Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The height measurements in the elderly are associated with several problems. In this study we used a model to predict of the Iranian people aged height from age, shin length and forearm length.Methods: A total 165 aged people³60 years were randomly selected based on medical record number of about 800 eligible older people who lived in Kahrizak Charity Foundation. Standing height, shin length and forearm length were measured. Data from 99 participants were used to creat a predicting multivariate linear regression model for estimation of standing height of older men and women. The data of the rest 66 participants were used for models testing.Result: The following equations were created:Men height=78.928+(1.430´ shin length)+(0.817×forearm length)-(0.176×age)The height of women=71.694+(1.414×shin length)+(1.084× forearm length)-(0.277× age)R2were calculated as 0.63 for men and 0.52 for women. Error of estimation was +0.44 cm and it was-0.16cm and+1.09cm for men and women respectively. Estimated heights were not significantly different from standing statures.Conclusion: height was predictable from shin length and for forearm lengths and also age with a relatively small error in the estimation among Iranian older people. The error of model is more in women than men.

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Objective: Health of old people is one of the critical issues in many societies that needs to accurate health policy making and adjust planning in health issues of elderly. The present study designed to compare the efficacy of the two traditional and electronic training methods in nutritional issues in order to life style modification in old people to develop of healthy elderly.Methods: This survey was a quasi-experimental method via applying the Pre-test and Post-test among 65+ years old people in a retirement association of Sari province, Mazandaran state. By simple random sampling method, 60 old people were selected, and then trained in two separated classes to 15 persons as women and men (30 persons) via film technique. The other method was a traditional which applied in the two separated classes of 15 persons as women and men (30 persons) by book technique. The questionnaire applied to measure of nutritional knowledge made up by the health center. Data were described by using SPSS software in accordance to descriptive statistics indexes (mean and standard deviation), and inferential statistics indexes (independent T and dependent T) were used in order to generalize results.Findings: The mean score of increasing knowledge in training group by film was 18.57 and the mean score in training group by book was 16.90 (T=5.299, df=58). To satisfaction evaluating, the mean score in training group by film was 59 and the mean score in training group by book was 35.73 (T=1.96, df=58).Conclusion: Based on results training of old people by electronic method as a film is more effective than traditional method to increasing of nutritional knowledge in elderly. On the other hand, they had more satisfaction to life style modification by using film method in comparison with traditional method as book reading technique. Also, the training cost of the elderly via educational film is lower than training by book. So, should be suggested to consider in training by film rather than book as an efficient and effective method to improve of elderly health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1802

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Introduction: Aspects of social and economic development in ICT has led to new applications of these technologies. Using the portal geriatrics’ is an access point to a wide range of resources and information in the content for geriatric medicine specialists, physicians and other health care workers, elderly and their families. It provides integrated information on the sources and applications of heterogeneous. The National Portal of Geriatric Medicine is the best solution to resolve this problem. This study compares the experience of few developed countries and offer the geriatrics’ portal.Methods: This paper is based on valid studies, library and internet searches in databases like as science directly, Springer, Proquest, and advanced search in Google to review the literature on the geriatrics portal in selected the countries.Findings: Developing a portal is a strategy to support the development and maintenance of all the desirable features of the portal and user needs’ analysis. It could also, characterize the structure and integrated system of geriatric care. It makes the integrity to fulfill of the main condition portal services and the content that offer to the elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1534

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Objective: The present study describes assessing physical health status of old people in different age groups in Tehran metropolitan area. The outcomes of this study could help to health policy makers to develop of better health policy in gerontology field by determine of priorities of care in different age groups of old people and effect of socio-economic components on elder’s’ physical health.Method: This was a cross sectional study in 2010. The participants were (N=402) aged 60 years old and over which have underrepresented from Shahid Beheshti university. The survey methods were via face- to-face interviews, and just in a few cases as telephone interviews. The instrument to data collection included demographic questionnaire, SF-36 short form and ADL tools. Data analyzed by Stata and SPSS Ver.15 through t-test, one-way ANOVA. Regression models applied as well.Findings: Based on the results 45% of elderly were in (60-69) years old, 36.5% were in (70-79) years old, and 18.5% were 80+years old. The median age was 71.5±8.9 years. Regarding ADL, 18.2% of elderly were dependent; 22.3% were semi dependent, and 59.5% of participants were independent to do activity of daily living. Regarding physical functioning, 29.6% of elderly had severe limitation; 32.6% had moderate limitation, and 37.8% had no limitation in their physical function. Components of age, sex, marital status, education, job, income, insurance, housing, and living with whom had significant association with physical health status in old people. Although based on regression model and considering in effect of conflict variables, age and sex had more effect to predict of activity of daily living in old people. Age, sex, to be alone, and financial problems were the most predictors on physical function in aged people.Conclusion: The important components that effect on physical health of elderly related to fragile elderly from aspect of socio economic factors. Based on the results of this study aged elderly and old women were more disable to do Activity of Daily Living (ADL). Regarding physical function; age, sex, living with whom, and financial dependency were significant components in relation with physical function. In other words, older people, women, elderly who did not live with their spouse, and elderly who were dependent in financial aspect to others had more difficulty in physical function.

