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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Iran has got the third largest oil reserves in the world and despite this natural wealth, it's economic conditions in comparison to many poor countries, is undesirable and it seems in the case of resource curse is true. It is believed that resource abundance affect the poor by instability in the export price of primary resources, increase in inequality, decrease in growth rate, governance and political structure, Dutch Disease and internal war.Method: ARDL approach is used to examine the relationship between abundance of natural resources and poverty over period (1981-2007).Findings: According to our findings, we cannot impute poverty to resources abundance.Conclusion: Studies that have used abundance measure (per capita natural resource) in spite of presence of poverty and inequality in natural resources- rich countries cannot confirm the relationship between poverty and inequality, and natural resources abundance. These researches point out institutions convert wealth to curse instead of blessed.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Poverty is one of the most dangerous social phenomena which could threaten economical, political, and cultural life of the nation. Considering that the incidence of poverty in developing countries is widespread and severe, paying lots of attentions seems necessary. On the other hand, corruption is a cause of poverty and it is a barrier for the successful eradication of poverty and may be with prevalence of corruption efforts for reducing the poverty is inconclusive as well as unlikely. The phenomenon of corruption is a persistent obstacle for efforts made by countries in the fields of politics, economy, and society to achieve their desired goals. Studies have shown that corruption exists in all countries, even in many developed countries. But this phenomenon in some developing countries where the structures are weak and vulnerable, is far more harmful; Because It has devastating effects on property rights, regulation and investment incentives and it Could reduce economic growth and thus Poverty expand over time. However, the poverty could be a cause of corruption.Method: Therefore, this study is set out to investigate the Granger causal relationship between corruption and Poverty. It uses dynamic panel system GMM estimators, focuses on capability poverty by using human poverty index (HPI) since it portrays in a more accurate way the state of poverty, and is based on a sample of 120 developing countries during 1998-2006.the empirical findings suggest that corruption and poverty come together, with causality running in both directions.Findings: Poverty is associated with corruption in various ways and although the link between corruption and poverty is often noted, the question of whether a causal relationship between corruption and poverty (based on panel data models) exists or not, has received less attention. In other words, Most of the studies which have investigated the link between corruption and poverty may draw conclusions on causality in the form of models that only show correlation. Thus, the policy recommendation for fighting against poverty and corruption can simply be wrong.Conclusion: All in all, it is necessary to address the integrated strategy to reduce poverty and fight against corruption. In other words, the attempts to reduce poverty must be complemented by serious efforts to reduce corruption.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Rural poverty is a multidimensional issues, it is influenced by economic growth level of agricultural sector and income distribution term. Investment as a policy variable has an effective impact on agricultural economic growth, which it may impacts on poverty, information of rate and direction effects of agricultural. Therefore, investment is important in rural poverty alleviation plans.Method: The present research attempted to determine how agricultural investment (capital stock), labor and income distribution are related to agricultural growth and poverty in the rural areas in Iran. The time series date of 1971-2003 was obtained and analyzed by using regression model. The designated equations system was manipulated and its coefficients were calculated by using "E-views" software. The statistical society included the whole rural areas and agriculture sector in Iran.Findings: The impacts of capital stock, labor, and total productivity of production factors on the economic growth of the agricultural sector are significant.Conclusion: All in all, Increasing of capital stock (investment) in agricultural sector can help to absolute poverty alleviation in our country.

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Social Welfare

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Introduction: Lack of access to certain minimum level of welfare that is referred to poverty is a global phenomenon and is considered as a major challenge in Iran. Understanding the determinants and the size of poverty are considered as important issues both in policymaking and academic courses. Although poverty elimination has been stressed in all Iranian socio-economic plans, Poverty still is a major challenge in Iran. Poverty eradication requires identifying the determinants of poverty and whiles some scholars such as Sen, Schultz and Becker suggest Human investment as an Effective anti-poverty policy. In this paper attempt has been made to assess the effects of education on the poverty in rural and urban areas of Iran.Method: In this paper a descriptive - explanatory method is used to quantify the effects of education on poverty. By using data from the Statistical center of Iran's "The Households income and expenditure survey", we first estimate the poverty line both in urban and rural areas and then distinguish the poor from non-poor families. In the next phase is a probit model to evaluate the effects of education on different aspects of poverty.Findings: The Results of this paper have indicated that the effect of the educational level on different aspects of poverty (income, housing and health) is significant in urban and rural areas so that if the educational level and ratio of income earners of the households increase, probability their income poverty, housing poverty, and health poverty would decline. Meanwhile, the results show that if breadwinner is a woman, the probability of being poor is more than if breadwinner is a man.Conclusion: Findings of this paper appear to comply with view of some scholars such as Schultz and Becker (Human capital theory). In fact education expenditure as an investment in human capital would improve the behavior, quality of decision, and living condition of Iranian households. In fact, that education mitigates the extent of poverty and since It is a merit service with positive externality, Increasing the extension of education in Iranian Government budget is suggested.

