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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Carex, the largest genus of Cyperaceae family in the world and Iran, includes four subgenera, of which the subgenus Carex with 68 species in Flora Iranica area and 44 species in Iran is the largest subgenus. Due to morphological similarities between species, this genus is composed of several complex groups. The reproductive structures (inflorescence and flower) in this genus, especially utricle and nut, are of special importance for the identification and delimitation of species. In this research, the utricle characters among Carex species in Iran have been studied. In order to evaluate the morphological and micromorphological characters, herbarium samples were used and the obtained data were analyzed using PAST software Ver. 3. 14. Utricle shape (general and transverse view ), winged or wingless margin, wall material, the presence of veins and its number, the presence of hair and beak (shape and length ) were more important than other characters. Identification key was prepared based on morphological characters for subgenus Carex in Iran. The morphological traits of utricle were useful only at the species level but were not effective at the section level and also the micromorphological traits were not effective at either the species level or the cluster level. Also, cluster analysis based on utricle morphological data did not confirm the conventional classifications of sections in the Flora Iranica and the Flora of Iran, but showed more agreement with phylogenetic results.

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The genus Seidlitzia has four herbaceous species viz. S. florida (M. B. ) Bge. ex Boiss., S. cinerea (Moq. ) Bge. ex Botsch., and S. stokii that are herbaceous, and S. rosmarinus (Ehrenb. ) Bge. ex Boiss. is shrubby belong to the family Amaranthaceae. In the present study, ISSR molecular markers were used to evaluate the genetic diversity among 85 plant samples from 17 populations of S. rosmarinus. Four random primers were used to perform ISSR reactions and in total 221 DNA bands were obtained. After forming 0 and 1 matrix with the help of GenAlex and NTSYS software, it was used to interpret ISSR analysis data. Molecular analysis of variance (AMOVA ) was performed to estimate genetic diversity out of 85 individuals. Of total diversity, the highest amount of genetic diversity (68% ) was related to intra-population diversity, 28% of inter-population diversity, and 4% of inter areas was calculated. MCMC analysis using Structure 2. 3. 4 software was used to investigate the genetic diversity populations of S. rosmarinus. Main coordinates analysis by the PCOA method was also used for extract maximum information from molecular data.

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A comprehensive micromorphological and anatomical study was carried out on achene of five species and 1 variety from Thalictrum Tourn. ex L. using scanning electron microscopy and hand sections to evaluate achene characteristics for use in the examination of systematic relationships. Considerable differences were found in achene micromorphology and anatomy both among the species and variety. Exocarp was ribbed and the shape of exocarp cells was either papillate, reticulate, ruminate, and reticulatepapillate. In addition, the number of fibre cells, collenchymas, schlerenchymas, and parenchyma were important characteristics for distinguishing the taxa. A phenogram from statistical analysis based on nine quantitative anatomical traits showed that, varieties of T. minus have different anatomical characters and are similar to T. tacabicum. Besides, the present data convincingly support a close relationship between T. isopyroides and T. foetidum more than other species. On the other hand, T. sultanabadense with lesser vascular bundles and curved achene showed less similarity with other species. This study is congruent with the earlier groupings of the Thalictrum species based on morphology and agrees in part with molecular studies. The results of this study showed that, the anatomical features of the achene due to the provision of diagnostic traits could be useful for identifying and isolating species of this complex genus.

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The genus Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae ), with 14 native or cultivated species (total 17 species and subspecies ), is distributed in different regions of Iran. Of these, 10 are known as weedy taxa. In the present study, we selected and analyzed the morphological and micromorphological characteristics of the inflorescence and seeds in Iranian Amaranthus taxa to investigate the diversity and to clarify the relationships among them. Scanning electron microscope (SEM ) micrographs of seeds of 16 taxa were presented. In order to determine the similarity of the studied taxa and their classification in relation to the measured characteristics, cluster analysis was used by Ward method. The evaluation of data by Ward clustering and PCA biplot classification methods showed similar results. The results divided the taxa into three main groups, which do not fully correspond to the sections mentioned in the classification of this genus; however, confirm somewhat the close relationships of the taxa.

