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There are two different viewpoints on the approach of the Iranian society to the phenomena of veiling, especially female veiling. The first is the resistance of Muslim Iranians to the forced unveiling (kashf-e hejab) in Reza Pahlavi`s monarchy and the second, according to some opinions, is reaction Iranian people to the forced veiling or law of veiling in the Islamic Republic era. In the first era, under the influence of Reza Pahlavi’ s Western Modernization, unveiling is considered to be imposed, and in the second era, veiling. However, between the two periods, there is a 37 years period of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Despite of continuity of the forced unveiling policies, this era has been less analyzed. Unlike Reza Pahlavi`s period, forced unveiling not only was not directly in the real social scene, but also, it was disseminated through media and to influence the unconscious mind of social actors. Furthermore, since the 1960s, these policies have been linked to the plan for development of capitalism. In the present study, "the image of unveiling" has been used to express the pictorial feature of unveiling. In the West, the unveiling picture of men or women`s organs was expanded under the development of music and cinema industry, after World War II. Before that time, revealing of the images of feminine or masculine bodies was limited, or at least, wasn’ t the symbol of modernity, progress and personality. In the present research, the Critical Theory of Frankfort School and methodological of Culture Industry which was formulated in the second half of the twentieth century, has been employed to investigate the status of the picture of unveiling and the influence of the policies of the second Pahlavi on that. It can be concluded that, the attention to the pictorial feature of unveiling that began from the second Pahlavi`s era can explain superficial contradiction of the two opinions on Iranian reaction to veiling. With the continuation of media images during the Islamic Republic era, it seems necessary to make further researches on the contrast of veiling picture-unveiling picture.

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Recent studies in the field of cognitive science on conceptual metaphor indicated that metaphor is not merely a linguistic phenomenon but it is essentially a conceptual-experimental process that constructs our mental world and is a means that reflects the origin of the cognitive structures of human thought. By examining the metaphorical conceptualization of marriage and childbearing widely used in Persian everyday language, the present study seeks to demonstrate how the study of conceptual metaphors, within the framework of sociolinguistics, can help us get a better understanding of collective representations and cultural cognition. To achieve this goal, the present study is to utilize ethnographic strategy and semi-structured interview from twenty married women between the ages of 50-70 in Tehran, has gained some common metaphors in the conceptualization of marriage and childbearing. Subsequently, based on the premises of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, these metaphors are analyzed qualitatively. The results show that such conceptual mappings bear theoretical significance for the study of metaphor in identifying collective representation and cultural cognition and help us to get a deeper understanding of cultural understanding of the concepts in a community.

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Participation and political activity of women in political history of Iran has been appeared in different ways. The issue has played a significant role in the course of Iran's historical changes and certainly will also be influential in future of its political participation. This paper as an applied research type, depending on a descriptive-survey method, attempts to explore the women's participation trend in Iran's politics in the next decade. In this research, using an open questionnaire, we asked the professors and experts about the indicators of Iranian women's activity in politics and analyzed the responses by the obtained items using inductive content analysis method. The results have been classified in seven categories including Individual-psychological, political, social, cultural, economic, and communication indicators and institutional features. Then, based on the Schwarz Steps for scenario, we have extracted triple dimensions from the seven categoriesincluding Quadruple Scenarios of the Future of Iranian Women in Politics, low impact of women's presence, institutional change and formation of a secular pattern of participation in Iran, leading women by creating equal political, economic opportunities, and removing social cultural failures, promoting the current status of women's participation.