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Introduction: One of the latest issues in the development research is investigation of the poverty causes and alleviation of it. For the poverty alleviation, we have to know about poverty as a phenomena and the factors which affect on it.Method: In this paper after measuring the poverty line by using 50% (average) of expenditure and micro data of Household Income- Expenditure Survey 2005 and 2009, the poor and non-poor households are separated. In order to identify the effective factors and their impact on poverty of Iranian urban households, Logit model is estimated with maximum likelihood approach.Findings: The study shows that being in poverty is associated with household size, gender of the head and living in the East, the West, and North of Country.Conclusion: As a result, -education, Being breadwinner and living in the south reduce the probability of being poor.

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Introduction: Income distribution is one of the most important concerns of governments. Thus, governments try to reduce income inequality in society. However, to tackle this issue, the main factors affecting income distribution should be studied.Method: In this paper, thus, the most influential macroeconomic variables on income distribution in Iran are examined. Using time series data of 1971-2007 and employing Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL), the main income distribution factors are reviewed and analyzed.Findings: The results have revealed that dynamic approach moves toward a long term model and the outcomes of the long term model show that an increase in the growth rate of real per capita GNP and in the share of agricultural value added in GNP will lead to a reduction in income inequality.Conclusion: However, increase in population growth rate and some events such as 1979 revolution and 8 year Iraq-Iran war have increased income inequality in Iran.

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Introduction: In this research, it is compared the analyzing of income distribution in Markazi province with the whole country during 1984-2010 considering the urban and rural areas.Method: In this study, income statistics of the family is used, which is gathered by the Statistics Center of Iran, the data calculates the changes of income distribution in the urban and rural areas in Markazi province and the whole country. Gini coefficient, Theil index, Atkinson coefficient with aversion coefficient of the half inequality and the ratio of p10/p1 are used. Besides, EXCEL and STAT A soft ware, have been used.Finding: Estimation of these four indices, it is concluded that in this area Markazi province, income distribution in urban areas is more appropriate than rural areas. Additionally, the income distribution in urban areas of Markazi province is more appropriate than urban areas of the whole country.Conclusion: Estimation of Gini, Theil and Atkinson coefficients, it is understood that income distribution in rural areas of Markazi province is more appropriate than the whole country, but estimation of ratio of p10/p1 doesn't give clear conclusion about which of these income distributions (rural areas of province or rural areas of the whole country) during period 1984-2010 is more appropriate.

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Introduction: Assessment of the level of development of regional units in a country is crucial issue for regional planning and development policy and it is a key criterion for allocation of various structural funds and national subsidies. For determining the degree of development and ranking of regions, it is necessary to consider numerous economic, social, infrastructural factors.Method: In this way, the application of MCDM can integrate the various indicators into an uniform evaluation procedure. The aim of this study is to evaluate the development level of sub-provinces in Iran using MCDM methods, and consequently to identify the inequities all over the country. A system of 54 indicators of different dimensions of development is developed. The weight of indicators and the level of development of sub-provinces are determined by LINMAP method and by using Matlab software. Then, all sub-provinces were classified into 5 groups in respect of development level.Findings: Results have shown that Iran is suffering uneven development across different regions, so that from all 336 sub-provinces 77 ones are in the group of backward and relatively backward sub-provinces. It is also revealed that highly backward counties are located in the southeast of Iran.Conclusion: Therefore, extraordinary focus ought to be on this region to improve development level in both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

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Siavsh Jani • Introduction: As Iran's fifth Development plan emphasis on growth through productivity and inequality decrease, in this study the relationship between economical growth resources (considering the ratio of factors and productivity) and income distribution has been analysed and try to answer the questions like whether the growth resulted from the factors' productivity leads to balanced distribution of income. By changing the relative share of labour, will labour's income move in the same direction and income distribution act the same way or not? Through which production factor, the income distribution will become equal?Method: By analysing the existing situation and reviewing previous studies, the Error-Correction Model and lagged depend variable model for time series information during (1974-2007) has been utilized.Findings: The study indicates. that the function of income distribution system is not based on the relative factors out of production .The determining role of capital in production fluctuation caused that additionally of other production factors all production factors be under the authority of highly income group and labour force. Moreover the growth based capital in the existing structure and mechanism of income distribution leads to income equality which proven to previous studied.Conclusion: Considering the fifth Development plan's emphasis and the growth based productivity, the existing mechanisms and structures, has increased the income distribution inequality. So our study emphasizes on the reform of the existing structures and process in the capital and labour market.

