"Today, one of the most important destinations that are considered in tourism is the towns and villages which are a form of development of tourism in the various dimensions of nature tourism, cultural tourism and special tourism in these areas, and these destinations, unlike other natural tourism destinations Of the human population and this fact doubles the importance of the capacity of the tourism board (Hall et al., 1998: 327). ” Therefore, it should be noted that in these areas, if tourism does not move in line with sustainable development goals and programs, a form of tourism development will occur in these areas, which will lead to destruction of the natural and human environments of these cities and decrease the capacity of the ward these points (Garrigo et al., 2004: 21). Nowadays, due to the complexity of the nature of cities and the vast economic, social and political networks that govern it, urban tourism faces major challenges (Haiydari Chianeh, 2008). Hence, the carrying capacity of the board for the whole environment, whether natural or abnormal, is to a certain degree of loading or level of use. Passing through this level and threshold will lead to destruction and damage in different scales and will reduce the level of satisfaction of the visitors (Makhdoum, 1998; Makhdoum, 1373, Hovinen, 1982; Chamberlain, 1997; Clark, 1997; Buckley, 1999). The nature of the region and the quality of the environment play a very important role in promoting the tourism product, and most tourism destinations have realized that competition in sustainable tourism is unimportant (Garrigo, 2004). Butler In 1993 defined sustainable tourism as a type of tourism that could continue in an environment indefinitely which can continue in an environment of unlimited duration and do not harm the environment in a humane and natural way and to the extent that it does not harm the development of other activities and social processes. The determine the carrying capacity for all recreational resources (both human and natural) not only upholding their potential, especially in natural areas, but also an important factor in providing a recreational experience for visitors is acceptable. "The determination of the capacity of the battle requires the analysis of each area and activity intended to identify and determine the levels of use that are available to the host society and recreational areas and visitors to a relatively good and enforceable level. Generally, the capacity of the board is determined by a variety of recreational activities, ecological characteristics and socio-economic impacts (Nohorli and Rezaei, 2002: 103). The estimated carrying capacity dynamic process and using feedback to deliver integrated strain in the ecosystem works (Worboys et al., 2005). With an overview of the study area, the Kalibar seen, given the growing trend towards receive tourists, acceptance and tourists, regardless of the carrying capacity of the area and the minimum measures to control tourists to the area thought not. If the necessary measures are not taken into account, considering the different socioeconomic and ecological conditions of the area and the determination of the resources available for optimal utilization, one should expect the destruction of this area as soon as possible.