In this survey, the effect of temperature on the rate and trend of macroconidium germination of Fusarium graminearum on water agar was studied and as a result, suitable models for describing this phenomenon were obtained. Germination rate was studied using 12 models. Among these models the linear model, as the simplest one, with Logarithmic transformation of the percentage of spore germination with equation Log (g)=Log (go)+rgt selected for further modeling procedure. In this model g is the percentage of spore germination, t, time, g0, y-intercept and rg, the germination rate. The parameters of this model were estimated using linear regression analysis. Accordingly, the germination rate (rg) at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 C were 0.082, 0.94, 0.95, 0.59, 0.35 and 0.35, respectively. The calculated R2 for above mentioned parameters were 44.31, 52.42, 56.29, 45.17, 44.82 and 40.22, respectively. Regression analysis was performed to estimate correlation between rate of germination as dependent variable and temperature variable (T) as independent variable. On the basis of these analysis a quadratic function (rg=b0+b1T+b2T2) and a polynomial function (rg=b0+b1T+b2T2+b3 (T-15)+b4 (T-15)2) were selected. The estimated parameters of quadratic function were as follow: b0=0.085, b1=0.001 and b2=-0.0001. Using nonlinear regression these parameters for polynomial function were estimated as b0=-7.308, b1=-0.530, b2=0.068, b3=0.66271 and b4=-1.518. The coefficients of determination for quadratic and polynomial function were 82.61% and 82.60%, respectively. The Durbin-Watson Statistic was about 2 for both models, which showed a good fitness in describing the trend of germination rate of macroconedia. In addition, comparison of observed and predicted germination curves supported this analysis. This marks the first finding on modling germination rate as influenced by temperature in this species.