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    1 (61)
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During the study of the habitats and ecosystems of Gilan province (north of Ian ), an invasive and alien species, namely, Tradescantia fluminensis (Commelinaceae ) was observed and identified which is reported for the first time for the flora of Iran. In recent years, T. fluminensis has been developed as a weed in tea gardens and an invasive plant in the neighboring plains of the northern parts of Iran. In addition, the report of the growth localities as well as the risk assessment of the invasive plant were examined using the protocols provided by Virtue & Meland (2003 ), and Stone (2008 ). According to the risk score obtained for this invasive plant (205. 86 ), it stands within the group of plants with "very high risk". By studying the soil of habitats, it was found that, there is a positive and significant correlation between the amount of available soil phosphorus and the wet biomass of the plant. Due to the ecological behavior of this plant, biological control and mechanical removal are the most appropriate methods of managing this plant in the northern habitats of the country.

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Zangeneh Sima



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    1 (61)
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Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF ) are a group of soil-borne obligate symbionts which develop a close mutualistic association with plant roots specially with important plant crops. The genus Acaulospora is one of the largest worldwide taxa in the phylum Glomeromycota. Fifty-nine species of this genus have been identified in the world so far of which 14 of them have been reported from Iran. In this research, five other species of this genus are reported for the first time from Iran viz. Acaulospora alpina, from the feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium ) in Isfahan; A. gedanensis, A. herrerae, and A. scrobiculata from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum ) in Khuzestan, and A. punctata from wheat (Triticum aestivum ) in Sistan and Baluchestan provinces, respectively. These species had spores that randomly observed among other species that were recovered from soils of different regions. The most important morphological features of the spores of this genus are lack of subtending hyphae, formation of inner walls, and possible ornamentation on their walls.

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    1 (61)
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This study was done to compare the plant morphology of Ambrosia psilostachya DC. (ragweed )in four habitats of roadsides (1 ), paddy field margins (2 ), around residential areas (3 ) and coastal areas (4 ) in Bandar-e Anzali (Guilan province, north of Iran ) in 2019. Sampling was random in five growth stages with 10 plants in each habitat. The results indicated that, the highest biomass, plant height and inflorescence length was in the habitats of (2 ) & (4 ), and the highest inflorescence numbers was in (3 ) & (2 ). The maximum plant biomass in the habitats of (2 ), (1 ) & (4 ) was 110 days, and in (3 ) was 82 days after the emergence and then the plant entered the reproductive phase. The trend of plant height increased in the habitat of (1 )continued up to 69 days, and in (2 ) & (4 ) continued up to 110 days after emergence and then decreased while in habitat of (3 ), the trend was linear and continued until November. The beginning of flowering was in mid-July in all habitats. The increasing trend of number of flowering stems in habitats of (3 ) & (4 ) was up to 82 days after emergence, but in (2 ) & (1 ) had a linear trend and continued until November.

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    1 (61)
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The genus Plagiomnium (Mniaceae ) of mosses embraces about 34 species in the world out of which seven species are mainly distributed in the northern forest areas of Iran. The aim of this study is biosystematics survey on this genus by the help of numerical taxonomy as well as palynological methods within the natural habitats of the Hyrcanian regions in Guilan, Mazandaran and Golestan provinces (north of Iran ). After collection of samples from natural habitats, they were transferred to the laboratory, and were examined and analyzed. In this research, 38 qualitative and quantitative morphometrical traits belonging to three species of Plagiomnium were studied. Also, by investigated spores of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM ), it was determined that, spores were spherical, exine surface granulated, and sculptures were gemmate type. By using Cluster Analysis (CA ), and Principle Component Analysis (PCA ), the relationships between the Plagiomnium species were studied and it was determined that, the numerical taxonomy as well as palynological study are able to classify Plagiomnium species.

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    1 (61)
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In order to identify fungi associated with canker and leaf spot symptoms of plants, the gardens and forests of Alborz and Guilan provinces were surveyed and infected plant samples were collected from kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa ), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna ), grapevine (Vitis vinifera ) and linden (Tilia cordata ) trees, during the summer and autumn of 2020. After isolation and purification of fungal strains, morphological and molecular identification were performed using the sequences of ITS rDNA region. Based on combined data, finally, five fungal species belonging to the class Dothideomycetes including Neosetophoma guiyangensis from hawthorn and Scolecobasidium cordanae from linden and the class Sordariomycetes including Corynascus sepedonium from grapevine, Harzia palmara from kiwifruit and Sordaria arctica from hawthorn were identified and reported. In the present study, all identified taxa except C. sepedonium, are new for the funga of Iran. Also, kiwifruit, hawthorn, grapevine and linden trees are reported as new hosts (matrix nova ) for respective fungal taxa in the world.

