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Dissatisfaction with married life, reduced intimacy and emotional distance between couples leads to emotional divorce. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting emotional divorce and strategies to deal with it using the basic theory method among women in Tonekabon. Using purposive sampling method, 21 women involved in emotional divorce referred to counseling centers in Tonekabon were selected and the necessary information was collected using in-depth interviews. The data is encoded and analyzed in 3 steps. The results show that categories such as men's neglect of women, irresponsibility, violence, communication and sexual problems, lack of effective presence at home and lack of proper leisure programs cause emotional divorce and factors such as family conditions and family and base interventions. Socioeconomic status of the individual, occupation, income, duration of marriage, and age of the couple at the time of marriage exacerbate the causal factors affecting emotional divorce. Therefore, the strategy to get rid of this situation has been proposed at both individual and social levels.

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purpose of the present study identifying and comparing the thematic trend of concepts of violence in research on gender, women, family between developed countries and Iran in three time periods based co-word, network analysis, and science visualization tools. Methods: Bibliometrics methodology and social network analysis are used. Population comprises 3246 records in developed countries from Web of Knowledge and 1295 records from Women and Family Research. The results indicated that the core words before 2001 included 4 keywords, 2011-2010, 14 keywords and 2011-2020, 22 keywords. The keywords of the 2001-2010 (second period) were 42% different than before 2001 and The keywords of the 2011-2020 (third period) compared to the 2001-2010s (second period) have changed by 62%. The overall result of the three decades confirms that research in the field of violence in the studies gender, women and the family with general topics started before 2001 and in the 2001-2010s and 2011-2020s have been analyzed in a more specialized way. In developed countries, the most important clusters before the before 2001 were violence against women, in the 2001-2010s, ethnic clusters, and in the 2010-2020, domestic violence, and in Iran, before the 2001s, the most important clusters were domestic violence against women, 2001-2010 gender inequalities, 2010-2020 and domestic violence and sexual violence. In Iran and developed countries, clusters of domestic violence and domestic violence against women are located in the adult and central regions.

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Entrepreneurship is a process that plays a vital role in the continuation of national growth and development and even the global economy. The improvement of entrepreneurship creates new economic opportunities and businesses in society. Today, evidence shows that women entrepreneurship, given that women make up half of the active population, can increase production and sales, increase capital, economic prosperity, competitiveness and exports, and overall economic development and Help women flourish themselves. The present study was performed to assess the effect of Institutional Proponents of Women’ s Entrepreneurial Business success through the Mediating Effect of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (Studied Case, Entrepreneurial Women of Khuzestan Province). The sampling method was a simple random sampling technique and data were collected using questionnaire. A total of 283 questionnaires were administered to the participants. Data were analysed using version 22. 0 of SPSS and AMOS 18 software. A positive and significant relationship was observed between institutional proponents and women’ s entrepreneurial business success. Entrepreneurial self-Efficacy play a mediating role in the relationship between institutional proponents and women’ s Entrepreneurial Business success. At the end of the study, research implications and limitations were discussed for future studies.

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The accumulation of multiple responsibilities of jobs and family roles poses conflicts for academic women. In this paper, we intended to answer two important questions about “ What is the main features of academic women’ s job? What are the most important conflicts experienced by women at work and in the family? To answer these questions has taken advantage of a qualitative approach, in-depth and semi-structured interviews with 26 academic women, and finally a thematic analysis using Max Q. D. A 2018. In this study, many theories like a framework for explaining a favorite job for women and many theories of work-life conflicts have been used to understand the final findings. The findings indicate the extraction of 2 main themes, 6 subthemes, 25 concepts and 282 conceptual codes. In addition, the nature of job as a faculty member brings advantages like: good payment, social presence, but some disadvantages such as the task based, the steady and demanding job which make academic women always worried and stressful, to have time pressure, and to experience torment of mother, forgetfulness of role and so on. In fact, academic women experience conflicts related to their motherhood, the role of spouse, relationships with parents and relatives, and personal priorities.

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Being entangled with the political and social discourses and currents, the policy-making process for women and the family in the field of gender justice has faced high level of complexity in Iran. As a result, many fragmented and conflicting policies has been developed especially over the last two decades. In this way, by focusing on the role of policy actors, this study aims to investigate the discursive causes of this obvious inconsistency in the relevant policy-making process. To do so, by using Laclau and Mouffe's critical discourse analysis theory, firstly, we analyze the dominant discourses as manifested in policy documents in order to represent the existing fragmentation. Then, based on the policy subsystems theory and its arguments about the effect of policy subsystems on the directions of policies, we explore the policy narratives of the supporting and allied actors in the policy making process. Findings show that the gender justice policies in many cases suffer from the untamed fragmentation affected by the multiplicity of the policy subsystems’ discourses. Specifically, when the nodal points of the formal policies’ discourses are compared with the policy narratives used by the actors, the influences of discourse coalitions in the relevant problem-solving process and policy making is quite evident.

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Today, in developing countries, women participate in higher levels of organizations is lower than men. Hence, the theory of synergistic leadership has a far-reaching approach to leadership that conceptualizes the presence of women in the leadership position of the organization as a factor of synergy. On the other hand, considering the importance of the level of maturity of employees' capabilities and the sustainability of human capital in organizations, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of women-oriented leadership style on the development of sustainability of human capital. In this regard, the level of maturity of employees' capabilities has been studied as a mediating variable. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of research method. For data collection, Curtis (2009) Employees' Capacity Maturity Model Questionnaire, Synergistic leadership Questionnaire of elahi and Isfahani Aybaghi (2016) and Aybaghi et al. (2017) Human Capital Sustainability Questionnaire were used. The validity of the questionnaires was calculated based on content validity and their reliability by Cronbach's alpha test with 0. 84, 0. 89 and 0. 91, respectively. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling and Amos software. The statistical population of the study is 443 people of all officials, experts and medical staff of Besat Nahaja Medical, Educational and Research Center. The required statistical sample size was determined through Krejcie and Morgan table of 210 people and the sample was selected using random sampling method. The results of this study showed that the Synergistic female leadership style has a positive and significant effect on the level of maturity of employees and the development of sustainability of human capital and also the level of maturity of capability of employees on the development of sustainability of human capital.

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This paper bases on an ethnographic study on the sexual experiences of 15 male university students belong to the 1990s generation in Tehran. Through conducting in-depth and semi-structured interviews with men to understand their sexual experiences at an intersection with their socio-cultural, economic, and religious backgrounds, we highlight the role of female virginity in reconstructing hegemonic as well as "tormented, " "ethical, " and "loose" masculinities. By applying Connell's theory of "Hegemonic Masculinity, " this paper analyses the differences and similarities between each type and argues masculinity not as a unified meaning but as a spectrum. On one end of the range is the hegemonic masculinity, which acts upon the double standard of virginity and finds it an essential feature in defining manhood. Next to it, there is a type that this paper calls "Tormented Masculinity, " which considers virginity significant, and while has pre-marital sexual relations with virgin girls, feels guilty for it. Next in the spectrum is a type with a more complex approach named "Ethical Masculinity". It takes responsibility for its sexual conduct by evaluating women's social contexts and the importance of virginity for their family and future husbands. However, this paper argues that this masculinity still defines itself by controlling female sexuality, similar to hegemonic masculinity. On the other end of the spectrum, "Loose Masculinity" ignores the norm of female virginity and position himself against it. In general, by showing interviewees' different attitudes and reactions, this paper argues the multiple meanings of the norm of female virginity for this generation and the diverse range of masculine ideals that it constructs.

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