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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background and Aim: The organizations intends to launch a comprehensive online ready system in all affiliate categories. Since the success of any project in the organization depends on having the necessary knowledge of the various dimensions of the organization and if you are not aware of the prerequisites for its implementation in the organization, we will face failure, so this study to assess the readiness of one category Subsidiaries of military-police enforcement organizations were implemented to implement a mechanized online net system. Method: This research is of descriptive-analytical type and is in the category of applied research and its method is survey. In this study, using the Mackenzie 7S model and highlighting the organizational culture in its seven dimensions, the readiness of the organization was assessed. The statistical population of this study included 55 managers and experts of the organization's specialized readiness management. Field information was collected by a researcher-made questionnaire. Findings: After collecting data and analyzing it, the readiness of the organization in various dimensions of research has been obtained separately by components and final proposals have been presented accordingly. Results: The analysis shows that the organization is in four dimensions of employees, management style, systems and strategy with moderate readiness and in terms of four dimensions of common values, skills, organizational culture and organizational structure in good condition in terms of readiness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim & Background: Given that each supply chain strategy has shortcomings, so the purpose of this study is to provide a model for the Police supply chain by combining lean, agile, resilience and green supply chain strategies in the form of LARG supply chain management in order to take advantage of the model's capabilities. The above approaches are simultaneous. Methodology: The present research is a qualitative in terms of purpose and was done using data foundation theory. The research sample includes 12 experts in the field of Logistics were selected based on the sampling logic of research in a purposeful manner and according to the saturation rule. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Data collected during the interview process were analyzed by open, axial and selective coding process. Findings: The results of the interview's qualitative data analysis, led to the presentation of Police hybrid supply chain model with five main categories and 46 sub-categories in the form of contextual conditions (eight categories), causal conditions (five categories), pivotal phenomenon (nine categories) strategies and actions (six categories) conditions The intervener (nine categories) the consequences (nine categories). Conclusion: Based on the paradigm model, it can be concluded that a holistic view of supply chain preparation at Police support will lead to the optimal use of resources, time, place and optimization of the preparation process.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: This study was conducted to investigate the current status of the standardization system of one of the affiliated organizations of the Armed-Police Forces of Islamic Republic of Iran in 1399 and seeks to identify the optimal point of standardization in organization. Method: This research was applied and the statistical population of this research consists of 10 professors, commanders and managers of the organization, all of them have collected information, so in this study, the integrated method has been used. Results: The used model was SWOT, which at the beginning of this study to obtain the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) as well as external factors (opportunities and threats) of the standard system, at first all the angles and axes of the system in the form of Organization system working group was identified. After that, the relevant issues were reviewed and selected, and strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities were analysed and identified. Conclusion: In order to reach the desired point, it is necessary to standardize the management to become a standard development institution according to Iran's defense – police standard regulations and plan for energy consumption optimization standards and standardize the virtual network and use of the human resources capacity of the categories in the virtual structure.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim & Background: Human resource in any organization is a vital success factor for green supply chain management which its influence is affected by special behavioral factors. The research's main aim is identification, evaluation and ranking of the effective behavioral factors in successful performance of petrochemical industry green supply chain management Using path analysis approach and 'SWARA' decision making technic. For this, at first by comprehensive browsing the literature and identifying the effective behavioral factors on green supply chain management system, a conceptual model constructed of 6 factors is extracted. Method: the research method from aim point of view is applicable and from data gathering style's aspect is descriptive-survey. Research's statistical community related to determining the factors influence using path analysis examination includes 100 industry experts, managers and specialists who are active in the supply chain field; because of using limited community all of the members were used to fill the questionnaire. Findings: the output of path analysis showed that all of the extracted behavioral factors from effectiveness in industry green supply chain management view is suitable. So all of the factors significance are qualified with 95 percent reliability. Conclusion: The output of 'SWARA' technic using 40 experts implied identification of first behavioral factor or "senior management support" with highest weight as most important factor and the fourth factor (minimizing resistance against change) with lowest weight as the most worthless behavioral factor in industry green supply chain management.