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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Work-related illnesses account for a large number of social problems. According to occupational therapists, occupational diseases are considered as lifethreatening factors for workers. The aim of this study was to measure air pollution to suspended particles and to assess the health risk of PM2. 5 and PM10 exposure in the textile industry. Methods: This analytical-cross-sectional research was carried out in the spinning, knitting, and printing workshops of a textile factory. Samples were taken by using the Particle Mass Counter Model TES 5200 to measure mass density and number of environmental particles. Health Risk Assessment of skin, digestive and inhalation exposure to PM2. 5 and PM10 was carried out according to EPA proposed method. Results: The results showed that the highest particle mass density was measured in the Spinning-Weaving hall and the highest number density was detected in the Stanter-Printed hall. In both halls, the average mass density of total particles was determined lower than the occupational exposure limit of total suspended particles. In addition, the results detected that with increasing the dust diameter, the mass density of particles increased and subsequently their number density decreased. The risk index for non-cancer risk exposure to PM2. 5 and PM10 was less than 1 and the cancer risk was less than 10-6. Conclusion: Although, the cancerous and non-cancerous exposures to PM2. 5 and PM10 were considered acceptable in the production line halls, but these particles may have adverse health effects on the employees, due to their chemical nature.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Zeidi a. | Mehrjo f.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Malachite green color has been extensively used in aquaculture industry around the world. The drainage of colored wastewater containing malachite green to aquatic ecosystems has created very serious risks for human health and the environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the removal of green malachite from aqueous solutions using photocatalysis of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles under the influence of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Methods: This study was carried out in laboratory scale and in discontinuous system using a photocatalysis process with radiation source of two UV lamps with a power consumption of 12 watts. Also, the impact of some factors including pH, nanoparticle content, malachite green concentration and contact time were investigated in green malachite removal from aqueous solutions. Results: The results showed that the highest percentage of malachite green removal for titanium dioxide nanoparticle was 90. 51% in malachite green concentration of 3. 5 mg/l, pH 9, nanoparticle concentration of 5. 2 mg/l and 180 minutes. Also, this value for zinc oxide nanoparticle was 91. 23% in malachite green concentration of 14 mg/l, pH 9, nanoparticle concentration of 2. 6 mg/l and 180 minutes. Conclusion: According to the results of present study, the photocatalysis method under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation and two nanoparticles of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, was a function of pH, contact time and the concentrations of malachite green and nanoparticles. It can be concluded that this method was a suitable method for removing malachite green from aqueous solutions.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: In recent years, iron nanoparticles have been successfully used to remove water pollutants. Fecal coliform is one of the parameters that reduces water quality and its removal is essential. The aim of the present study is using nanoscale zerovalent iron particles to enhance the usual sand filters in removal of fecal coliform of groundwater in Ilam city. Methods: Water samples were collected from several active wells in Ilam city. The parameters of hardness, probable and fecal coliforms were measured. Afterward, samples of fecal coliform contaminated-water were passed through filters with different values of zerovalent iron nanoparticles (0. 5-3 gr) and parameters were remeasured. Results: The results of this study showed that by increase of iron nanoparticles, the removal efficiency of coliform was increased, so that, in most samples, by increasing the iron nanoparticles to 3 gr, the coliform content reached to zero. The degree of hardness was initially reduced when the amount of iron nanoparticles increased, but over time, the reduction trend was halted. Conclusion: In general, the results indicate that not only zero-valent iron nanoparticles are capable enough to remove microbial contamination from water, but also they can be used to completely purify the groundwater and also to reduce other contaminants including chemical pollutants to a permissible threshold, especially in small regions where complex water treatment plants may not be available.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: In general, contamination of drinking water sources by heavy metals can poses a serious threat to the living organism, especially human. Therefore, this research examines the concentration of some heavy metals in groundwater resources and their impact on consumer health. Methods: In this study, samples were collected from 17 wells in Birjand flood plain, in autumn of 2010. The water samples were fixed with Nitric acid 65%, transferred to the laboratory, and the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Finally, the risk for human health was calculated according to a model proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Results: Except for Cr and Pb, the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Fe and Pb were lower than standard levels of Iran and WHO. The results of the health risk of studied heavy metals related to the studied water samples of wells, were 31×10-5 person for cancerous diseases and 19×10-6 person for non-cancerous diseases. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that among of the studied metals, the concentrations of Cr and Pb in underground water were not in safe level. Therefore, continuous monitoring studies are needed to determine the incidence and prevalence rates of the diseases related to the metals, in the Birjand flood plain, especially for Cr and Pb.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Social capital is a set of norms and social relationships that enable people to interact together to achieve desirable goals and reduce the cost of interaction and communication. Considering the importance of social capital, the aim of this study was to evaluate the social capital and related factors among students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 400 students of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. They were selected using quota sampling based on the students’ population of each faculty. Demographic characteristics and Onyx social capital questionnaire with 8 items were used for data collection. Data were analyzed by one-sample T test and multivariate regression tests using SPSS-20. Results: The mean score of total social capital obtained from the total dimensions was 2. 31± 0. 41. The minimum and maximum means were measured for dimensions of “ participation in local community” (1. 72) and “ family and friends’ connections” (2. 68). The study also showed a significant relation between social capital with gender, economic status, age and educational level. Conclusion: Based on the study results, to increase the social capital, it is recommended that manager and administrators of university provide a good context for improving social capital through reinforcing individual and group interactions, and encouraging of involvement in social activities.