Taxation in Islamic culture and civilization has been considered by the Muslims since the first century. One of the sub-branches of financial historiography was tribute writing. With the beginning of the Islamic conquests, one of the issues related to the conquest of new lands was the payment of tribute as one of the most important sources of income for the Islamic State. As a result, the financial agents of the Caliphate apparatus prepared financial reports and collected and paid tribute. Thus, tribute writing in Islamic civilization began in the first century. Studies can be used to search for different styles in the classification of tribute history books. In fact, the position of the writers, the motivations and factors of writing, the style of writing, the content, and the writerschr('39') views on the economic and financial issues were different. By implementing a descriptive-analytical research method and investigating historiographical sources, indexes, and library documents, the main question of the study has been answered: "What were the main styles of the works written by the Muslims regarding the issue of tribute until the year 650 (AH)? " It was hypothesized that the main writing styles about tribute have been jurisprudential-political, jurisprudential-traditional and local-geographical.