The present paper aims to investigate the semantic and pragmatic aspects of present perfect tense in Persian by applying the theoretical framework proposed by Declerck (2006, 2015). Firstly, by examining the predicated time situation in pre-present zone, we explicate semantic aspects of present perfect tense. Then, we will examine pragmatic interpretations of this tense by analyzing the relation between the full time situation and the pre-present domain. Accordingly, two semantic structures in Persian (pre-present and inclusive) are inferred which have three pragmatic roles (indefinite, up-to-now, and continuative). The Pre-present semantic structure can imply four pragmatic interpretations including experiential, hot news, recency and resultative. As for the recency present perfect, however, Persian uses a particular construction (past tense together with present tense adverbs). This construction involves a kind of informational conflict between the tense and the temporal adverb, highlighting a middle temporal state between past and present. On the other hand, the semantic structure of coincidence present perfect is made of a participle and a rightoriented temporal adverb. These adverbs cover the whole pre-present zone, projecting the event onto this zone. In some sentences produced by this construction, we can observe continuous aspect. Moreover, this construction carries an upto-now pragmatic interpretation. Nevertheless, it cannot convey a continuative interpretation, which is expressed in Persian mainly by a special construction (present tense together with retroactive continuative adverbs). In this construction there is also a semantic tension between the tense and the temporal nature of the adverb.