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View 1528

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Objective(s): The purpose of the present study is to better understand relationships between mental health components (Psychological distress, Psychological wellbeing) and utilization of health services and community aged care services among the Iranian elderly living in Sydney metropolitan area. These findings will, in part, fill the gap in gerontological knowledge and also help to health policy makers, social fairness, increasing fairness to the Iranian elderly migrants, and also increasing their more access to the aged care services.Material & methods: In this cross sectional study 302 old people were selected via a random sample among 1209 Iranian aged people 65 years old and over migrated in Australia. In this study 302 old people 65 years old and over participated who lived in Sydney state’s of Australia for at least 6 months prior to the survey. This study has done in 2005-7. Multiple methods were utilized to collect data including telephone interviews, face to face interviews, or a written survey instrument by mail. The tools used were based on the “annual elderly health survey in 2000” through Australian ministry of health. The mental health instruments applied were psychological well being (Yeild), and psychological distress (K6). The service utilization tools included utilization of aged care services (basic and supportive), and use of health services. T test, ANOVA and liner regression applied to predict of mental health components by SPSS ver.15 soft wear.Results: demonstrated that the majority of respondents reported feeling so sad and nervous most of the time in the last four weeks. The bulk of respondents had moderate level of psychological distress. About one quarter of respondents had lower level of feeling of wellbeing in the last four weeks preceding this study. Use of health services and community basic aged care services are predicted by mental health status of Iranian elderly respondents. However, mental health status could not predict utilization of community supportive aged care services. Conclusion: Generally, use of interpreters and organized community services were predicted with mental health components among the Iranian elderly migrants.

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View 1701

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Introduction: Studying of physical and mental health of older adults is important for health care services to elderly. With increasing ageing population and chronic diseases among older people, the expenditure of ageing services will increase. Thus, it is necessary to clear a cut point chronological age for starting ageing career. The aim of this paper is to understand health differences between two cohorts (60-64 and 65-69) of older adults.Methods: This study is cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study. Data collected by structured questionnaire. The study population was 60-64 and 65-69 cohort groups of older adults who living in rural and urban areas of Tehran in 2011. The sample size was estimated 400 people those were chosen using cluster sampling.Findings: The findings of study showed significantly differences between two groups of older adults, 60-64 and 65-69, in terms of physical health that measured using activity of daily living (ADL) and limitation of physical function. In contrast, there were no significant differences between two age groups in psychological wellbeing and mental illness. Based on results, complementary health services can start from 65 years old and providing counseling services according to women and men differences.

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View 2945

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Introduction: Mental disorders are common in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to assess the general health status and its related factors among people³65 years in different districts of Tehran.Methods: This study has used data of the participants³65 years old in urban health equity and response tool (Urban-HEART) study. Finally the data of 1313 elderly were considered for this study. Variables included demographic characteristics (gender, age, education level, family size, marital status and employment status) and mental health using the Persian GHQ-28 questionnaire (domains: somatic, depression, insomnia and anxiety) and quality of life using the SF12.Results: The mean age of participants was 73.68 (5.91) (women=627 and men=686). GHQ-28 median of scores the participants were 24.00 (22.00)[20.00 (27.00) in women and 19.00 (19.00) in men (P<0.01)].Based on GHQ-28 cut-point 23, 50.2%of the participants had mental health problems, [61.2% women and 40.1% men (P<0.01)].The residents of third municipality districts had the best mental health (26.3% of men and 38.5% of women had mental health problems) and the aged of 20th municipality district had the worst health status (65.7% of males and 84.2% of women had mental health problems).In multivariable logistic regression model, for each year of increment age, 2.9% chance of mental health problems increased (P<0.01). With increasing level of education, mental health status was improved (P trend<0.01). The relationship between family size and mental health was not significant (P=0.06).Conclusion: Mental health status of the elderly in Tehran was worse than the many other countries. The elderly lived in 20th municipal district, had the worst and the dwellers in the 3th district had the best mental health status.

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Increasing of the aging population in most of the developed countries should be more attention to the health issues of this aged group. In Iran, the ageing program has been launched and some institutes or organizations have been in charge of this program. The coordination of health policies and activities in elderly care programs and ageing networks could be helped to improve of elderly life span. This paper discusses the performance of different organizations and or other relevant entities regarding an ageing program in Iran and also comparing those activities to the other developed countries.

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