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Religion and Health

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Aromatherapy is a kind of herbal medicine that uses plant oil to treat diseases, maintain health and improve body and mind wellness. The present content analysis aimed to re-read the pharmacological function of the perfumes (animal and plant) in the prevention and treatment of diseases as a therapeutic method to investigate and demonstrate the importance of aromatherapy in the Avicenna method of treatment as an applied method or supplementary drug. Studies indicate that in the history of medicine and pharmacy, perfumes have been used as singular and compound spice. Avicenna was the prominent physician among the Muslim medics who used aromatic substances to diagnose and treat diseases. The perfumes have been applied in forms of inhalation, bathing, dripping, incense, and massage, and in some cases, they have been prescribed as oral medicine.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Thalassemia is a chronic genetic disorder caused by the deficiency of one or more multi-chain polypeptide globin. This disease is transmitted from generation to generation according to Mendel's laws of inheritance. The resent study aimed to assess the effectiveness of spiritual coping skills training in pain self-efficacy in patients with severe thalassemia. Materials and Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted based on a pre-and post-test design with control group. The statistical population included all patients with severe thalassemia who referred to the thalassemia center of Chabahar Public Hospital on a weekly basis for treatment and blood sampling in the first six months of 2018. For the purpose of the study, 30 subjects were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to two groups of spiritual coping skills and control group. The subjects in the case group received eight sessions of weekly training with Noori and Bolhari (2011) Spiritual Coping Skills method. Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) was used for data collection. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and ANCOVA. Results: The results of descriptive statistics and pain self-efficacy scores demonstrated a marked improvement in the condition of the participants in the case group, compared to the control group. Moreover, the results of the t-test indicated that the training of spiritual coping skills significantly improved the mean scores of pain self-efficacy in the case group, compared to the control group (P<0. 01). Conclusion: As evidenced by the obtained results, spiritual coping skills were effective in improving pain self-efficacy in patients with severe thalassemia. It is suggested that spiritual coping skills training be provided, apart from medical treatments.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Spirituality and spiritual activities are the important sources of coping with chronic illnesses in order to maintain and enhance the patientʼ s self-esteem, create a sense of purposefulness, increase psychological well-being and hopefulness. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the psychometric features of the Persian version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire in cancer patients. Materials and Methods: This descriptive survey study was carried out on a total of 100 cancer patients in Guilan who were selected from charities and cancer patient funding associations through convenience sampling. In this study, factor analysis for principal components was used to evaluate the validity of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire. In addition, the Cronbachʼ s alpha was employed to assess the reliability of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire. Results: The results of factor analysis showed that by turning to the varimax method, the four components, including spiritual factors, internal peace, and existential and active presentations, were confirmed. Moreover, it was clear that the reliability of the whole questionnaire and subscales was high. Conclusion: The obtained results revealed that the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire had good validity and reliability and could be an appropriate tool for research in the spiritual domain.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Urinary stones are the third most common genital tract disease after urinary tract infections and prostate diseases. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is the most common treatment for more than half of all kidney stones. Most patients experience pain during the surgery, despite the use of pain killer after ESWL. This study aimed to investigate the effect of prayer on pain in the patients who underwent ESWL. Materials and Methods: This clinical trial was performed on 120 patients who were referred to Ayatollah Kashani Hospital, Shahrekord, Iran, for ESWL in 2018. Patients were divided into two experimental and control groups. In addition to the reception of routine care, the test group repeated the prayer “ peace be upon Mohammad and his descendants” during ESWL. However, the control group only received routine care. The pain score was determined using McGill Pain Questionnaire and the collected data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 20) through descriptive statistics and t-test. Results: The scores of pain variations in the prayer (intervention) and control groups were estimated at-11. 10± 10. 13 and-1. 85± 8. 67, respectively. Based on the results obtained from the Tukey test, there was a significant difference between the two groups in terms of pain variations (P=0. 001). There was a significant difference between the mean drug use in the control and experimental groups (P=0. 01). Conclusion: This study showed that prayer therapy reduced the pain of the patients who underwent ESWL.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Meaning life is one of the predictors of marital satisfaction. According to Mulla Sadra's thought, the human soul can develop its material and spiritual talents and reach the highest level of meaning of life. To achieve this goal, Mulla Sadra discusses the relationship among love, immortality, and responsibility with the meaning of life. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of logotherapy training based on Mulla Sadra's School on marital satisfaction. Materials and Methods: This present quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design was conducted on all parents attending to family education session held in a female vocational school, Isfahan, Iran, in 2019. The samples (n=30) were selected using the voluntary sampling method and randomly divided into two groups of experimental and control. The experimental group received a 10-session logotherapy training course based on Mulla Sadra's School. The participants filled up the short-form ENRICH Marital Satisfaction Scale. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 25) using the one-way ANCOVA. Results: The results of descriptive statistics indicated increased marital satisfaction in the experimental group, compared to the control group. Based on the findings of the covariance analysis, the logotherapy training based on Mulla Sadra's School significantly improved the mean scores of marital satisfaction in the experimental group, compared to the control group (P≤ 0. 0001). Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the employment of logotherapy based on Mulla Sadra's School would be useful to increase marital satisfaction.