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    1 (61)
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Lavasan Lake situated in the north-east of Tehran (Iran ) is a complex ecosystem of cyanobacterial strains with an ability to produce a wide range of toxic natural compounds that may lead to many problems or even death of humans and animals. Based on the report of toxic cyanobacterial strains present in the Lavasan Lake, the morphological and phylogenetic study of the toxic strain purified from Lavasan Lake water, was performed using 16S rRNA and ITS gene markers. According to the results, the phylogenetic tree was drawn based on 16S rRNA gene, non-toxic strains with the toxic strain Anabaena sp. strain B3 (CCC B3 ) were not clustered within a cloud. In addition, the ability to produce toxins appears to be lost over time. The results of ITS gene analysis using Mfold showed that, the most important difference between the toxic strain Anabaena sp. B3 with other non-toxic strains of Anabaena sp. has the number of nucleotides at terminal bilateral bulge and the number of loops at bilateral bulge in the D1-D1 helix. However, Box B helix structure was not different in any of the strains. This is the first report of molecular phylogeny of a toxin-producing cyanobacterium isolated from the Lavasan Lake.

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Halophytes are able to complete their life cycle in saline soils and can be used optimally if there are proper management plans. Halocnemum strobilaceum (Amaranthaceae ) is a perennial and often shrub that grows in the northwest, center and southeast of Iran. The importance of this plant is in soil protection and forage production with the highest percentage of plant composition in saline and alkaline areas of the Golestan province (north of Iran ). Therefore, recognizing its genetic diversity, to select the best genotypes is necessary. In this study, the morphological and genetic diversity of 13 populations in Golestan province was investigated. Nineteen quantitative and qualitative traits were selected for biometric and morphological studies and then multivariate statistical analyzes were performed. Four primers were used to assess genetic diversity, producing a total of 27 bands. The present study proved that, morphological characteristics as well as molecular data of ISSR are useful in differentiating H. strobilaceum populations. Both quantitative and qualitative morphological features are important and appropriate for the population differentiation. The present study also showed a high level of inter-population genetic diversity. Ward Cluster Analysis, based on morphological features and molecular data, showed significant information on the relationships of the studied populations.

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Abbas Abad travertine stone is one of the widely used travertine stones in Iran. The mines of this stone are located in Mahallat (Markazi province ). By visitings various building stone sites of Shiraz (Fars province )in 2021, loose and rotten stones with black streaks were observed from which rocks were cracked (Fig. 1 ). Among the isolated fungi, one isolate was identified as Ascotricha chartarum Berk. based on morphological features and sequences data. Colonies slow-growing, having a diameter of 10 and 8 mm in seven days on PDA and MEA (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany ), respectively; first dull white, then becoming black with an orange edge. Perithecia dark brown to black, globose or subglobose, 95– 210 × 70– 100 μ m, ostiolate, with distinct, short cylindrical neck, 5– 6. 5 µ m diam. Ascomatal hairs erect, rigid, dichotomously branched, geniculate, dark brown to black, septate, 3. 9– 5. 5 µ m at the base, with thinwalled vesicles at geniculate nodes. Asci cylindrical, thin-walled, evanescent, 8-spored, and 65– 70 × 8– 11 μ m; Ascospores uniseriate, dark olive-brown to black when mature, ellipsoidal, smooth, discoid with a distinct equatorial slit, 6. 5– 9. 2 × 6– 8. 2. Conidiophores in asexual morph (Dicyma ampullifera Boul. ) straight, stiff, smooth or slightly roughened, simple or dichotomously branched, septate, brown to black below, becoming pale brown or hyaline above, up to 2 mm long, 3. 5– 5. 5 μ m diam., with pale, thin-walled vesicles at the bends, resembling the ascomatal hairs. Conidiogenous cells lateral and terminal, cylindrical, sympodial, developing conidia on denticles. Conidia lightly rough, irregularly globose to ellipsoidal, hyaline when young, becoming light brown at maturity, 4. 7– 6. 4 × 2. 2– 3. 8 μ m. The sequence generated in this study was deposited in GenBank under accession No.: MW916314. BLAST analysis revealed a high nucleotide identity (99%) with the ITS region of A. chartarum (LS450963 and KF893284 ) which was recently reported from Kuwait and China, respectively. Ascotricha chartarum is new to the Iranian mycobiota, and is reported for the first time from building stones in the world.

