This study was aimed to consider students value hierarchies. To this aim values of shahed university students was reviewed in a descriptive design. The students attended in 1998-2001 were considered as statistical universe and then separate research were done for considering of value hierarchies of the said students, based on the year of attendance. In other words, the statistical universe was made of the whole students of the attendance year in the university and the sample was selected among them, who filled research questionnaires. After 2 years, in the second stage, the research questionnaires were again completed by the same students. This method was repeated for all samples who attended during 1998-2001. In this stage questionnaire of Alport, Vernon & Lindzey, in which, values system was in the form of hierarchy, were used which included Theoretical, Religious, Social, Economic, Art and Political values. Results showed that the religious and social values were in the first and second positions in students value hierarchies and the art value was the last one. The comparison of students values throughout research stages revealed that the religious and especially political value were decreased in the second year of the study but religious value was hold as the first one. Despite displacement of other values, no significant differences were found during the study. Meanwhile the role of individual and social variables like gender, marital status, the place of family residence, university attendance quota and the faculty of the students, were studied and these findings are discussed.