A 25-year-old man was evaluated in clinic because of fever, chills, sweats and bicytopenia.3 months ago, the patient had a trip to south of Iran, where he received vaccines against Hepatitis B and Meningococcus Meningitis and had begun taking Resochine for prophylaxis against Malaria. During his trip he consumed local food and stream water, as drinking water. The patient received many insects' bites. After finishing his trip he returned to Mashhad and discontinued Resochine prophylaxis. This man was well until two months later when he begun having a high fevers (40° C). Chills sweats, dark urine and mild jaundice. The next day the patient fever was high Nausea developed and had one bout of diarrhea. That evening he came to a private clinic. Physical examination revealed palpable spleen, Mild jaundice. His temperature was 39°C, hematologic tests were performed and Dextrose water serum and antipyretic started. On the next day hematologic lab data received: Hct 39.5%, WBC 3900 (mm3), Neut 74%, Lymphocyte 15%, Monocyte 4%, Eo 1%, Baso 1%, Platelate 105000, ESR 22, Bilirubine 2.7 mg/dl, SGOT 60, SGPT 59, the level of glucose, Creatinine, Amylase were normal, HBV, HCV, HAV Markers were negative. On the next day he was well but on the following day, fever returned and the patient came back to clinic where his temperature was, 40.2°C, on physical examination the findings had not changed. Blood sample was cultured, febrile agglutinin tests, CBC, LFT, Mono test, urinalysis and chest radiograph was done. The patient was unmarried but he denied any illegal sexual contacts.On the third day, examination of patient revealed. Slightly pale sclera without skin rash and lymphoadenopathy, but just a palpable spleen. In lab report, the level of creatinine, glucose, electerolytes SGOT, SGPT, were normal, blood culture remained negative and CBC showed bicytopenia and urine exam was positive for protein, bilirubine, and urobilinogen and the sediment contained no RBC, 5 WBC, and a few bacteria per hpf.