Background and Objectives: The importance of effluent discharge into river and its destructive effects on ecosystems are obvious. Tabriz Power Plant (TPP) effluent discharge into river has negative effects on waterbody (ecosystems), soil, environment and human health. The main goal of this study included the qualitative analysis in relation to environmental polutents in power plant and Talkhehrood river. Then it was compared with Iranian Environmental Standards. Meanwhile, the practical goal was to suggest appropriate means to improve these polutents.Materials and Methods: In this connection, intial contacts were made to plan and coordinate with environmental protection agency (EPA), waste water, and Tavanir, in order to collect samples from Talkherood, and Power Plant effluent to do chemicial analysis, therefore samples were collected four times in each season of the year 1999.Results: The parameters measured include total dissolve, solids, phosphate, temperature, and etc. The comparison of the standard results of our chemical analysis with EPA in Iran indicates, (p=0.029) pH, NO3 (p=0.029) TDS (p=0.029) and temperature (p=0.02) significant differences.Conclusion: The discharge of TPP untreated into the river, based on having no control on the effluent and clarification of it has caused the quality variations in the river water. Therefore, it is suggested to establish a control treatment plant by using filter press and sluge concentration unit in order to bring the effluents polutents to standard levels.