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Affecting factors and concept of effectiveness is the most important and controversial issue in the field of education. According to this definition, the multiple definitions and different patterns have been formed to assess the training effectiveness and factors affecting it. This research aimed to investigate the factors affecting of educational transfer in health deputy staff of Iran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The current research was an applied type and non-experimental in terms of controlling variables. The statistical popolation was all experts and staff of health deputy of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 1396, which were nearly 3000. The sample size of study was 358, calculated based on the Cochran formula with a 15% drop. The main tools of study were two standard questionnaires based on Likert scale. In this study, the Linear regression analysis with structural equation were used. Results: The results showed that the most and less effective variables on educational transfer in Iran University of Medical Sciences health deputy were educational content and organizational atmosphere with coefficients of determination of 0. 54 and 0. 077, respectively. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained from hypothesis testing and obtained effect of each independent variables on educational transfer, it can be concluded that by increasing the level and quality of educational content, a more suitable process in transfer of training would be observed in health deputy staff of Iran University of Medical Sciences, and less costs would be incurred for the organization.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Hospital wastes can be categorized as hazardous wastes due to their risks to the environment and human. Considering the fact that the hospitals staff are in direct contact with biomedical wastes, their knowledge and safe operation are important in waste management. The aim of this study was to determine the status of knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare staff of Imam Hossain Hospital of Kermanshah regarding biomedical waste management. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population included healthcare and office staff of hospital with sample size of 149. The data collection tool was a questionnaire including four parts: demographic information as well as knowledge, performance and attitude questions. Results: The results of this study showed that there was a significant (p<0. 05) relationship between the level of knowledge and practice of health staff for management of hospital wastes with gender, professional and educational courses. The level of knowledge and practice in women was higher than men, and in the third-grade staff (paraclinical) was more than other job grops. Based on the result, more paraclinical personnel (70. 58%) had been engaged and completed their waste management training courses. Conclusion: As the results, training can lead to increased knowledge and practice of health staff in waste management and have more important role than work experience and job group. Therefore, managers of hospitals should have a special and continuous planning in order to develop all aspects of waste management programs.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: In recent years, the rapid growth of technology and the use of computers have affected almost all office work stations. Musculoskeletal disorders are very common among administrative staff. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the ergonomic status and prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in office staff affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This study was conducted on 96 office staff affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2018. To evaluate the ergonomic status, ROSA method and to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, Nordic standard questionnaire was used. The data were analyzed using Chi-square, one-way ANOVA and descriptive statistics with SPSS-22 software Results: The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in staff was higher in the neck (62. 5%), shoulder (57. 3%) and lower back (57. 3%) than the other organs. The average ROSA score in the society was 4. 9 ± 1. 02. 70. 8% of the subjects were evaluated in warning zone and 29. 2% in the area of immediate corrective measures. There was a relationship between the final score of ROSA and the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the neck, shoulders and lower back. There was also a relationship between age, gender, work experience and the final score of ROSA. Conclusion: The ROSA method was determined as a suitable tool for evaluating the ergonomic status of office stations. According to the results, employees are at risk of musculoskeletal disorders and have workstations with ergonomic risk factors. Therefore, tensile movements, adjusting work schedules, using equipment such as a document holder and Headset are recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Medical errors are one of the five most common causes of death. Patient safety is an important issue in healthcare systems, and the existence of a strong patient safety culture in hospitals influences safety-related behaviors and reduces medical errors. The present study aimed to evaluate patient safety culture in Ardabil hospitals and investigate the attitude of employees towards their own performance compared to their colleagues in the field of patient safety culture. Methods: The data of this cross-sectional study were collected from 420 staff of four hospitals of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences by HSOPSC questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire for staff opinions on their own practice in the field of patient safety culture. One-way Anova and T-tests were used to determine the statistical relationship between staff demographics and dimensions of patient safety culture. SPSS24 software was used for analysis. Results: The overall mean percentage of positive response to the dimensions of patient safety culture was 57. 71% and was in the middle range. The highest percentage of positive responses was related to the dimensions of "Feedback & Communication about Error" (86. 82%) and "Teamwork within Units" (86. 64%). The lowest percentage of positive response was related to the dimensions of "Frequency of Events Reported" (24. 83%) and "Non-punitive Response to Errors" (27. 93%). Investigating the attitude of employees towards their own performance compared to their colleagues shows that in most dimensions, employees perceive their performance better than their colleagues. Conclusions: The status of patient safety culture in the studied hospitals needs to be improved. The error reporting by staff is also very low. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of staff, especially nurses in proportion to the number of patients and the workload, to reduce staff working hours, adopt policies of safety and non-punitive culture, support staff and implement effective training programs in hospitals.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the exposure of individuals to bacterial bioaerosols in indoor air and to investigate the factors affecting their concentration in Ardabil city. In this study, 12 Sports halls (including futsal, volleyball, and bodybuilding halls) were selected and the samples of bacterial bioaerosols were taken from their indoor air. Methods: Air sampling was performed using Anderson's single-stage sampler with a discharge rate of 28. 3 liters per minute and a respiratory range of 10 minutes. Results: The results showed that the mean concentration of bacteria in all gyms was 494. 24 CFU/m3. The concentration of bacteria in the gyms of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad and Payam Noor were 203. 5, 728. 5, 504. 6 and 576 CFU/m3, respectively. The average bacterial concentration in the air was 60. 5 CFU/m3. The dominant species of bacteria in indoor air were Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Bacillus, respectively. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is found that the concentration of bacterial bioaerosols is high in indoor air of sports halls and these halls can be considered as a potential hazard and cause respiratory diseases in athletes who use these halls.

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