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Religion and Health

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Background and Purpose: Adherence to ethics is essential for clinical care. One of the nursing cares is wound care and dressing. Nurses should perform dressing by the adoption of the correct technique, along with the observation of ethical principles. However, some previous studies have shown that the performance of some nurses in this regard was not satisfactory. Therefore, due to the importance of this issue, this study aimed to determine the performance of nurses in adherence to ethical principles in dressing. Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 nurses of Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan, Iran, during 8 months in 2016 using convenience sampling. The data were collected using a researcher-made checklist comprising demographic information and performance of nurses in adherence to ethical principles in dressing. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson correlation. A p-value of less than 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The mean age of the nurses was 24. 87± 6. 52 years, and 66% of the study subjects were female. In addition, 61. 5% of the participants were single and 75% of them served Manpower Planning. The obtained mean score of the questionnaire within the range of 0-30 was reported as 20. 63± 4. 11. Furthermore, 57% of the nurses applied ethical principles well while dressing patients. Among the underlying variables, there was a significant relationship between marital status and occupational status with the total score (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results showed that only half of the nurses performed well and their mean score was at a moderate level. Therefore, it is suggested that authorities plan and take necessary measures to identify the causes of shortcomings and take the policies associated with these ethical issues into account.

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Religion and Health

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Medical narrations, as part of the narrative heritage, have always been considered with respect and obedience by Muslims. Different groups of Shiite and Sunni scholars (i. e., sages, topologists, narrators, fuqahā , and Akhbarian) have each encountered these narrations in different ways. The explanation of the methodical understanding principles and criteria for the content critique of these narrations are among important issues investigated in the field of " Religion of Health” , as well as the main question of this study, which is performed in an analytical-descriptive method. The findings of this article were the presentation of the following criteria as a methodology for understanding and content critique of medical narrations from the perspective of Shiite scholars, namely inclusion of guidance on both the physical and mental aspects as a requirement for the explanatory dignity of the Infallibles from the Holy Qur’ an, a basis adoption regarding revelation or normalization of the above narrations, explanation of "Medical Monographs" by religion, falsity of many of these narrations, impermissibility of acting on a single report in the field of scientific and developmental concepts, impermissibility of practicing the rule of "tolerance in the proofs of traditions" in the field of medical narrations, lack of opposition to the concepts of the Holy Qur’ an and valid tradition and their derived rules, lack of opposition to the definite achievements of human knowledge, impermissibility of generalizing "transcendental" characteristic to all medical narrations, necessity of distinguishing between ontological and normative medical narrations, lack of the semantic weakness of the hadith, necessity of thematic study of medical narrations, interdisciplinary nature of research in the field of these narrations, and dissimilarity of these narrations with the medical point of view derived from Greek books and contents of public narrations.

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دین و سلامت

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عطردرمانی نوعی طب گیاهی است که از روغن گیاهان برای مداوای بیماری، حفظ سلامت و بهبود جسم و ذهن استفاده می شود. هدف این پژوهش که با رویکرد تحلیلی محتوا گردآوری شده است، بازخوانی کارکرد دارویی عطرها (جانوری و گیاهی) در پیشگیری از ابتلا به بیماری ها یا مداوای آن ها به عنوان روشی درمانگر است تا از این رهگذر اهمیت رایحه درمانی در روش درمانی ابن سینا به عنوان روشی کاربردی یا داروی مکمل تبیین و بررسی شود. مطالعات نشانگر آن است که در تاریخ پزشکی و داروسازی، عطرها به عنوان ادویه مفرد و مرکب کاربرد داشته اند. در میان پزشکان مسلمان، ابن سینا مهم ترین طبیبی بود که از مواد معطر برای تشخیص و مداوای بیماری بهره برده است. نحوه استعمال عطرها به صورت استشمام، استنشاق، استحمام، چکاندن، بخور و ماساژ بوده است و در مواردی به شیوه داروی خوراکی هم تجویز شده است.

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Religion and Health

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The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has led to some changes in lifestyle as well as the emergence of psychological and spiritual challenges. This content-analysis study aimed to identify the strategies for preserving and promoting health based on Islamic thoughts during the COVID-19 outbreak. The data were collected from the national and international databases, such as Hawzeh. net, Noormag, Jaame al-Hadith, Jaame alTafasir, Ahlebit library Science Direct, ProQuest, and Medline using the keywords, such as “ Coronavirus Pandemic and Islam” , “ Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and coronavirus” , “ Islamic traditions” and “ disease” . After evaluating the Islamic texts and contents, the findings revealed that some Islamic teachings highlighted the health promotion during the COVID-19 outbreak by presenting specific cognitions and beliefs, such as God's cleansing power by attributing the advent of this disease to the material world, the role of human activities in COVID-19 outbreak, as well as introducing the wisdom and philosophy of COVID-19. Moreover, some other Islamic teachings have targeted health promotion in the COVID-19 outbreak by introducing and emphasizing behaviors, such as prioritizing the health guidelines when contradicting with religious fatwas, as well as focusing on empathy, social cooperation, and constant communication with God. Considering the place of religion in Iran, the findings of such investigations may help healthcare providers benefit from the role of religion in promoting physical, mental, spiritual, and social health in the COVID-19 pandemic.

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