Introduction: The sudden outbreak of Covid 19 has affected the world's higher education system and has led to changes in con-ventional teaching methods at most universities. The purpose of this study is a comparative study of challenges and opportunities of higher education during the Corona pandemic in Iran and the world. Methods: The present study is a review study. Data using a systematic review of information resources in the databases ProQuest, Science direct, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, in the period 2019 and 2020 based on the keywords Corona, Medical education, higher education, Challenge, opportunity was done. Finally, out of 44 collected articles, 31 articles were studied. Resource analysis was performed in the form of documentary content analysis. Results: Based on the findings of the present study, 28 challenges and 24 opportunities each were found in 6 areas of resource analysis that are considered as challenges and opportunities of higher education during the Corona pandemic in Iran and the world. These challenges and opportunities are two different aspects of the impact of Corona on higher education. Conclusion: According to the research findings, it is recommended that university officials and administrators develop appropriate measures and decisions, laws and regulations required in critical situations such as Corona. Also provide the necessary guidance to change the approach of traditional education to elearning and combination education in order to promote higher education.