aim: The present study aimed to examine the roles of cancer-related lifestyle and psychological disturbance in the functional disability of patients with breast cancer. Methods: The present study was descriptive and correlational and its statistical population consisted of patients with breast cancer who visited Shohada Hospital in Tehran from March 2017 to May 2018. Among 127 women with breast cancer, we selected 100 ones by convenience sampling and according to Morgan's table, and they answered lifestyle, psychological disturbance, and selfhandicapping questionnaires. We analyzed data using correlation coefficients, simple and multiple regressions. Results: The results indicated that the factors of responsibility for health, stress management, interpersonal support, and psychological disturbance had significant relationships with functional disability (p<0. 05), and there was a significant positive relationship between psychological disturbance and functional disability (p<0. 01). Furthermore, lifestyle and psychosocial disturbance significantly predicted subscales of functional disability, and lifestyle and psychological disturbance had the highest correlation with negative mood. Conclusion: According to the standardized focal coefficients, a person with high scores in subscales of lifestyle had lower scores in subscales of functional disability than other people. Lifestyle subscales also had the highest correlation with negative mood.