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پیامدها و تهدیدهای ناشی از مخاطرات اقلیمی از یک طرف و فرصت هایی مانند استفاده در منابع آب، کشاورزی و سایر بخش های اقتصادی از طرف دیگر باعث شده است تا در سال های اخیر سامانه های همرفتی بارش زا بیشتر موردتوجه قرار گیرند. بدین منظور در این پژوهش، شرایط دینامیکی سامانه های همرفتی میان مقیاس در ماه های گرم و سرد سال و بارش همرفتی تجمعی آن ها بررسی شده است. پس از اخذ تصاویر ماهواره های زمین آهنگ متئوست، فراگیرترین سامانه های همرفتی میان مقیاس بدون اشتقاق و ادغام با استفاده از آستانه دمای درخشندگی 224 کلوین و آستانه مساحت مشخص شدند و از طریق مدل RegCM4، رفتار دینامیکی و بارش همرفتی تجمعی آن ها بررسی گردید. نتایج نشان داد مکان شکل گیری سامانه ها در جنوب عراق و شمال عربستان بوده است. الگوی جریانات سامانه های ماه های سرد سال تحت تأثیر توپوگرافی بوده است؛ به گونه ای که با برخورد آن ها به ارتفاعات، تاوایی مثبت در منطقه ایجاد شده است و با افزایش ارتفاع تاوایی قوی تر شده است. همچنین هسته کمیت های دینامیکی ماه های دسامبر-ژانویه پس از عبور سامانه از ارتفاعات زاگرس تضعیف شده است. در مقابل، ارتفاعات زاگرس تأثیر زیادی در قدرت فعالیت سامانه های آوریل نداشته است. تاوایی و همگرایی سامانه های همرفتی در ماه آوریل قوی تر و شدیدتر از ماه های دسامبر-ژانویه بوده است.

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"Today, one of the most important destinations that are considered in tourism is the towns and villages which are a form of development of tourism in the various dimensions of nature tourism, cultural tourism and special tourism in these areas, and these destinations, unlike other natural tourism destinations Of the human population and this fact doubles the importance of the capacity of the tourism board (Hall et al., 1998: 327). ” Therefore, it should be noted that in these areas, if tourism does not move in line with sustainable development goals and programs, a form of tourism development will occur in these areas, which will lead to destruction of the natural and human environments of these cities and decrease the capacity of the ward these points (Garrigo et al., 2004: 21). Nowadays, due to the complexity of the nature of cities and the vast economic, social and political networks that govern it, urban tourism faces major challenges (Haiydari Chianeh, 2008). Hence, the carrying capacity of the board for the whole environment, whether natural or abnormal, is to a certain degree of loading or level of use. Passing through this level and threshold will lead to destruction and damage in different scales and will reduce the level of satisfaction of the visitors (Makhdoum, 1998; Makhdoum, 1373, Hovinen, 1982; Chamberlain, 1997; Clark, 1997; Buckley, 1999). The nature of the region and the quality of the environment play a very important role in promoting the tourism product, and most tourism destinations have realized that competition in sustainable tourism is unimportant (Garrigo, 2004). Butler In 1993 defined sustainable tourism as a type of tourism that could continue in an environment indefinitely which can continue in an environment of unlimited duration and do not harm the environment in a humane and natural way and to the extent that it does not harm the development of other activities and social processes. The determine the carrying capacity for all recreational resources (both human and natural) not only upholding their potential, especially in natural areas, but also an important factor in providing a recreational experience for visitors is acceptable. "The determination of the capacity of the battle requires the analysis of each area and activity intended to identify and determine the levels of use that are available to the host society and recreational areas and visitors to a relatively good and enforceable level. Generally, the capacity of the board is determined by a variety of recreational activities, ecological characteristics and socio-economic impacts (Nohorli and Rezaei, 2002: 103). The estimated carrying capacity dynamic process and using feedback to deliver integrated strain in the ecosystem works (Worboys et al., 2005). With an overview of the study area, the Kalibar seen, given the growing trend towards receive tourists, acceptance and tourists, regardless of the carrying capacity of the area and the minimum measures to control tourists to the area thought not. If the necessary measures are not taken into account, considering the different socioeconomic and ecological conditions of the area and the determination of the resources available for optimal utilization, one should expect the destruction of this area as soon as possible.