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim & Background: Considering that ports and customs are one of the highways to reach the gates of world trade and also considering Iran's share in exports and imports from these strategic and logistical areas, this is a good ground to identification and prioritizing logistics management factors to determine the extent of improving export performance in ports and customs. The purpose of this research in the first step is to identify logistics management factors in the customs and ports department of Khuzestan province and prioritizing these factors and in the second step the impact of these factors on export performance. Method: This study was conducted using data collected in the first stage to identification the factors of 15 experts active in the field of customs and in the second stage of a sample consisting of 152 managers and experts of the Customs and Ports of Khuzestan province. Findings: The research findings show that among the logistics management factors, the maintenance factor has the highest weight value among the identified indicators. Structural equation modeling technique has been used to determine the effect of variables. Conclusion: The analysis of the obtained data was performed using LISREL statistical software, which shows the confirmation of all hypotheses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim & Background: The main purpose of this study is “ to investigate the meditating role of supply chain collaboration in the relationship between information technology and gradual and radical innovation in industrial town manufacturing companies in the Shahrekord city” . Method: The standard questionnaire was used to measure the variables of the research model. Above-mentioned questionnaire was implemented through the participation of 90 managers in Industrial town manufacturing companies in the Shahrekord city that were selected by the simple random sampling after measurement of validity (face and content validity based on Lawshe’ s method, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, convergence and divergence) and reliability (Cranach’ s alpha method and hybrid). Data analysis was based on two descriptive and inferential statistics (Structural Equation Modeling) which performed by SPSS, Warp PLS and LISREL software. Findings: Findings showed that information technology to radical innovation (β = 0. 55) and to Incremental innovation (β = 0. 47), and supply chain cooperation (β = 0. 82), supply chain cooperation to radical innovation (β = 0. 35) and Incremental innovation (β = 0. 37), Have a direct effect (p <0. 001). Also, supply chain cooperation (including variance 0. 34) has mediated the relationship between information technology and radical innovation (Z = 10. 17), And finally, supply chain cooperation (including 0. 34 variance) mediated the relationship between information technology and Incremental innovation (Z = 10. 28). Conclusion: This study supports the achievement of open innovation, which implies the necessity of acquiring external knowledge to enable companies to develop innovation projects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim & Background: Block chain is a new technology that the features of this technology increase trust in the supply chain through transparency and traceability for suppliers and consumers in the supply chain. The purpose of this study is to identify, ranking the key factors of block chain success and quantify the intensity of interactions between factors. Method: In this study, by reviewing the research literature and interviewing industry and academic experts, the key success factors required for the implementation of block chain technology in the sustainable supply chain were identified and the factors were prioritized using interpretive structural modeling. Quantitative analysis of relationships and interactions between factors has been used. Findings: The research shows that sustainable supply chain management becomes more efficient by implementing block chain technology and considering these six important characteristics of data transparency, traceability, quality, data security, smart contract, decentralization. Conclusion: This study shows that data transparency is a very important factor in a stable supply chain. The features identified in this study help management decisions to implement block chain technology in the supply chain system to ensure that the system is more transparent, easily traceable, and ultimately improves organizational performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the paper is to present research results on the use of the T-plan technology roadmap as a tool showing service companies the way to reach the logistics maturity. The T-plan technology roadmap is the last step of the logistics maturity assessment procedure based on the LMM4SI. This study presents research results for the transport and storage services sector however, the research was carried out for each service sector individually. Firstly, the profile of the logistics maturity model (LMM4SI) was presented. Based on the theoretical foundations of the T-plan technology roadmap method, there was prepared a roadmap for logistics providers preceded by the following stages: market drivers analysis, designing logistics maturity indicators, defining the resources of companies providing transport and storage services that determine logistics maturity. Finally, there were presented the main conclusions of the study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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