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Social Welfare

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To review on the definitions of the term crisis according to some theoretical argument is a principle concern of this paper. So the main body of the paper is based on some major theoretical approaches and paradigmatic analyses which disuses the main question of the nesearch (how to study the processes of the rise and formation of the approaches and theories of the crises and social threats) as follows: 1) etymology, semantic and semiology of the term crisis, 2) classifying the crises along the macro levels, 3) social crises along the structural functional level, 4) historical sociological approaches and conceptions and 5) pathology of the social crises: Legitimation crisis.

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بهزاد داوود

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Social Welfare

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(Survey about the Incompatible functions of state in developing countries, with emphasison crisis in development theories) One can contemplate some exact and distinct meanings for the concept of crisis according to the scientific debates, though the concept of crisis is generally being used too much in our everyday conversations. This paper would review the different perspectives toward the concept of crisis, then discusses about the subject of state and the concept of crisis in connection with the state, while pointing to the state as one of the most important and effective foundations, with respect of welfare and development, in the modem society. Then the domination of crisis discourse would be referred, with an emphasis on the development theories posed in the decades after World War II. Also a classification of all kinds of possible relationships among the state, civil society and development would be proposed. This classification distinguishes "perpetual develop- mentalism", "perpetual equivalence" and "perpetual anti developmentalism", and follow with attention to two factors: a) The direction of development process and b) how to do developmental policies. This article is based on some studies on the crisis in the undeveloped countries, suggesting the thought of "unstable state" in these countries, trying to show theoretically an exit from this blocked situation. This Idea has closed relation with basic question in this paper: In practical and theoretical sphere, what is the fundamental attribution of state in third world?

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مقاله حاضر تلاشی است برای ارائه بحثی نظری راجع به تعاریف، رویکردها و الگوهای نظری رایج پیرامون بحران. بدنه و موضوع اصلی تحقیق بر مبنای رویکرد نظری و تحلیل پارادایمی در راستای چند محور اصلی و الگوهای فرعی تابع آن ها به شرح زیر تبیین و تحلیل شده است: اول) ریشه شناسی و معناشناسی مفهوم بحران، دوم) دسته بندی انواع بحران ها در سطوح کلان، سوم) سطوح خرد بحران های اجتماعی، چهارم) رویکردها و برداشت های تاریخی – جامعه شناختی از بحران و پنجم) آسیب شناسی بحران های اجتماعی: بحران مشروعیت، رویکردها و نظریه ها. مسئله اصلی مورد بررسی در پژوهش حاضر چگونگی ظهور و تکوین و مراحل تحول دیدگاه ها و نظریه های بحران ها و تهدیدهای اجتماعی است. تبیین و تحلیل این مفروض عمدتا بر مبنای یک رویکرد پارادایمی و نظری صورت پذیرفته است. این مهم در راستای پنج محور اصلی فوق الذکر و تقسیم بندی های الگویی و فرعی ذیل آن ها انجام گرفت. بدین ترتیب بدنه یا پیکره اصلی (مساله مورد پژوهش) یعنی ابعاد اجتماعی بحران ها و تهدیدهای اجتماعی و پیامد آن ها عمدتا با تکیه بر رویکردهای علمی و برداشت های نظری مورد بحث و بررسی قرار گرفت. این معنا به ویژه در بخش سوم (بررسی پیامدهای اجتماعی بحران ها در سطوح دوگانه ساختاری – کارکردی) و پنجم (آسیب شناسی بحران های اجتماعی) با تاکید بر تحلیل پیامدها و تبعات و تهدیدهای اجتماعی بحران ها بخصوص پیامدهای ناشی از بحران مشروعیت علیه ساختار اجتماعی صورت پذیرفته است. باید متذکر این معنا شد که مقاله حاضر عمدتا ناظر به چیستی و چگونگی (ماهیت و کاربست) بحران است؛ به همین روی اساسا با رویکردها و پارادایم های نظری و تحلیلی درباره بحران سروکار داریم نه با مصداق ها و ما به ازاهای عینی و بیرونی آن.