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The relationship between plants and perceived safety in residential areas has been argued by landscape researchers, but there is inadequate or no relevant literature available on the effect of plants in urban parks’ safety. Therefore, a photo-questionnaire survey was conducted among urban park users in Tabriz, Iran to gauge the perceived safety of landscape scene with diverse types of texture to discover its effectiveness, especially in relation to the content of the scene. The survey was composed of 296 participants in November, 2012. The result suggested that landscape scene with vast aspect and physical access was perceived safer than the scene with crowded plants and blocked view. The findings demonstrated that a scene without lawn and water is perceived to be less safe than a scene with lawn and features of water. Moreover, landscape scene with more plant species was unsafe as compared to a scene with fewer plant species. This study proved that a landscape designed with ground cover such as lawn, grass and water feature implies increment of perceived safety in urban parks. Likewise, landscape designers should avoid crowded planting in areas, which obstructs visibility in urban parks and reduces perceived safety

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Purposes of this research are introduction acceptable index for detection of dust storms and also identifying sources and pathways affected by this phenomenon in the East of Iran by studying a the dust storm using MODIS satellite images. For this purpose were used dust storm hourly data, satellite images of Modis and also digital and visual indexes including NDDI, BTDI, BTD, LRDI and false color composing for identifying dust storms. Finally, the studied dust storms were monitored using satellite images. Results indicated that LRDI index and false color composing have the higher resolution than the other indexes for detection of dust storms. Results monitoring dust storm event in the eastern Iran in summer indicated that storms sources of east area are dry beds of Hamoon lakes, Rigistan, Margo and Khas deserts at the convergence of the borders of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan and central Iran. The results of this research can be used in identifying of dust sources and pathways affected from this phenomenon by organizations and institutions to national and international planning.

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This research is followed to study relationship between Socio-Economic Status of urban zones and Spatial Segregation in Takab City. In this way to study the relationship between variable of socio-economic status and variable of urban zone. The research is as kind of applied studies and research method is survey. The qualitative analysis and statistical tests are used to answer the research questions. Excel and SPSS softwares are used for data analysis. Cross tabulation and Pearson Chi-Square test and Cramer's correlation coefficient and Lambda correlation coefficient and Goodman and Kruskal tau correlation coefficient and uncertainty coefficient are used to determining relationship between variables. Takab city has provided an appropriate field for spatial segregation phenomenon. So that immigration and move of Kurd race from rural areas to the city during the past decades and its entrance mainly from the western side of this city, has caused a tissue with quite residential segregation in his city. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between variable of socio-economic status and variable of urban zone. In one word, socio-economic status has caused spatial segregation of urban zones in Takab city. Spatial segregation is observed between zone 1 (east and southeast of the city) and zone 2 (the western part of the city) with high density and between zone 3 (the city center) and zone 4 (north and southwest of the city) with a lower density.

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During recent years, Iran’ s rural settlements have a particular distribution pattern according to the environmental and socio-economic forces. Among the geographical factors play an important role in the deployment and distribution of rural settlements, Some of these factors can be have a more effective role than other factors, This study aimed to evaluate the role of geographical factors in the distribution of rural settlements in the Zanjan county in order to determine more important factor or factors than other factors. Also, the zoning map of rural areas prepared in three different types of deployment in rural communities with suitable, relatively suitable and unsuitable seat. In order to achieve this goal, 8 natural factors, including rivers, fault, rainfall, temperature, evaporation, elevation, slope, lithology, selected as factors in deployment of rural settlements. In the study, maps of factors digitally prepared by using Arc GIS software and then weighted by using AHP model in Expert Choice software. The results show that 31% of rural settlements in Zanjan county, with 103 villages, have suitable deployment pattern, 149 villages (45%) have relatively suitable, and 81 villages (24%) are located in a pattern of unsuitable deployment, that almost all of them were located in the northeast of the county. Hence, attention to safety planning and crisis management in rural settlements, with unsuitable position, is very essential.

