Kordagan 1: 100, 000 sheet is located in the northern Lut structural block and in South Khorasan province. In this area, mineralogy is mainly a vein controlled by fault structures with a northwest-southeast trend. In order to improve the results of the exploration, three solutions were used. To eliminate interfering elements and obtain clean factors in the multivariate statistical technique of stepwise factor analysis (SFA) was used. In addition to eliminate ineffective elements in the calculations, the elements that were not related to vein-type copper mineralization were also excluded. Finally, using the GMPI method, the obtained anomalies were intense. During the exploratorion operations in the Kordgan region, 836 stream sediment and 30 duplicate samples were taken. The samples were analyzed by ICP method by the Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration of Iran. Through the SFA in three step, the elements Ag, Ni and Cd were omitted from factor analysis calculations. In the next step, the elements Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Sc, Ti, V, Zn, Sr, and W, which did not correspond to vein-type copper mineralization, were removed and factor analysis was prformed again. The results classified the elements into three factors, which were integrated and classified by GMPI method. Based on the results, eight favorable exploration areas were detected. These area was entirely compatible with the former investigation and also faults and favorable geological units for veins reserves such as Andesite and Andesitic tuff with Eocene age. It seems that the applied methods, by using multi-elemental geochemical signatures and integrating them appropriately, can identify and deduce anomalies consistent with other exploratory evidence.