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The purpose of this study is to identify the barriers to women's promotion in management position in Iranian educational system based on Interpretative Structural Modeling. The research method in present study is to identify the factors for categorizing based on qualitative approach as a case study. The participants of the study are consisted of faculty members of Iranian Universities and then among them, 13 faculty members were selected as research sample based on purposeful sampling. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, a content validity criterion was used. The questionnaire was originally reviewed by the experts of the women researches after the final amendments. The data collection tool was a self-interactive questionnaire (ISM) and content validity was confirmed by specialists. The results showed that 10 factors are considered as the factors affecting the barriers to women's promotion in managerial positions in Iranian educational system. Also, factor analysis showed that this model has 8 levels ranged from the deepest and most influential to the most surface. The eighth level of the model was the norms based on religious traditionalism that is as the deepest level of the model. The seventh level of the model is dominance of patriarchal culture and also stereotypical attitude toward women's management. The sixth level of the model is the unwritten gender discrimination. The fifth level is dismissal of women's management by employees, and women's inability to deal violently and not risk-taking. The fourth level of the model is the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem of women. The third level is Job conflict with family duties. The second level is the disapproving women's responsibility for management and finally the first level is lack of suitability in employment.

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The different life cycles and lifestyles of men and women in human society have always led to significant gender differences in the mortality. So far, the studies on the gender gap in mortality are mostly carried out in western countries, and it is under research in Iran. The present study examines the patterns of cause-by-age gender gap in mortality in Iran over the last decades. Data of this research were adopted from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and have been used after evaluation by the modified Brass-Trussell method and the Bennett-Horrurichi method. The findings show that the gap in life expectancy between male and female was about 3. 5 years in 2006. This value is decreased to 2. 9 and 3. 0 years in 2011 and 2015, respectively. During the study period, about 80% of the gender gap in mortality was due to mortality differences between male and female aged 20-64 years old. The unintentional events in all three periods played a dominant role in the mortality of sex differences, but its share has declined significantly over time, with its contribution from 60% to around 42% between 2006 and 2015. By contrast, during this period, the role of cardiovascular disease has increased from 9% to 20% in explaining the mortality gap and the role of cancer rose from 10% to 15%. Examining the sex differences in death causes, in addition to showing the capacity to reduce men death, can be used to identify the critical points of women mortality by age and cause. By focusing on health planning and disease prevention in a specific direction, the sex differences in mortality can be decreased and also the life expectancy increased for both m, en and women.

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Today, sustainable development relies on empowerment of women, as social scientists have always emphasized on the elimination of gender barriers as a prerequisite for the realization of economic and social development. Accordingly, the main purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between Board Gender Diversity and Internal Control Weaknesses in companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange. To test the research hypotheses, financial information of the companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange was used between 2012 and 2016. Thus, after applying the limitations in this study, a final sample of 87 companies was selected. In this study, the Board Gender Diversity as independent variable and Internal Control Weaknesses are dependent variables of the research. After measuring the variables of the research, multivariate linear regression analysis was used to test the research hypotheses. Statistical tests were performed using the Eviews econometric software and the statistical data compilation technique. The results obtained from the test indicate that there is a significant relationship between Board Gender Diversity and Internal Control Weaknesses. In other words, the presence of women on the board reduces the company's internal control weaknesses.

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The present study uses feminist and critical theories to study the vulnerability of women in natural disasters in order to optimize the management of natural disaster risk with the aim of reducing their vulnerability. This research has a quantitative methodology using survey. Among 384 men and women aged 15-65 in Gorgan and Kerman provinces, we selected some people based on cluster and proportional stratification sampling methods. The results showed that the most important areas of vulnerability of women in natural disasters were lack of security, lack of employment, lack or weakness of education in the field of natural disasters, cultural problems or the traditional thinking patterns of men about women, no belief in women's participation in disasters. Meanwhile, the most important contexts of women's vulnerability to natural disasters were, as compared to men, the potential and background of women emotional and psychological vulnerability. The social conditions are defined for women in the society and the lack of respect for women's rights by the society and authorities; the physical vulnerability of women; and the preservation of Hijab at the time of the disaster. The findings imply that the natural disasters are intrinsically social phenomena rooted from a social structure or system. Hence, vulnerability of women to natural disasters can be traced back to a construction and the consequence of social structures and semantic systems, which makes the division in the roles of men and women that, produces and reproduces this vulnerability.

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