The above mentioned project was executed in South of Semnan (Koh Sorkh) Formation of koh Sorkh is Upper Red Formation (U.R.F) Including, Mad, Anhydrite, Shale and Evaporate, including; Halit, Gypsum, Anhydrite. Lithology and geomorphological studies showed that Pseudokarst phenomenons occur in U.P.R and Salt Domes. Geomorphlogical studies showed that Pseudokarst landforms are as follow: 1- surface landforms or landforms resulted from surface weathering includes, rain pit, solution flutes.2- Landforms resulted form Water Erosion includes badland and natural bridges.3- Composition of surface and underground forms includes, landforms resulted from Piping erosion.Studies and field observation showed that the most interesting Pseudokarst phenomenon is Piping Erosion. This phenomenon in studied area is formed in different forms and dimension. According to geomorphological studies, this landform is affected by washing out of particles, Solution, available relief, Texture and Bedrock of formation, soluble salt content, hydraulic gradient, rates of surface runoff and denudation.