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Social Welfare

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At the heart of the concept crisis is the notion of endangered condition of an issue, number of issues, processes and affairs in the life of an individual, an group, a community, a locality or society as a whole. The sense of being in danger or threatened should be widespread and gradually a consensus concerning the critical nature of the issue on hand should emerge. This paper based upon the present author's Geo-strategic and geopolitical theory of the Iranian society has claimed that Iran for various reasons has been a crises prone society. Then by using an analytical model consisting of three levels of analysis, it is attempted to present a long list of crises which have shown sustainability in long history of Iran. Among the critical issues mentioned, authoritarian political sub-structure is singled out; finally by reviewing major changes which have occurred in the past two decades the paper has tried to mention the most critical issues of today among which youth problems, addiction, legitimacy crisis, and housing problems are more emphasized. As a conclusion the paper points to people's possible reactions t crises emphasizing urban riots and unrest.

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Social Welfare

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Social crisis (sc) is a condition that produces negative emotions about present, negative appraisals about future, and perceived uselessness of usual solutions, SC can lead to a frustration that, according to Bandora's "social learning" theory, can cause a variety of reactions. Seemingly, they can be political (rebellion, revolution, and reform) or non-political (civic activism, social deviance, and mental disorder). Both political & non-political reations can be violent or peaceful. Non-political reactions, in turn, can be divided into the reactions directed inward or outward. If all of these phenomena can be considered as reactions to SC, 1) An equilibrium among them can be hypothesized and 2) Reactions with less costs may be considered as warnings for more costly reactions in the future if the SC remains unresolved. Current situation of Iran regarding addiction, suicid, quarrel murder, and mental disorders is described and the future is forecasted assuming the hypothesis as confirmed. In previous studies relations among SC, frustration, and some of the informentioned reactions have been evident, but other relations and other components of the hypothesis are yet to be studied more.

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This article takes up as its control issue the growing rift between the official Islamic ideology and public life and practices. The main argument is that other crises such as those of legitimation, participation and efficacy are rooted in a more fundamental crisis i.e. the failure to neconstruct public practices and self-understandings according to the tenets of the ideology of the state. In the first section various data and information has been employed in order to depict the various aspects of the fundamental crisis of identity-building. In the second section the consequences of this fundamental crisis for general political life have been explained. Employing the control theoretical concept of anomy from the Durkheinian sociological apparatus, the article surveys the major contours of cultural, moral and political life in the country. In the conclusion the probable impacts of social anomy for the shape of the political system in the near future have been analysed.

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Social Welfare

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Social and political justices are the central themes in people participation to macro and micro policies in every society. According to political philosophers, two basic factors, which involved in people's judgments about political equality are distributive and procedural justice. Current approaches to distributive social justice in many of the societies investigated by sociologists and psychologists and furthermore on the basis of these researches recognized that without attention to people's perceptions toward social justice, serious social and political problems arise. According to Coleman (1990) major elements of political justice are the devices and elements equality in political decisions. Additionally, within this framework, these elements involve four subjects: distributive equality, opportunities equality. In this research, the relationship between social justice approaches and political justice components has been investigated. Statistical population of this research was the total of sixteen-year-old persons and more who were inhabitant in Esfahan city. From statistical population, four hundred people (two hundred males and two hundred females), randomly selected responding to two questionnaire, that is Rasinsky social justice questionnaire and Yousephy's political equality questionnaire. It should be mentioned that four hundred members of sample group selected to be comparable this results with Yousephy's research. The data analyzed with the use of Pearson correlation coefficients. Results showed that there is a significant reverse (negative) relationship between economic individualism and equity in social justice with opportunity and participative equality. Also there is a significant direct (positive) relationship between equality in social justice and distributive, legal and participative equality in political justice. There is a significant direct (positive) relationship between need in social justice and distributive and participative equality in political justice, whereas between need and legal equality there is a significant reverse (negative) relationship. Canonical correlation analysis showed that four approaches in social justice were able to predict political equality from total social justice indirectly.

