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he Cuckoo of Faith is one of the curses who have given the Shari'a and consequently the law and the foundation of the rationale for the customer. In the event of a product being defective, the customer will be in a position to terminate the contract and / or to obtain an order and sign the contract. By contrast, any verb and manipulation that, in the common sense of the people, imply the abandonment of obligations and obligations, will deprive them of the right to reject and commit to a transaction. One of the things that causes the right to decline is to seize it in such a way as to cause the same change. This change should be in such a way that the other is not the same as the original condition that was traded. The common sense of the mind ignores the slight changes, and any loss of the attribute of health or the adjective of perfection also accompanies the change at the same time and causes the fall of the right to reject. On the other hand, if a number of transactions are made on this basis, the customer can return the goods and cancel the transaction and cancel the transaction until it has remained in its original condition and has the possibility and ability to return to the bank. To restore.

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The emergence of genetic science and the research on the human genome and the new functions that make up this new subject have created a range of discussions between experts and jurisprudents, and since jurisprudence has the ability to respond to the issues that are under investigation, This issue is also necessary for the views of the jurists to be considered. Referring to the views expressed by the jurisprudents, there are various statements ranging from consent to opposition to such actions. Among these, the arguments for the opposition to express their opposition to the particular effects on it and the type of reasoning presented are of particular importance. . What this research seeks to answer is, on the one hand, to explain the approach of jurists to this issue and, on the other hand, to discover why some scholars oppose genetic research. Findings of the research indicate that the reasons for the adversaries have a stronger position, although there are disagreements among the adherents, and what is presented as a reason for opposition from the opponents of genetic actions is a legal concern, rather than a reason, Because research on the human genome is not in the limelight in the form of initial titles, and if the issue of abusing the permits of such actions is posed, it is another issue that opponents follow from the interpretation of the Convention that has the negative consequences of such actions Emphasizing that by preventing the potential misuse of this There is a background and there is more evidence that the arguments of the opponents of genetic actions can be ruled out.

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The irrational rule (alert) is derived from one of Ali's ('a) judgments, which is mentioned in a narration from Imam Sadiq (AS), "The Height of My Commander Aware, " that is, the one who warns against the excusable guarantor. Accordingly, before giving a harmful act, the warner and awareness required to escape the danger, the warner will be exempted from liability if he or she does not care about the arrival of the damage. This jurisprudential rule, which is in fact one of the guilty parties, is proven by rational and convincing reasons that many scholars have investigated. But the basic thrust of this paper is to what extent is the scope and scope of this rule? By reviewing the jurisprudential and legal writings and legal and analytical and descriptive methods and using library tools in order to reveal this scope, we will review the scope of the application of this rule in a variety of domestic and foreign domestic and international obligations.

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The conditional entity is one of the major jurisprudential issues that is very important for its accurate understanding of the judgments it handles. One of the most successful ways to understand the concept of words is to examine the types of references that necessitate research on the nature of the condition. In this paper, with a comprehensive overview and comprehensive review of jurisprudential sources, all the effective directions in the division of the criteria (divisibility criteria) have been established and attempts have been made to determine the extent of these categories by addressing the terminology and the expression of the equipment, the history and effects of their acceptance. Accurately explained. Based on the findings of this research, the following are the most important and over-fulfilling conditions: the condition of the consent of the contract, the condition against the nature of the contract, the condition of the opposition to the source, the condition against the customary work of the contract, the condition against the use of the contract, the conditional, the customary (ordinary), religious and Rational condition of the verb, description and purpose of the verb, implicit, elemental, collusion and explicit, in each case based on the subject, the type of ruler of credit, the necessity of respect, and the mentioning and not mentioning in the text of the contract, the split is conditioned.

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A contract or transaction with oneself is a legal situation in which a person performs a legal act alone but with two credentials and with a dual role (cause and effect). The nature of the transaction is the contract itself, because two essays as a representative of two reciprocal interests can lead to a compromise, even if it is issued from one will. There is a difference of opinion among jurists and jurists about the legitimacy of the transaction, but the famous person believes that the transaction is valid from a general point of view and allows unity of cause and effect in a single person. Recognized. Due to the differences in the nature, causes and effect of the transaction between the jurists on the one hand and the jurists on the other, the author intends to analyze and analyze the issue of the transaction with himself in a descriptive-analytical manner.

