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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Coastal cities around the world are increasingly exposed to a variety of natural and unnatural hazards. To reduce the vulnerability of these cities, improving resilience in various dimensions has a crucial role. The environmental dimension of resilience emphasizes the cities' ecological system's sustainability to enhance their resilience against the various environmental hazards. In terms of the purpose, it was applied research. The factors influential on the improvement of the coastal cities' environmental resilience were investigated in two stages. The study area includes the Bushehr province's coastal cities with a functional role as the county center. The first stage's statistical population consisted of the urban management experts and environmental activists, and the second stage includes the urban resilience specialists. For determining factors related to the improvement of ecological resilience in the coastal cities, the factor analysis method has been used to define the weight of each of these factors and analyze the environmental resilience of the study area; the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been used. The results of the factor analysis indicated that the influential factors after registration was "the pollution control, " "the protection of available resources, " "the population and access to services, " and "the activity of volunteer groups" with specific values of 5. 23, 3. 08, 2. 07, and is 1. 50 respectively. According to the results of AHP, the factor of "pollution control" is the most important compared to other factors. Among the coastal cities studied, Bushehr has the highest level with a weight of 0. 420, and Assaluyeh has the lowest with a weight of 0. 068 of the environmental resilience.

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After the Second World War (the 1950s), the academics’ attention to the various topics of the interdisciplinary science of tourism began with the increasing economic and social-cultural importance. Also, the number and depth of these studies have been increased so far. In Iran, the research on this twentieth-century phenomenon began with a time delay and from the 1380s. However, the knowledge of the current researches’ trend not only determines the possible gaps but also paves the way for interested researchers in the future. The present article was conducted to investigate and analyze the coastal and marine tourism studies in the scientific-research articles published in reputable domestic journals. For this goal, 106 articles were found in this area by the researcher’ s searching on the databases and domestic journals’ websites. These articles' studying process began in five key questions and thus in five steps: reviewing the time trend, the geographical distribution, the topics of studies, the relationship between the coastal and marine tourism, and the other shapes of tourism and the methodological approaches. These steps showed that the beginning of research on tourism in coastal areas and water areas of the country dates back to 2003, and so far, most researches in this area were done in 2017. Among the coastal areas and water areas of the country, generally, the most articles (63) has been focused on the coastal regions of the "Caspian Sea" and in particular, 37 of them, the beaches of "Mazandaran Province"; among the six topics of study separated by the researcher, 54 articles (more than 50%) with the topic of "Planning and policy-making of coastal and marine tourism development. " In these articles, the relationship between coastal and marine tourism was discussed with sports, rural, and urban tourism more than other tourism development forms. Finally, the findings showed that the quantitative approach is the dominant approach in these studies. This study will help those interested in research in coastal and marine tourism, especially in finding the topic, the study area, and the up-to-date, practical, and more attractive research method. At the end of the article, suggestions for future researchers were presented.

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The coastal areas of the south of the country are among the areas that have many attractions. Each of these forms is specific to living ecosystems. But identifying, managing, and coherent planning for each of them seems necessary. A job opportunity arises from every ten tourists entering the host country. The location of Minab plain at the mouth of the river has led to exciting geotourism forms. The purpose of this study is to investigate the tourism capabilities of landforms in this region. Using and comparing two models of Prireira and Reynard, 12 geomorphosites were evaluated, including: (estuary, mud volcano, Avicenna marina, tidal canals, sandy dunes, dunes, barchans, meanders, etc. ). Pereira's model indicated that the highest score was related to estuaries in the scientific and complementary grades, and the lowest score was for meanders. Hence, in Reynard's model, Avicennia marina's scientific and estuaries values in the complementarity criterion gained the highest value. Generally, the results showed that both estuaries and Avicennia marina have the highest score among geomorphosites.

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    2 (2)
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The statistics provided by the 2016 population and housing census showed the increasing number of older adults in the next 40 years of the country. According to the statistics provided, a small number of nursing homes in Tabriz city would respond to the massive flood of the elderly. The aim was to determine the suitable places for establishing residential centers for the elderly in Tabriz city. In this regard, the GIS spatial information system has been used. This article is divided into two stages. In the first stage, examining and evaluating the factors required to locate the nursing home, the influential variables in the relevant parameters (capacity, desirability, and compatibility) are extracted and classified. In the next step, the adaptation parameter factors were weighted and ranked using the implementation of the questionnaire among the urban planning experts; the Kruskal-Wallis test in SPSS software analyzed the data. Utility and capacity factors were weighted by the AHP method, and the resulting weights were applied using basic maps of Tabriz city. The weighted layers were overlaid in the ArcGIS environment and performed in two separate reclassification scenarios in the final stage. The most suitable locations in the first scenario were determined in Golkar street and Shahriar bolivar. In the second scenario, the most famous areas were selected in Ayatollah Tabatabaee and Haft Tir in the Abresan area. This study's findings can help in creating and developing regional planning in the establishment and development of residential areas for the elderly in Tabriz.

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Today, besides the complexities and challenges associated with increasing the population and development in terms of facilities and developmental resources, cities also encounter many security and safety challenges in their various areas to deal with human, natural hazards, dangers, and crises. In this regard, resilience is a new approach proposed to sustain and maintain sustainability and improve the capacity to withstand resources and development indicators in cities against risks and injuries and risks. The present study was applied-developmental and descriptive-analysis, and it was attempted to analyze the urban resilience components in Mahshahr. The documentary-library method was used to collect the descriptive data, and a survey and questionnaire were used to manage the analyzing data. The sample was 50 experts and specialists who were deliberately participated and questioned by the Delphi method. The AHP hierarchical analysis model and linear regression model (R-Linear) were used to analyze the research data. The results showed that among the Mahshahr resilience components, infrastructure resilience has a higher priority than other components. All economic, social, infrastructural, physical, and managerial components positively and significantly affect the realization of urban resilience in Mahshahr.

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    2 (2)
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Paying attention to the landscape development indicators and factors is independent of new approaches to rural tourism development. Independent rural landscape development is a form of forward-looking rural development where residents play an essential and active role in the development process. Independent rural landscape development follows bottom-up principles and local involvement. The local involvement emphasizes the performance and interests, the inhabitants' integrated character, culture, art, importance, workforce input, technical expertise, and creative development. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between independent rural landscape development and coastal tourism development benefits. It was a mixed study (qualitative and quantitative) and applied in terms of purpose. Data collection tools are questionnaires, interviews, and observation. The statistical population was households in the coastal villages of Chabahar (3720 households). The sample was 280 households and six coastal villages with tourist attractions selected through Cochran's formula and quota sampling method. The unrestricted co-integration test and the quality functional deployment model (QFD) were used to answer the research questions. Findings indicate that among the eight factors of local culture and art, creative development, local resources, and performance, geographical factor, workforce, expertise and knowledge, characteristics of integration and management and maintenance, four factors including local resources and economic performance, local culture, and art, geography and workforce are the most critical factors influential on the development of independent rural landscape in Chabahar. The QFD model and communication matrix results indicated that the above factors were most associated with maintaining the environmental quality, reducing ecological vulnerability, mobilizing the local economy, and creating rural employment. Based on the requirements and indicators used, five strategies for developing independent landscape and rural tourism were developed through the interviews with the local people and the QFD model: the training of the specialized workforce, strengthening villagers' participation in the tourism activities, the promotion of marketing and the production of creative rural tourism products, the optimal use of local resources, and the local management and leadership capacity.

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