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Social Welfare

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When a social pathology or social problem, quantatively and qualitatively, reaches a point that the system loses its capability of reducing and controlling them, symptoms of a social crisis appear, which disorders the natural course of events. Since the management of social crises takes up much time and involves a lot of expenses, governmental organizations play on important role in policy-making and managing these crises and their points. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the status of these organizations in the light of Iranian laws and regulations.

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It is rather impossible to give a finite definition for crisis either quantitutively or qualitatively, and therefore researchers usually refer to the varieties of the syndromes of this issue. Syndromes however may not give enough information about hidden crisis. The crises are not exactly those that are called as unilateral threats. Threats are in some occasions against the relations and the structure of deteriorated and corrupt established institutes and power as well as against what is acting as a break for development and progress. Crisis is differes with threat. In order to recognize any crisis one should regard to the aspects as velocity, spread, motivation, organization, and leadership (though very light). The issues like strike, demonstration, mating, revolt, movement, sabotage, underground action, disturbance, etc are different with each other. These aspects, however, can appear as the signs and forms of the real crisis, although some social groups and governments use them for labeling. The motives of the crisis may include social, ethnic, cultural religious, political, and economic entities. But all crises may transfer any of these motives to another one, and / or to combine them. Among main factors that stem from any social systems, the class conflict, economic demands, social problems, and contradiction are regarded as most important one. These factors may act as sudden and / or as apparent or hidden factors that cause. The crisis to be expanded and radicalized. In the modem social system, the government may cause the crisis to move toward foreign interventionists or domestic abusers, both taking advantage from unconsciousness, if they would not be able to use democratic powerful control system for either prevention or confrontation.

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This article is based on the findings of the Iranian value and attitude survey conducted in the year 2000, this article examines generation gap in terms of values and attitudes. By employing generational experience approach, the authors have concluded that the experiences of the Islamic revolution and the Iran-Iraq war have been the central part in the divergences and convergences of age groups in Iran today. According to the findings of this study different generations can be categorized in proportion with the relations they have with the abovementioned experiences as follows: i) pre-revolution, ii) involved in revolution and war, iii) entangled with war, iv) with sound and clear memory from the war, and v) lacking sound and clear memory from the war. This study examines values and attitudes of generational groups in face-to-face, the generalized social spheres and institutional interactions. The findings do not approve value and attitude conflicts between generational groups, nevertheless it does make the role of generational experiences prominent in the differences found among different generations.

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The main purpose of this article is the case of children's trampled rights in Iran including the crimes that are not regarded as crimes in our domestic laws, such as undemocratic education system. In order to prove those groups of crimes, made a revision over two highly-published newspapers and drew out a list of different crimes and hassles against children and made an inductive study about them. The main criteria focused on were based on even aggressive or moderate crimes. It should be noticed that information mentioned here is taken from only two newspapers and we didn't take advantage of other cases such as complaints and police, health centers or educational centers reports, so we expect the real statistical reports are more than we have in hand. Some other cases are brought into consideration by direct observation and ultimately cases or types of trampled rights of children have been recognized. That each of them can bear its causes and effects accordingly.

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Although sexual exploitation of women and children has a long history, but in the current decades it has been well shaped and become regular. In this paper, we analyze International Instruments and the national law of some countries that engaged in this global problem. It seems that with increasing of victims of these crimes, international instruments inclined to precise study of victims' right and necessity of their protection. This search based on two principles: "unconditional prohibition of sexual exploitation" and "necessity of protection of victims irrespective of their assent and nationality".

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In summary, this paper is looking to analyse the relationship between the increase of land value (price) of and decrees of the size of housing units in subdivision process. This situation have caused the increases of high rise buildings in the context of apartment style development in which the building occupation ratio is high and the vacant land for open spaces have been lost. Secondly, in this way, the land for urban facilities including schools, parks, and recreation areas have been used for housing development. As a result, the urban facilities for residents became as low as could 6 Imagined, the social interactive related to housing concept have been demolished. Therefore, living in so called new neighborhood can be compared with living in separated housing unit, in a desert. This situation, has got paradox in front of ---urban planning concepts of housing in Iranian large cities.

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