Background: Lawyers know the growth as a qualitative right that the owner can recognize the benefit or harm in civil development and good and evil in regard to criminal growth. According to Article 91 of the new Islamic criminal law, the court can inquire the recognition of the maturity and wisdom from legal medicine organization. Finding specific criteria to assess the full development of rational juvenile growth in order to determine criminal responsibility for financial management ability is essential. Evaluation of emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence indices can be useful as diagnostic criteria in approving intellectual growth.Methods: In a prospective study, all offender and non-offender individuals under 18 years old referred to Legal Medicine Organization of Fars province in order to get growth certificate from April 2015 to the end of September 2015 were included in this study. For all of them, intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence and, excitement control index were investigated. The intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence and, excitement control criterion were determined using standard psychological tests and were compared between the two groups of offenders and non-offenders.Findings: A total of 71 individuals £ 18 years, including 27 boys and 44 girls with an average age of 15.9 ± 1.5 referred to the Fars Legal medicine Organization were evaluated during the first 6 months of 1394 Gulf. Of these, 9 patients (12.6 %) were male and offenders the rest had no history of crime. Average score of intelligence on offender group was of 75.62±7.96 and for non-offenders group was 110.09±13.87 that there was a significant difference in this respect between the two groups (P=0.000). Average score of emotional intelligence for offender group was 102.87±14.01 and for non-offenders group it was obtained 127.40 ± 17.35, which offenders’ score was significantly lower than non-offenders’ score (P=0.000). The average scores of emotion regulation index of offender group obtained the 38.50±9.87 score and for non-offenders group it was 51.80±8.13; obtained score of non-offender group was significantly higher than the offenders (P=0.006).Conclusion: As a result, the intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence and excitation regulation index in nonoffenders was more than of offenders. Considering significant difference of intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence and excitation regulation index between the two groups, it seems that these three factors have a significant impact on an individual’s deal with stress and mental conditions, psychological impulse control. Finally, the offender of aggression had. Low total cost of the three indices, however, can amount to a lack of intellectual growth offender is under 18, but the high level of these components in non-criminal cannot approve the applicant’s sentence and ability to run the intellectual growth of finance in the necessarily endorsing individuals.