In this article, at first, the authors have tried to scrutinize some of the most important attributes of Nima Yushij’s engaged poems in the first decades of 20th and 30th from the view point of extra-linguistic and sociological aspects. Then, in the framework of intra- textual and linguistic essay artistic and literary quality of these poems are evaluated. From the view point of extra-textual approach, descriptive research methodology and content analysis of results show that ideological representation of Nima’s Poem and Tudeh’s Party reading and interpretation of those poems make sense that these poems have been just engaged in this party. The interpreters and critiques of this party have reflected a uniform and concordant atmosphere with their own thoughts in relation to the poems of Nima ideologically. So, Social poems of Nima have been always interpreted with political bias on behalf of dominant discourse. But, in fact, the engagement of Nima has been totally toward the society and left Party not Tudeh’s Party. From the view point of Intra-textual and linguistic approach, Nima has never ignored literary aspect of his poetic work in favor of engaged mottos with directive and referential language. He has applied the technique of semantic foregrounding and symbolism to produce an open text which is devoted to the signification process.