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damage caused judicial decisions is one of those cases which although in most cases, causes harm to individuals, but compensation for such damages has a significant bearing on the mental health of individuals in a community and it promotes the health and development of people in society. the victims of the normal damages and specific compensation for damages resulting for judicial decisions is a challenging topic although the current legislation requires it, it does not specify the methods of assessment and has no fixed and definite benchmark. and sometimes it is seen that judicial decisions have caused losses to individuals, but they have not been compensated. in this research, in accordance with the rational principle of the necessity of compensating for the loss and disadvantage of ' la zarar and la zerar', we have tried to accept that any damage is compensated and should be evaluated and priced and compensated in the best way.

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The issue of privacy is the important provisions in Islam and jurisprudence, which has a very high reputation, the privacy of its kind, is divided into material and non-material confidentiality, and scholars have issues such as the privacy of individuals, attention and considered in the profound jurisprudence. Therefore, the eighth Government of the Islamic Republic in 1386 revised the privacy bill and surrendered to the Islamic Consultative Assembly. This research has been attempted to discuss the privacy bill, which has several headings: physical privacy, places and houses, personal information on media activities, communication, at work, and responsibilities arising from privacy violations and the principles governing it. In this regard, the present study introduces the principle of non-velayat, اصاله, and the principle of human dignity as the principles governing the privacy Bill, as well as the prohibition of disclosure, the need to pay attention to human dignity and to abstain from tyranny as relevant privacy issues.

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One of the indisputable and important rules of jurisprudence is the rule of Domination. According to this rule, man has dominion over his property and, consequently, the right to possess. The issue that has been raised in this regard and has caused controversy among jurists as well as jurists is the possibility of recognizing the human right to the body based on the rule of Domination. The specific question in this regard is whether the human right to one's body can be justified on the basis of the rule of Domination or whether another approach should be sought? The results of the analysis of this issue in the present paper are that the inference of kingship over the organs of the body, by analogy with the priority of human kingship over rubbing, does not seem correct because our kingship over property is not absolute so that we can By analogy of priority, let us conclude that we have dominion over the organs of the body. Also, the delegation of human affairs to him can not be considered as a reason for man's dominion over his body parts, because the delegation of human affairs to him is only in matters not related to body (blood) and includes political and social issues. It does not enter into the circle of sensitive issues in which the Shari'a procedure is based on excessive precaution. On the contrary, reliance on the rule and theory of guardianship seems to be a better explanation of the human right to his body.

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The right of shareholders to raise equity capital is a right recognized in all legal systems. The main question of the present study is what are the foundations and sources of this right in the perspective of Iranian, American and Imamieh legal systems? The legal basis of this right to purchase and subscribe for new shares arising from the increase in capital in the US legal system is the prevention of the reduction of various shareholder rights, an issue that is also valid in Iranian law. In addition, jurisprudential rules such as the rule of loss and the rule of law can also be considered as the basis for the right of priority. In Iranian law, the law is the source of this right, but in American law the right is the product of a judicial procedure, law, and company statute that have two general approaches. Except as stipulated in the Statute of Priority, shareholders do not, except the Statute, deny this right unless the Statute has denied this right, while the legal provisions relating to the right of priority in Iranian law are applicable and the possibility of infringement Contrary to that, there is no company statute.

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The precepts of religion have come from God Almighty to humans so that they can walk on their path of evolution and end their divine and secular happiness. abstract the current and current issues in the context of islamic society can be such that custom can sometimes interfere with islamic laws and the need to infer the divine order for that issue and the effect of that order will be imposed on the custom. one of these issues is the issue of shaving. the main question of this study is to trim the legal and juridical opinions in the shia and sunni religion and its feedback is common in custom. which is carried out with a carry-out method. the findings of the study can be mentioned as follows: by cutting the evidence from medical findings based on religious jurisprudence (shia and sunni)according to God's verses in the quran as well as the traditions of god and imams and the rule of judgment rule, it is taboo that this is challenging and sometimes conflicting with what happens.

