The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cultural components on organizational performance in startups. For this purpose, by literature reviewing and theoretical foundations which were derived from independent and dependent variables, the research model was designed. The independent variable of research included cultural components including the dimensions of diversity and breadth, trust and messaging and dependent variable of research included organizational performance in startups. According to the designed model, a questionnaire was distributed among the statistical sample that included all managers of startups in Tehran City. In this regard, 168 questionnaires were distributed by simple random sampling method and by collecting it, the data were analyzed using the structural equation modeling and Amos software. According to the results, all research hypotheses in line with the impact of organizational culture on the dimensions of diversity and breadth, trust and easy communication in startups on organizational performance in startups were confirmed. Also, according to the analysis of the relationship between independent and dependent indices, the variables of messaging, diversity, breadth and trust dimensions showed the highest relationship with 0. 86, 0. 83 and 0. 82, respectively.