Criticism and protest are very important topics in poetry; Usually, man praises good deeds and criticizes and protests ugly deeds. The main reason for this has been complaining and dissatisfaction with the social and political situation of the society. In the world of poets, proper criticism is one of the best moral qualities; Because one of the important topics in poets' poems is correct criticism and protest. Rudaki Samarkandi, nicknamed "Father of Persian Poetry" and "Man of Poets", although not a protesting poet and a political critic, but as a conscious human being in his day using the art of poetry, in his poems of the time and infidelity of the world and the aging and loneliness of time Has glorified and criticized; This process is called "criticism and protest" in this article. This criticism and protest in Persian literature is a method that is not specific to Rudaki, but many poets and writers after him, such as: Ferdowsi, Naser Khosrow, Sanai, Anvari, Attar, etc. have also written poems in this field. Accordingly, critical and protest literature is the result of an intellectual and moral issue in which the conscious and intellectual poet or writer, in the face of the disadvantages and ugliness of society, speaks out in the form of prose and literary order in protest language. States. The purpose of this article is to identify and study the critical and protest poems of the famous poet of classical Iranian literature, Rudaki Samarkandi, in order to analyze the protest and critical axes of this poet.