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Kasameh is one of the proofs of the criminal case used in the courts, and the scientific evidence is based on the development of in-house technology of the judge in science. This descriptive-analytical paper, combined with documentary and library data collection, seeks to answer the following questions that today, given that people often swear by the facts, do not use the passage And where is the proof of retribution, where is the rule of law for the accused? Is it possible to substitute scientific proof for the sake of caution in temperature and population? And finally, it turns out that given the length of the evidence to prove each other's criminal claims, one can use the scientific evidence and the credible results that are within the judge's knowledge, which is then the case. The measure will not be reached and the precautionary principle in temperature and population will also apply to the accused

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خیار عیب یکی از خیارهایی است که شرع و به تبع آن قانون و بنای عقلاء برای مشتری قرار داده اند. مشتری در صورت معیوب بودن کالا، بین فسخ عقد و یا گرفتن ارش و امضاء عقد مختار است. در مقابل، هر فعل و تصرفی که از دیدگاه عرف مردم، دلالت بر اسقاط و التزام به معامله کند؛ سبب اسقاط حق رد و التزام به معامله می شود. یکی از مواردی که سبب می شود حق رد ساقط شود، تصرف در مبیع است به نحوی که سبب تغییر عین مبیع شود. این تغییر باید به نحوی باشد که مبیع دیگر به آن حالت اولیه که مورد معامله قرار گرفت، نباشد. عرف عقلاء تغییرات جزیی را نادیده گرفته و هر گونه از بین رفتن صفت صحت یا صفت کمال را نیز ملحق به تغییر در عین مبیع و سبب سقوط حق رد می داند. از سوی دیگر، نیز اگر چند معامله بر این مبیع انجام گیرد تا زمانی که مبیع به حالت اولیه خود باقی مانده است و امکان و قابلیت بازگرداندن به بایع را داشته باشد، مشتری می تواند کالا را بازگرداند و معامله را فسخ کرده و ثمن خود را بازگرداند.

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پیدایش علم ژنتیک و انجام تحقیقات در خصوص ژنوم انسانی و کارکردهای جدیدی که بر این موضوع متفرع شده است زمینه گفتگوهای علمی مختلفی بین متخصصان واز جمله فقهاء بوجود آورده است و از آنجا که علم فقه داعیه دار پاسخ دادن مسایل مورد ابتلای مکلفین می باشد، ضروری می نمود که در خصوص این موضوع نیز دیدگاه فقها مورد توجه قرار گیرد. با رجوع به دیدگاه های ابرازی از سوی فقهاء بدست می آید که اقوال مختلفی اعم از موافقت مطلق تا مخالفت مطلق شکل گرفته است که در این بین ادله ابرازی مخالفان به جهت آثار متفرع بر آن و نوع استدلال ارایه شده از جایگاه ویژه ای برخوردار شده است. آنچه این تحقیق به دنبال پاسخ گویی آن برآمده است از یک سو تبین رویکرد فقها نسبت به این موضوع و از سوی دیگر کشف چرایی مخالفت برخی دیگراز فقهاء با انجام تحقیقات ژنتیکی است. یافته های تحقیق حاکی از آن است که دلایل موافقین علی رغم اختلافاتی که در این بین دارند از جایگاه قوی تری برخوردار است و آنچه به عنوان دلیل مخالفت از سوی مخالفان اقدامات ژنتیکی مطرح شده بیش از آنکه یک دلیل محسوب شود، حاکی از نگرانی فقهی است؛ چرا که انجام تحقیقات در زمینه ژنوم انسانی می تواند با سوء استفاده هایی همراه شود که می تواند کرامت انسانی را با چالش مواجه کند. در عین حال ضرورت تبعیت از ادله فقهی نگاه اکثریت فقها را به سو دیگری سوق داده است که می تواند ضمن تامین وصیانت از کرامت انسانی از سوء استفاده هایی احتمالی نیز جلوگیری کند.

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