Local historiography is the third well-known type of historiography after dynastic and general histories. Each state or city in accordance with its special political, social, economic, cultural etc condition has got one, two or more local histories. At the same time, the vast and rich province of Fars with its special historical, cultural and religious background has got a relatively rich local history. Although the same province had a very deep relationship with the world before Islam as a basis for Hakhan1anishiand Sassanid daynasties, its local historiography was full of culture and thoughts of the Islamic age especially about Erfan and Sufism, being away from a biography with the world before Islam. The first work of history of this province is in Arabic and is about biography of scholars of the time. This trend lasted for about several centuries in such a way that it made the necrology be started as a branch of this state local historiography. Moreover, several works in Persian was written until the Safavid period, which were-influenced by the same iography of scholars and Sufism in one way or another, including chapter two of1he book Shiraz name hand some parts of Farsnameh Naseri which prove it to be true. The Fars local historiography remained away openly from political and military problems, emphasizing social, economic, cultural and religious situations of Fars.