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In the present investigation, vegetation of a part of Boujagh National Park in Guilan province, Bacopa monnieri (L. ) Wettstein was identified as a new record from north of Iran. This species is native to tropical environments and has been reported only in southern Iran. In this study, while reporting this specimen, the importance of studying it as an invasive species in the North of Iran is emphasized (Figs 1– 2 )...

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During a field expedition to the northern parts of Iran, an alien species was collected from Lakan area, near Rasht (Gilan province ). It was identified as Verbena brasiliensis (Verbenaceae ). It is reported for the first time to the flora of Iran. V. brasiliensis is an erect perennial herb, (50– )100– 200 cm tall. Stem sharply quadrangular, numerous opposites branched, finely strigose above, gradually becoming glabrous towards the base. Lower and median leaves 4. 5– 5. 5 cm long, 1. 5– 2 cm wide, rhombic-lanceolate or lanceolate, sub petiolate, lamina elliptic-lanceolate, gradually tapering to the base and pointed at the top, margins irregularly serrate, and entire at the base. Spikes cylindrical, numerous, terminal, compressed or slightly spaced at the base, (1– )1. 5– 4. 5 (– 10 ) cm long, 3– 4. 5 mm wide. Spikes triad, central sessile or less pedunculate. Bracts and calyx, narrow-lanceolate, covered with appressed hairs, 2. 2– 2. 5 mm long. Corolla bluish-purple, hairy at above calyx, corolla tube 2. 5– 3. 5 mm long, corolla lobes 1 mm long. Nutlets oblong, 1. 5– 1. 9 mm long, white-papillate on flattened ventral surface, wrinkled on dorsal surface, longitudinally ribbed. Specimen examined: Iran: Gilan province, Rasht, Lakan, 20 m, 10. 07. 2021, 37° 13'50. 2" N, 49° 36'42/17" E (GILAN-6400 ) (Fig. 1 ). This species originates from South America, but now it has been naturalized to North America, South Africa, Oceania, Europe and the Caucasus (Georgia's Black Sea coast). The plant mostly grows in wet habitats such as: river banks, lakes, coastal prairies. The species is characterized by confinement to the second common disturbed habitats: disturbed soils, pastures, agricultural arable land, wastelands near fences, gravelly lands, roadsides, and railway tracks (Melnikov 2014 ). In the study area, it has a dense growth on the disturbed soils around the channels and the cement wall, and also scattered in the pasture of the flood plains beside some plants such as: Juncus effussus L., Paspalum distichum L. accompanied by Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Phytolaca americana L., Artemisia annua L., Digitaria sanguinalis (L. ) Scop., Erigeron canadensis L., Paspalum dilatatum Poir., Sambucus ebulus L., Lycopus europaeus L., Silybum marianum (L. ) Gaertn., Rubus sanctus Schreb., and Pulicaria dysenterica (L. ) Gaertn. In the modern world, one of the most threat for the biodiversity, is adventive invasive species (Mikeladze et al. 2017 ). Caspian Sea coasts has a suitable climate for the establishment and spread of alien plants due to its humid climate and lack of severe winter cold. In recent years, numerous imported plants with high invasion behavior have been reported from the Caspian coasts, especially Guilan province such as: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Mozaffarian 1991 ), Sida rhombifolia L. (Amini et al. 2003 ), Amaranthus spinosus L. (Mohamadzadeh et al. 2005 ), Tagetes minuta L. (Naqinezhad & Saeidi Mehrvarz 2007 ), S. sisymbriifolium (Eslami & Naqinezhad 2010 ), Eichhornia crassipes (Mart. ) Sloms (Mozaffarian & Yaghoubi 2015 ), A. psilostachya DC. (Tokasi et al. 2017 ), and Pistia stratiotes L. (Bidarlord et al. 2019 ). This species is invasively increasing in several parts of Europe and North America (Verloove 2011 ). Fully grown plant in the second year develops about 90, 000– 100, 000 seeds (Mikeladze et al. 2017 )and forms a dense cover. It is a threat to native plants and could cause their extinction. So far in Iran, the species is only collected and observed in the study area with a limited extent. Mechanical and chemical controls are advised if necessary which could be efficient at the introduced phase to eradicate this species.

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