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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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n the Persian grammar and linguistic studies books, the structure of the Persian verb in perfect tenses is introduced as the combination of ‘ participle adjective’ + ‘ auxiliary verb’ or ‘ copula verb’ , which is not plausible for different reasons. The present study analyzes the morphological structure of Persian perfect verbs based on different linguistic evidence. In the contemporary Persian, the personal clitics (personal endings) are an indispensible part of the verb, and in perfect tenses one inflectional morpheme is required to represent the concept of the perfect aspect and in addition every verb phrase is supposed to have one verb in itself. Therefore, the following morphological structures are introduced for the present perfect and past perfect tenses respectively in this study: present perfect = ‘ past stem of verb + /-e/ (inflectional morpheme of perfect aspect) + personal clitics; past perfect = ‘ past stem of verb + /-e/ (inflectional morpheme of perfect aspect) + bud (past form of “ to be” ) + personal clitics. Based on linguistic analyses, especially in coordinating the linguistic units, we came across with some similarities between the perfect verbs and adjectives which demonstrate the historical development of the language. Based on the present evidence, the structure of verb in the present perfect tense is modified in the way: present perfect = ‘ past stem of verb + /-e/ (inflectional morpheme of perfect aspect) + portmanteau morph (personal clitics and auxiliary verb “ to be” ).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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The present paper aims to investigate the semantic and pragmatic aspects of present perfect tense in Persian by applying the theoretical framework proposed by Declerck (2006, 2015). Firstly, by examining the predicated time situation in pre-present zone, we explicate semantic aspects of present perfect tense. Then, we will examine pragmatic interpretations of this tense by analyzing the relation between the full time situation and the pre-present domain. Accordingly, two semantic structures in Persian (pre-present and inclusive) are inferred which have three pragmatic roles (indefinite, up-to-now, and continuative). The Pre-present semantic structure can imply four pragmatic interpretations including experiential, hot news, recency and resultative. As for the recency present perfect, however, Persian uses a particular construction (past tense together with present tense adverbs). This construction involves a kind of informational conflict between the tense and the temporal adverb, highlighting a middle temporal state between past and present. On the other hand, the semantic structure of coincidence present perfect is made of a participle and a rightoriented temporal adverb. These adverbs cover the whole pre-present zone, projecting the event onto this zone. In some sentences produced by this construction, we can observe continuous aspect. Moreover, this construction carries an upto-now pragmatic interpretation. Nevertheless, it cannot convey a continuative interpretation, which is expressed in Persian mainly by a special construction (present tense together with retroactive continuative adverbs). In this construction there is also a semantic tension between the tense and the temporal nature of the adverb.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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The present study aims to investigate the nominal and the predicative possession schemas in Persian with a cognitive approach. Schemas are abstractions from which the grammatical constructions develop. To this end, Heine's (1997) cognitive approach to the study of the Possession Schemas is considered as the theoretical framework by the authors. The results of the study show that the Action, the Location, the Companion, the Goal and the Source Schemas are used in Persian to encode the predicative possession. Moreover, the Location, the Companion, the Additive, the Genitive, the Source, the Linking and the Topic Schemas encode the nominal possession in Persian. A unique feature of Persian, which is not documented in Heine's cognitive approach, is the use of the Linking Schema to encode the nominal possession. This issue is introduced in this research for the first time. Furthermore, Persian uses the Source Schema to express the predicative possession.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (20)
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The main purpose of Phase Impenetrability Condition, and the whole Phase Theory itself, is to predict the movement path of linguistic structures. In this article, in the first place, the movement path of subject within a sentence will be studied and it is argued that subject moves through the edge of vP and then goes to the specifier of tense group. However, contrary to subject movement, the movement of ‘ ra’ object and ‘ non-ra’ object and ‘ non-verbal part of a compound verb show no sign that these syntactic structures move through the edge of vP. Regarding the complement preposition phrase, it is argued that having moved out, this syntactic structure which aimed at going to topic group or focus group, moves through the edge of vP and receives ‘ ra’ which is a functional marker. According to the data of the article and according to the geodesic (Donkey Hypothesis), it is claimed that there is no absolute minimalism in linguistics like absolute synonymy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
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This article studies different strategies applied in the Azarbaijani Turkish for resolving vowel hiatus. Because Azarbaijani Turkish is an agglutinative language and in this type of languages, it is common to add several affixes to stems, by adding suffixes to stems and other suffixes and also by making compound words, vowel hiatus may occur. The data related to vowel hiatus in this language (Meshkin Shahr dialect) were collected and treated using Optimality Theory. The results of data revealed that according to morphological, phonological and semantic condition, different phonological patterns are used to avoid V+V sequences. In making compound words, V1 is deleted, in adding monophonemic suffixes to stems or The preceding suffix, epenthesis occurs, in adding complex suffixes with [+high] vowels, V2 (suffix vowel) is deleted and in adding complex suffixes with [-high] vowels, epenthesis occurs. Results of this research show that in this language, the onset of stem is prominent and V is preserved in this position, in addition to preserve its semantic and grammatical role, it is impossible to delete monophonemic suffixes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (20)
  • Pages: 

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The process of verb serialization is rather vague and controversial and many linguists have tried to explain the features of these syntactic constructs. Most scholars agree that a serial verb construction (SVC) is a sequence of verbs which act together as a single predicate, without any overt or covert marker of coordination and subordination. Within the framework of Minimalist Program, in this paper we investigate the syntactic properties of the Persian SVCs consisting of two or three verbs that seem to share at least a single internal or external argument and to receive the same verbal features (including tense, phi features, aspect and mood), as found in the present and past progressive sentences. However, the findings of the research state that the Persian SVCs are actually not limited to progressive aspect but it is also found in the present and past perfect structures (e. g. “ u gerfte bud xā bide bud” lit: S/he had taken had slept). The main question is: If serial verb constructions form chains of verbs, what kind of structural configuration can be attributed to them? Following Baker and Stewart (2002), we claim these structures arise when one or two AspPs (i. e. ProgPs or PerfPs) are adjoined to the main AspP of the sentence, while the grammatical verbs, such a “ gereftan” (to take) and “ dā stš n” (to have) appear to be different from Persian auxiliaries on syntactic grounds. This conclusion treats serial verb constructions as adjoining structures.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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