Title is one of the most important keywords in literary texts. If titles as signs and spotlights are chosen right and wisely, they can be represented in the context and structure of a literary text in two ways. Fist, regarding aesthetic aspect of the literary text which highlights the importance of selection of a good title in creating a coherent text. Second, its role in meaning perception and understanding the content of the literary work. Title can shed light on the probable ambiguities for the audience and results in better understanding. The more the title is artistic, beautiful and brief, the easier is communicating the meaning, content and features of the literary text. In the history of Persian poetry, although the poets were not unaware of the importance of “titling” they mostly didn’t choose any title for their works. A large number of verses and poetic works are known just as collection (divan) or complete work (koliyat). Moreover, in poets’ collections, instead of titles for most poems, their literary forms (ode, sonnet, ..) are mentioned. Part of this article is about the titles that most probably were given by those who prepared the manuscripts or by those who reviewed the sonnets, odes, Qate and other literary forms in collections of poems. Another part of the article studies and analyzes “title” and “titling” during the history of Persian literature in different eras from Safavid to Qajar, Pahlavi, and contemporary era.