Purpose: To determine correlation between horizontal and vertical size and staging of pterygium, and corneal spherical power and corneal astigmatism by refraction, keratometry and corneal topography.Material & Methods: 59 eyes of 44 patients were selected simply and nonrandom, in a cross sectional study. VA, staging, horizontal and vertical size of pterygium were determined and refraction, keratometry and corneal topography were done. Correlation between pterygium horizontal and vertical size and staging and corneal spherical power and astigmatism and VA were evaluated by Bivariate correlation tests with pearson and spearman.Results: 59 eyes of 44 patients with mean age of 49.71 years were studied. 28 patients were male and 16 patients were female. Mean of vertical size was 5.16 mm and mean of horizontal size was 3.19 mm. Correlation between horizontal and vertical size and VA (p=0.001), refraction spherical equivalent (p<0.01), average sim k (p<0.05), cu index (p<0.001), Pc acuity (p<0.001) was significant. Also significant correlation between horizontal and vertical pterygium size and refraction cyl. (p<0.00) keratometric delta k (p=0.001 and p=0.01 respectively), total astigmatism (p<0.001), delta k (p<0.001) and regular astigmatism (p<0.001)was present. No significant correlation was between staging of pterygium and refraction, keratometry and topographic parameters.Refraction astigmatism (-2.63 D), Keratometric Delta k (D) and topographic Delta k (2.20 D) was less than Total astigmatism (5.06 D) and regular astigmatism (D) on corneal topography. In greater than two thirds of patients, the axis of astigmatism was with the rule.Conclusion: The greater pterygium csize, the greater effects on corneal spherical power astigmatism of refraction, keratometry and topography is seen and therefore decrease in VA is greater. For decision to excise the pterygium, corneal refractive changes and astigmatism is better seen by topography than keratometry and refraction.