tarsaeiyeh ode and finally interpret it in a way which Khaqani himself intended to.

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This is different from art to history that the Artist, with its own selection and interpretation and reporting, provides the apparent irregularities of facts in a reasonable, limited, measured and disciplined design. Sharab-e-Kham (The Raw Wine) is one of the famous realistic novels written by Ismail Fasih. Its subject is some excerpts from historical events and problems of the forties and fifties (H. SH). The novel is consistent with components of social realism. In this paper we analyze the novel of the same view. Noticing to the author's own personal life, typical and representative situation of some families in the community, the function of newspapers and the role of some historical figures, and social relationships and ethics are of the novel’s contents. The outcome of this study is that the author has strengthened the realistic aspect of the novel using: the representation of facts, resorting to citing the news media, describing the details of events, creating Types, using colloquial language, remembering the name of some historical figures, reporting the news of bitter events, and presentation of the author’s character in the role of the Narrator. The method of this research is to match the details and elements in the novel and deducing a precise result to discover its realistic aspects and how It Matches With Social Reality.

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ZIRAK SAREH | Khazaee Fatemeh

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Iranian literature and culture are full of metaphysical deterministic trends that are associated with the Ash’ri approach. Metaphysical determinism is a theoretical approach about cognition and action and is not a legend making to be the simple subject of a morphological analysis. In this study we show the narrative pattern of the cognition and the action in two tales of the Javame-ol-Hekayat by Ofi based on the hypothesis that any meaning making is based on the understanding of the destruction of meaning and the quest of object value. The results show that in the determinist approach the cognition is eternal, and the transformation and metamorphosis do not occur in it. And the narrative cognition finds its coherence just if to be reduced as a cognitive unit and being transformed to an eternal metacognition.

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The mythical critique deals with the discovery of mental patterns and crystallization of them in literary works. The significance of this method is to examine myths from several points of view and examines social, cultural and psychological backgrounds in the creation of mythology. Because in this article, we want let's look at the origins and psychological backgrounds of myth, we choice among the various themes in various cultures, the theme of the "Myth of the Abandoned Child ". This is one of the main themes of the life of many gods, kings, heroes and prophets; therefore, it is very important to deal with it. In this article, we have attempted to Analyze the cycle of psychological evolution of the twelve characters of Shahnameh, which is an example of emancipation and exile in childhood, in the depths of their lives Based on the psychology of Carl Gustave Jung (1961-1875), a Swiss psychiatrist. In order to achieve a better result, with a special look at Iran's greatest epic book, Ferdowsi's Shahnameh will explore the dark and vague points of this remarkable mythology, as well as its decoding, from the perspective of Jung's psychology.

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Intertextuality is the result of the linguistic approach from the field of new critique in literature and it means looking at existing relationships between texts which creates new text and knows any literary text as a way of absorbing and transforming various texts in the past or at the same time. In the twentieth century, "Julia Kristeva", a French critic, presented this theory and was highly regarded by the critics. Although the term has been raised in the new critique, this phenomenon, with all its forms, has long been used in Persian literature, especially in folk literature and the most common form of this phenomenon is the reflection of the function of verses, vocabulary and meanings of the Holy Quran in a wide and different way in folk allusion which can only be achieved to its beauty by matching the theory of intertextuality. The present research is attempting to examine the types of inter-metamorphic Quranic verses with folk allusion with descriptive-analytic method, to be emphasized on the unbreakable bond of Islamic culture with Iranian interlaced literature. The results of the research show that folk allusion sometimes consider the words, the themes, the Quranic titles, as well as the characters and historical events as its inspiration, and the most intertextuality Quranic form used in the allegories is in the form of parallel negation (Amtsas).

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Literature as a cultural mirror of every nation is the most reliable source that reflects customs, rituals, and beliefs of people intentionally. Undoubtedly, literature of our nation is among richest and brightest literatures as the human precious wealth. In addition of its unique historic features, Bihaghi History Book is one of the most precious literature sources. The source that as more we contemplate we do fascinate more and also we discovered its historical, cultural and…values. One of the cases that take attention of this pernicious heritage reader is precise mentioning and delicate attention of events, incidents and rituals and… of Masoud Ghaznavi government because of sharp attendance of Abolfazl Beihaghi at the central affairs of Masoud Court. Description of Mahmood Ghaznavi death and empowerment of Masoud is one of the main parts of this book. It is in this part that Beihaghi in describing Mahmood mourning rituals, despite that period costumes and rituals and even previous eras(according to its contemporary literature) by explaining white wearing of Masoud and his followers in Mahmood and Khalifa empowered by god mourning rituals. The costume that was completely oppose of other mourning descriptions in various Persian literatures up to writer s period. As if mourning and its specific features are one of the most significant characteristic of every nation customs and rituals, studying its causes and finding roots and origins of these differences is one of the main purposes of this research.

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In the structural narratology there are two types of time for each narrative: time of the text, time of the story, arrangement, duration and frequency within the ‘time of the context’; calendar time and the sensory and emotional time in the range of ‘time of the story’ are the main topics of time in narratology knowledge. Although theorizing about the techniques and methods of time in historical and literary narratives is a new discussion and dates back to the twentieth century, style of storytelling in Kalileh and Demneh Stories, has provided an appropriate ground for layout of the main components of time in this work. This article is the result of a research that has studied the time in the main and secondary Tales of Kalileh and Demneh using the descriptive-deductive method and based on the theory of "time in narration". Result obtained from the research show that Kalileh and Demneh Tales have significant match with features "the time of the text". As in “duration” descriptive pause, stage of the play, summarizing and removing, have respectively higher frequencies, in “arrangement” frequency of after-look is more than that of pre-look and in the discussion on “frequency” more attention has been given to recount frequency than repeated frequency. These achievements show that despite having technical prose, Kalileh and Demneh, enjoys a moderate approach in narrating the stories and that, its circumlocution is never more than its brevity and moderation.

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