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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This article examines the relationship between the feeling of relative deprivation and delinquency among high school students in Khorramabad and Yazd. It seeks to examine the mechanisms that affect the relative deprivation of juvenile delinquency. The conceptual framework of this research includes the perspective of social structuralism, the perspective of social processes and the perspective of conflict. For this purpose, 402 high school students from Khorramabad and Yazd were surveyed in a multi-stage cluster sampling method during the academic year of 2016-2017. The sample size was obtained using the Cochran formula and the data collection tool was a researcher made questionnaire. The reliability of the questions is determined by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the validity of the research is of content validity type. The data were analyzed using Spss and Amos software. The results of correlation test showed that there was a significant relationship between the feelings of relative deprivation and delinquency among respondents in Yazd. This relationship was not meaningful among respondents in Khorramabad city. Also, the results of regression showed that the variables of moral outrage and anomy had the most effect in explaining the variance of delinquency among respondents in Khorramabad and Yazd. So that, Respectively, 33. 7% and 42. 9% of the variation in the amount of delinquency in each city.

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Consume is not a new phenomenon, but it has only appeared on a large scale in the present and has become more than just a need. In the meantime, young people are considered to be the main brokers and active consumers of the community because of their unique and diverse spirits. Since consumerism can have widespread negative consequences, with the aim of understanding and explaining this phenomenon, the present study was conducted to identify sociological factors affecting consumerism. Research method, survey and data gathering tool were a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the 15-35 year olds in Tehran and the sampling method is a combination of simple multi-stage cluster and simple random sampling. The theoretical framework, a combination of the opinions of Simmel, Veblen, Campbell, Baudrillard, Giddens and Marcuse, was chosen to explain the research issue. The results showed that moderate variables (0. 58), self-expression and self expression (0. 58), pleasurable values (0. 37), body management (0/34) and media advertising (0. 26) had a positive and significant relationship with Consumerism. Multivariate regression analysis shows that these variables account for 49% of the variance of consumerism. Modesty with a beta coefficient of 0. 32 and self expression with 0. 27 have the largest share in explaining the variance of consumerism variables.

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Local community is the most suitable context for achieving social richness, so that the value of the fabrics of urban neighborhoods can be measured by social patterns. In the course of passing the traditional concept of urban planning, new concepts have emerged that originate from the origins of sciences such as sociology, and the explanation of the problems associated with the lack of identity and attachment to neighborhoods has gone through the refinement of concepts such as social capital. The purpose of current research is to study the extent and comparison of social capital dimensions in urban neighborhoods, especially in different types such as the two neighborhoods of Sultan Mir Ahmad and Fin Kashan. The method of sampling in this research is multi stage and the information gathering tool was a questionnaire and its validity was calculated using confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha test. Ultimately, the hypotheses were analyzed by the test methods for surveying the difference between the two independent samples and chi-square test. The findings of the research show that there is a significant difference in the size of the social networks in the two types of neighborhoods, which have a more significant role in group relationships and the level of social trust has been lower in terms of demographic heterogeneity in the old neighborhood. Within the framework of policy-making, we can use the qualitative mechanism of relationships, trust, participation and social cohesion in neighborhoods, with emphasis on social relations and trust.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Different social groups in the contemporary Iranian society are experiencing rapid transformation of values from traditional to modern, and from simple ways to complex and diverse ways when it comes to choosing a spouse. Therefore, from the point of view of sociologists, recognition of the new criteria and their comparison with the previous ones is of great importance. To this end, the present study was conducted to compare the criteria for finding a lifelong partner among different social groups in contemporary Iranian society. The method of this study is to conduct surveys, and its subjects consist of 15-65 year old urban and rural resident in the entirety of the country. The sample size is five thousand people selected by multistage cluster sampling. The descriptive results of the research show that among the criteria for marriage, personality traits (84. 29%), emotional-psychological characteristics (80. 22%) and religious beliefs (77. 81%) are considered as the most important criteria in Iran. The results obtained by testing the research hypotheses show that age, sex, marital status, education, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, method of approach, and religious attachment have significant relationship with criteria for choosing a partner, although the severity and weakness of these relationships are different among men and women. Therefore, these results indicate differences in the criteria for choosing a lifelong partner among different social groups in contemporary Iranian society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of self-esteem and social skills on social anxiety among high school girl students. In this regard, this study was conducted using quantitative method based on survey(correlation) research techniques. The statistical population of this study is all high school girl students in two area Tabriz metropolis that the number of 2397 people. the sample size is calculated by the Cochran formula and was estimated at 338 people with an accuracy of 5% and 95% confidence level. sampling method was used stratified sampling with simple random. the data collected is used for Watson and Friend social anxiety questionnaire (28 item), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (10 item) and inventory social skills of adolescents Ayndrbytzn and Foster (39item). The results showed for every 100 approximately 20. 3 of them are suffering from social anxiety disorder as well as self-esteem of female students is evaluated at a low level and their social skills evaluated at average to above. the results of study showed that girl students self-esteem (sig=-0/000, r=-0/47) and social skills(sig=0/000, r=-0/21) had a negative impact on the level of social anxiety and decrease it. the results of the structural model can be said that the reduced impact of self-esteem on social anxiety has been more than social skills and these two variables could to explain 26 percent of the changes in their social anxiety. Also, the results showed that the level of social anxiety according to age, course of study and educational level of parents was the same and observed difference not considered significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the current study was to present the conceptual model of underlying psycho-social factors of crime perpetration. This research conducted via qualitative design using systematic grounded theory method (Strauss' and Corbin's approach). The field or community of the present study included male prisoners in the central prison of Hamadan who met research criteria; using purposeful sampling, interviews with 30 male prisoners were analyzed until achieving theoretical saturation. Then, based on the result, the conceptual model of underlying psycho-social factors of crime perpetration obtained. The results showed that the causal circumstances of crime perpetrating were: addiction of himself, communication with offended friends and having addicted or offended parents, brothers, and uncles; Intervening factors in crime perpetrating include psychological factors such as impulsivity, sensation seeking and low self-esteem; Family factors such as: low attachment to the family poor parental supervision, neglect and punishment, Parental Conflict; And social factors such as: poor economic status, low school attendance, poor education and leisure. The response or strategy of offenders in dealing with these conditions includes adopting criminal life style and attachment to the offending friends; and ultimately, the consequences of the crime are: the rejection of the family and society, punishments such as imprisonment, the humiliation of parents and the insecurity of society.

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karvan ahmad | MORADI ALI

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One of the issues studied by social scientists is the study of work ethic in organizations. The purpose of this research is to understand the relationship between organizational justice and work ethics of Ilam cement workers. The statistical population of the staff of the Ilam Cement Factory in 2017 is 710 people. A total of 249 people were selected based on the Cochran sampling formula and selected by stratified random sampling. In analyzing the data, Pearson correlation coefficient and Kappa coefficient were used to predict and analyze the multiplicity regression coefficient. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the perception of organizational justice and work ethics in general terms based on nonparametric tests. Among the dimensions of organizational justice, distributive justice index with attachment to work (0. 24), distributive justice with healthy relationships in work (0. 16), interpersonal justice with attachment to work (0. 21), interpersonal justice with collective spirit and Participation in work (0. 184), interactive justice and healthy relationships in work (0. 16). Among the independent variables, years of service, employment status and education are effective in defining and predicting work ethics indices. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the existence of organizational justice and its observance at the organization level has led to the strengthening of such things as interest and dependence on work, perseverance and seriousness in work, strengthening of collective and participatory spirit in work, and ultimately enhancement of health and human relationships in The work environment is organized and this will bring about the efficiency and organizational efficiency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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