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Coastal areas of groundwater reserves are of great importance for the management and proper planning in these areas, it is necessary to assessment the state of the aquifers. In this study were study the interaction of fresh and salt water levels in Nur subsections. In this section study was selected the coastal line with a length of 3000 m. The distance between the points of study in the 500 lengths of shoreline is 50 meters, then 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 meter respectively. To determine the interaction of fresh and salt water were used from equation Verruijt, geophysical, electromagnetic devices and observational data. To the implementation of Verruijt equation necessary parameters were prepared, and interface between freshwater and saltwater were determined using this relationship in May and August. Also geo electric studies using the Mazandaran Regional Water Company information and exploratory wells were investigated. In order to provide information about interaction of fresh and salt water using electromagnetic devices were conducted interface sampling in point studies and the values were recorded. In the study sections to compare the results of studies were used observational data. The results showed that electromagnetic device is very accurate in compared to other methods of study and with use of this device can be determined interfere between fresh and salt water with high confidence.

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Segmentation is one of the basic method of the information extraction within the object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach. This process separates initial and main objects which are basis for OBIA. According to this, generating appropriate segments plays an important role for performing high accurate object-based classification. Within this research, we aimed to employ multi spectral and spatial satellite images including: IRS, Quick Bird and Spot5, for the purpose of image fusion and optimizing the scale of segmentation. For this to happen, Multi-resolution segmentation approach was performed based on various satellite images with different spatial resolution. As that, spatial information of Quick Bird and panchromatic band of IRS and Spot5 images, alongside spectral resolution of Spot5 (red band, especially) and Quick Bird, have a significant impact in increasing the contrast of image and improve the quality of segmentation, subsequently. The results of this research, indicate the importance of applying spatial information for optimizing the scale of segmentation. In addition, results confirmed that object based image fusion techniques can be employed for integrating different spatial resolution of satellite images. It also turned out that integrating lower spatial resolution with high spatial resolution is an efficient procedure for improving segmentation quality. The results of research, are great of importance for identifying different segmentation approach of object-based classification. The achieved results are also important for executive departments such as Natural resource, agriculture, etc. in light of presentation appropriate approach for rapid extraction of information from satellite image.

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Review of river terraces is main issues related to river geomorphology. They are areas with low slope that is parallel to the axis of the river valley and are in the higher levels of the river bed and created through cutting the river bed and response to changes in external factors such as climate, tectonics and base level. Ghezel owzan River is as one of the longest river systems in the country, responded well to changes in external factors (climate, tectonics and base level). For this purpose, after dividing the river into nine periods, Profile was drawn on the terraces adjacent faults in order to study in terms of height level and symmetry. In order to assess the effect of Tectonic activity on Ghezel owzan Catchment area, Four sub-basin are studied: Divandareh, Zanjan rood, Gharanghochay and Hashtchin-Tarom, from Upstream to downstream, With the help of two indicators, River Gradient length (SL) and Valley floor width to valley height (Vf) by determined sections, The results indicate the relationship building terraces with tectonic factors. This means that form terraces in downstream river is more a reflection of the effects of neo-tectonics and tectonic if they originate, reflecting the effects of tectonics. Feedback such activities is in basin downstream for nested alluvial fans and vertical-walled terraces in bedrock and in the mirage nested terraces in alluvial sediments with low sides slope.

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One of the new techniques in the field of predicting hydrological and geomorphologic processes is artificial neural network from the components of artificial intelligence which are trying to implement the amazing features of human brain in an artificial system and are powerful tools in the field of modeling and predicting geomorphologic parameters and in this study have been used for the prediction of sediment in Aras basin. For this purpose was used information of discharge, sedimentation and prediction monthly on Borran hydrometric station located in the Basin of Darreh Roud that is from the main sub basin of Aras river in Moghan plain during the period of 34 years (water year of 53-54 to 86-87). So that the discharge and precipitation rate as inputs to the neural network and sediment was considered the output of network. For this purpose used the facilities and functions available in programming environment MATLAB / 2010 and SPSS / 21 software. Then models were evaluated through statistical parameters such as the determination coefficient, root mean square error, mean square error, mean absolute error, correlation coefficient and also mean percentage relative error. The results, in addition to confirming the capability of artificial neural network model, showed that, there is good correspondence between predicted values and observed data. So that the error mean of this model with the observed data is 0. 9 and correlation coefficient is 0. 99 which is significant at 0. 01. The results of this study showed that the artificial neural. Network model has more accuracy in the estimation of sediment at the investigated basin. The results can be useful in planning and management of water and watersheds and natural resource management, especially in agriculture, industry, drinking and Forecast of Reservoir Sedimentation.

