The purpose of this study is to provide a summary of the research on humor and its consequences in the classroom. the research method is a qualitive and narrative review. in this analysis qualitative found literature on the centrality of educational humor which has been published in the last 6 years in external scientific bases such as Elsevier, springer, eric, sid and daneshlink. in this research at first 35 articles were identified. But with regard to quality and relevance of articles with the issue of humor training in total of 16 studies along with the researcher names, type of study, number study, research location year and findings are in the final analysis. in general, educational humor has positive, negative and challenges. The positive consequences of humor in education were summarized in the three main, psychological, physiological and social elements. In addition to the positive points, the application of humor in education can be associated with negative consequences such as distract student and not transferring main concepts. of it is considered in abusive or aggressive, it reduce the feeling of belonging and feeling of anxiety and boredom in the student. teachers should consider the positive and negative aspects when using humor.