In this study, the samples were the patients who underwent direct laryngoscopy of chronic hoarseness in Isfahan Ayatollah Kashani Hospital, from April 1991 to December 1998. Hoarseness is the most prevalent and important symptom of laryngeal disorders; and it is sometimes the only complaining symptom of this organ s dysfunction. In differential diagnosis of chronic pathologies involving larynx, a neoplastic process must be ruled out. Therefore, endoscopy and biopsy are required to detect carcinoma. This project is a cross sectional descriptive study Population, were all the patients underwent direct laryngoscopy due to chronic hoarseness in Isfahan Ayatollah Kashani hospital from April 1991 to December 1998. Sampling was in census, by means of files existing in the hospitals archive. Cases that laryngoscopy were due to causes other than hoarseness, such as foreign body, or trauma, or in cases that the files were incomplete were excluded from the study. Totally 408 files were evaluated: 54 excluded due to above reasons, and research continued on 363 cases. Average age of evaluated patients was 42.6 years and standard deviation was 18.9. The most abundant was in the 31-40 year group, 67.2% of patients were male. In 63.9% of all patients, definite diagnosis was as certained only by laryngoscopy, and 36.1% were biopsied. On the whole: 36.9% of cases were intact, 9.6% true vocal cord paralysis, 20.1% tumor, and 33.4%inflammation. At least 20% of cases were defined as Tumors. That is a high ratio; and this group needs quick diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Our aim of direct laryngoscopy in patients with chronic hoarseness is `