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Now days, in order to providing the best mecanisms to damp the impact of climate change, climatology scientists need long term prediction of climatical variables and their changes. This research studies the impacts of climate changes on daily parameters such as: rainfall, min and max temperature and sunshine hours in Urmia lake basin. (Tabriz, saqqez and Urmia synoptic stations), selected as study stations, have long term gaged data for mitigation and Adabtation from 1980 to 2009. data prediction under as scenario A2 a type of GCM as HADCM3 model was used to simulate climatic parameters in 2011 to 2040 by LARS-WG model downscaled. Results show that prediction time distribution has been limited to short time in comparison to past decades. In other words the number fraindy days has been diminished, as far as in the future April will have the most decrease (7. 5%) and February will have the increase (5. 8%) in precipitation. overall, the precipitation max and min averay temperature of basin will increase about (4. 3%), (1. 35 ) and (0. 64 ) respectively in addition, November will have the most increase in daily max temperature (12. 7) and January will have the least increase (0. 33) in this parameter the sunshine hours of basin will not increase significantly.

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The rapid growth of Kerman in recent decades with modernism thinking has caused the formation of new and marginal neighborhoods, for many reasons old neighborhoods have been converted to inefficient fabrics that their quality is not suitable for citizens' life. New Urbanism has confirmed new approaches with compact, mixed-use, walkable, and relatively self-contained communities by relying on historic lessons from the most beautiful and successful cities. This study aims to determine the compatibility of New Urbanism principles in the traditional, middle and new fabric neighborhoods of Kerman to increase their quality of life. The present study is applicable, and it utilizes descriptive, comparative and surveying methods. Data collection is gathered from the desk and field studies. GIS analytical functions and statistical methods are used to determine the degree of compatibility. The studied indicators are divided into three categories of transportation, physical and historical, and in seven principles, then they are evaluated by the four-level spectrum. According to research results, the indicators show a significant difference in the use of new urbanism principles in various neighborhoods formed in different periods of Kerman development. Mozafari historical neighborhood (with Bazar) and the new one Hoshang-Moradi with the geometric meaning of 3. 03 and 1. 81, respectively, have the highest and the least adaptation with the new urbanism principles. Also, the highest and lowest compatibility in the studied neighborhoods is related to connectivity and housing diversity principles. New neighborhoods concerning physical principles; and old neighborhoods concerning historical and transportation principles are more compatible with new urbanism. Average of compatibility in Hoshang-Moradi neighborhood in physical principle is 3. 56 and in Mozafari neighborhood in principles of historical and transportation is 3. 67 and 4. Due to the relative compatibility of the neighborhoods with the new urbanism principles, its guidelines can be used to improve their quality of life.

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This study aimed to evaluate the variability of summer precipitation in the South East of Iran was selected stations and the precipitation associated was investigated with IOD index. For this purpose was used weekly precipitation data from June to September stations of Zahedan, Kerman, Bandar Abbas, Iranshahr and Bam and weekly IOD index data. The method of this study is the correlation coefficient and discrete wavelet analysis. The results showed that in the positive phase of the IOD Index, warm air and humid of West Africa, sucked by low pressure the Persian Gulf and Pakistan and conditions creates convection in southeast of Iran, while IOD negative phase, in addition to shiftting the intertropical Convergence Zone, low pressure Persian Gulf and Pakistan are gone and West Indian Ocean for cooling than normal, stable atmosphere reigns. Summer precipitation correlation analysis between Bandar Abbas and Iranshahr with IOD index showed the strongest association. After the precipitation signal analysis of the stations showed of the Zahedan station on Level 4 and 3, respectively, at 99 and 95% was related to IOD index. The following series Kerman and Bam precipitation did not show any relationship with IOD index. Data analysis by the discrete wavelet transform showed that the most important cycle repeating 11-year occurred in the IOD index. Zahedan and Iranshahr showed periodic cycles relatively similarly. In Kerman was appeared 7-year cycle dominant and in Bandar Abbas and Bam the 11-year cycle. The process of reducing the number of weeks along with summer precipitation in the form of stations is contrary to the IOD index. But the increased intensity of precipitation stations is directly related to this index. Also Bandar Abbas, Iranshahr and Zahedan have more balanced precipitation cycles, but summer precipitation anomalies are intense in Kerman and Bam.

