During 2007-2008, soil samples were collected from the 10-15 cm depth of the soil profiles at the fields and orchards in Mazandaran province. Using baiting methods, 121 isolates of Rhizoctonia spp. were recovered, of them 101 and 20 isolates were belonged to multinucleate (MNR) and binucleate (BNR) Rhizoctonia spp., respectively. Among the MNR isolates, 7 ones were assigned to R. solani anastomosis group one (AG-1), 38 isolates to AG-2, 5 isolates to AG-4, 3 isolates to AG- 5, 13 isolates to AG-6, 11 isolates to AG-9, 3 isolates to AG-11 and 21 isolates to WAG-Z (R. zeae). Among the BNR isolates, 15 and 3 isolates were identified as AG-K and R. ramicola, respectively. AG group determination was not sufficient to identify two BNR isolates. For this reason we named them as BNR-1 and BNR-2.