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The agriculture is the sector that uses most of fresh water resources. Since the water resources are always subjected to severe depletion, the agriculture sector requires using the water with high efficiency and more effective ways One of the procedures leading to improvement of water management productivity and ultimately to increase of water efficiency is the accurate estimation of the evapo-transpiration or estimation of water use efficiency of the crops. The remote sensing by giving an estimation of the degree of evapotranspiration (with little use of ground data) has a high potential for modification of cultivation patterns and management of water resources This research aims to determine the actual evapo-transpiration (need of water) of maize, which is an indigenous plant in the northern Khuzestan province, using the image processing of Landsat 8 in four passes include: 13 Aug, 14 Sep, 16 Oct and 17 Nov 2013 and also using the required metrological data based on Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL). The results showed that the amounts of needed water estimated by SEBAL model for maize in the initial growth stage, development stage, middle stage and the end stage are 5. 04, 8. 23, 5. 55, and 1. 46 mm per day respectively. The values from remote sensing were compared for values assessed by FAO-Penman-Monteith and evaporation pan methods and it was observed that MAE and RMSE are 0. 45 and 0. 18 mm per day compared to FAO-Penman-Montieth method. In sum, the results indicated that the SEBAL model is able to give answers with high accuracy and in short time and can be used as a beneficial and efficient tool in organizing water resources and meeting the plant water needs.

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Rainfall is one of the most important elements to determine the climate. Therefore, it is important to estimate its value accurately. The main purpose of this study is the evaluation of the TRMM (Tropical Rain Measurement Mission) 3B42 rainfall estimates, an exponential model and conceptual cloud model in Lake Urmia Basin. Therefore, this study focuses on the comparison of these methods to identify and select the most appropriate model for rainfall estimation in Lake Urmia Basin. The comparison are performed during the period 2007 to 2011 and the hourly rainfall, temperature, barometric pressure and dew point temperature, the three-hourly rainfall rate of TRMM 3B42-V6 at 0. 25° resolution and thermal infrared images (TIR) of Meteosat 7 at six-hour intervals are used. The results indicated acceptable match of estimated rainfall with rain-gauge data. Comparison of three methods of rainfall estimation shows that exponential model has the determination coefficient (equal to 0. 61). In addition to the high correlation, due to low levels of RMSE and MAE (respectively 1. 58 and 1. 01), has a good performance to estimate rainfall in this basin. Therefore, this model can introduced as the most appropriate model for estimating rainfall in Lake Urmia basin.

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In this study, the spatial analysis of building violations in the period 93-1388 was arranged. Research methods analytical and Tvsh Ay it is applied. The required data were collected through documentary and field studies. shown, therefore, the sample size is calculated with Cochran formula and 210 people for your special infringement cases referred to the Commission Nmvdh And the material 100 municipalities, were selected by simple random sampling and questionnaire Mhqq made, information is collected and analyzed. The results show that in the period studied, the building violations has been increasing. On the other hand, building violations in the North and East and West Mhdvdh Hay the outskirts of the city, including sectors that are in the path of urban development, urban and horizontal expansion led to Prakndh Rvyy. Also, the opinions issued by the Commission of Article 100 of the present study indicate that the most verdict in the municipal building violations, fines (up 80 percent) were by offenders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Consequences and threats of climate hazards and opportunities such as water resources, agriculture and other economic sectors has caused Convective systems of precipitation are considered in recent years. Therefore, in this study, the dynamic conditions of mesoscale convective systems in the months warm and cold and their accumulation convective precipitation is investigated. After obtaining Geostationary satellites images, Meteosat and GOES, the most comprehensive of mesoscale convective systems without merge and split with the brightness temperature threshold of 224 K and area thresholds were determined and through the RegCM4, dynamic behavior and their accumulation convective precipitation was investigated. The results showed formation location of systems has been in southern Iraq and northern Saudi Arabia. The systems flows pattern of cold months of the year has been affected by altitudes pattern. So that positive vorticity in the region has been created on the collision of the elevation. Also the cores of dynamic quantities has been weakened after Zagros Mountains in months of December-January. Vorticity and convergence has been in April convective systems stronger and more intense than the months of December to January.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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