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Introduction: The modern concept of distributive justice focuses on equitable distribution of resources and advantages in society. Besides, health as one of the social welfare sub-category is under affects of distributive justice indicators. In this study, the relationship between health and distributive justice indicators, from 1984 to 2006, has been studied.Method: This study is an ecological analysis. For measuring distributive justice as independent variable, income inequality, and poverty and government expenditures indicators were used and for measuring health, life expectancy and infant mortality rates were used. At the first, the data gathered from national statistic center and then by using Stata and Excel soft ware, indicators derived, and finally the associations between indicators by using SPSS software was analyzed.Findings: In this period the trend of poverty and income inequality indicators were declining and health indicators were rising. Correlation analysis indicated that there is relationship between distributive justice indicators and health indicators but by controlling government expenditures in partial correlation, there is no relationship between mentioned indicators. With using of bivariate regression, poverty was more explanatory than income inequality. Meanwhile, this fact revealed that government expenditures in health have most explanatory among distributive justice indicators.Conclusion: Taking account results of study, distributive justice indicators have a significant relationship with health indicators and in this period with increasing distributive justice indicators, health indicators have improved. Also, among the studied distributive justice indicators, government expenditures in health have the most relationship and explanatory power. So, it seems that government investment in health sector for obtaining distributive justice goal and promoting of health is necessary.

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Introduction: Crime Economy as an interdisciplinary subject, considering as a controversial issue. Criminal activities as undesirable phenomena are the outcome of socio- economic factors. Regarding the importance of crimes in the different societies, many studies have tried to explain the main causes of crimes.Method: This study uses econometrics methodology of panel data and data of 30 provinces in Iran for the period of 2006 to2008 was collected to analyze the impact of some economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, and urbanization on crimes such as overdraw, stealing, and embezzlement -firstly, they were separated and then by combining them in a unique index- as the proxy variable for crime against property.Findings: Estimation of the chosen model in present study indicates that the rate of impact of the three independent variables on the crime variable is significant in Iran.Conclusion: As a result, from the three explaining variables poverty, unemployment, and urbanization, unemployment has the most considerable impact on crimes against property.

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Introduction: Solving poverty problem as the fundamental cause of many social abnormalities needs planning and implementing of a comprehensive program for poverty eradication. Furthermore investigating poverty eradication policies and determining most proper policy, is a prerequisite for preparing a poverty eradication program.Method: In Present research different policies of poverty eradication have described and then by catching thinkers' idea, mentioned policies have ranked.Findings: This paper follows the fastest and actually the best way for eradication the poverty, for achieving this goal, point of views of scholar and thinkers were used.Conclusion: All in all, the best and the worst policy of poverty eradication (according to current Iran's situation) have determined.

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Introduction: Despite the considerable actions proceeded by Comitee Emdad and Behzisti Organizations toward poverty-reduction, there exists some questions on their achievements and challenges. This paper aims to evaluate the poverty - alleviation activities of two mentioned organizations in Sari Township, among women who supported their families.Method: In this research, qualitative methodology including of observation and interview with 25 informants based on purposive sampling was used; then, the data were analyzed through thematic analysis procedures to identify and extract the concepts and categories,Findings: Using thematic analysis procedure, this qualitative study revealed eight main categories: Problematic Definitions, Overlapping Activities of Institutions, Short-Term Goal Attainment, Dominating Supportive Attitudes, Pervading Dependency and Inactivity, Structural Orientation Towards Poverty, Shortage of Financial Investment, and Organizational Expansion. The above categories have been discussed and displayed in a thematic model titled by the evaluating pattern of organizational activities of Comitte Emdad and Behzisti agencies.Conclusion: The findings have indicated that despite of the intensive and considerable efforts of two mentioned organizations, most of goals and indicators of poverty reduction are still remain. The structural perspective to poverty, is suffering from the lack of long term definition of goals for poverty eradication, offering trivial supports, ignoring the subjective and cultural aspects of production and reproduction of poverty that these organizations face to. Thus, this research emphasizes on shifting current perspective towards the poverty and need for redefinition of most of aspects and policies related to poverty.

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Introduction: Deterioration is detectable in various forms in urban system even physical and unphysical, which needs appropriate way to cope with. In order to plan improvement of these capacities especially capacity of social participation, as an effective element which not only simplifies the physical interference but also gives us important feedbacks of rebuilding the social contacts in neighborhoods, assessment of them seems to be necessary.Method: To assessment and evaluation this capacities in this paper, it has been reviewed the topics of Capacity building, Social capital and Regeneration. Then the indexes and sub-indexes have been chosen with the social-based approach as the paradigm of act; and then their relationships have been analyzed by using data which come from field research. The section of analysis comes up in two levels: 1- description-of data by using frequency distribution table and central indexes and scattering indexes; 2- finding the effect of independent varieties on dependent varieties by path analysis method and regression method.Findings: The results have indicated that on average 87.2% of participants partake in the activities of the community.Conclusion: There is a direct correlation between the independent variables - length of residency in the neighborhood, communality, and the belief in the communal values- and the dependent variable community involvement.

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Introduction: Reduction of gap between rural and urban areas has been one of the most important problems in sustainable development in order to prevent the migration from rural area to big cities and urban areas. Optimum allocation of subsidy is not only one of the suitable ways for reducing the gap, but also inequality in the levels of living between rural and urban households. So, the question is that, How much of indirect subsidies for electricity has been allocated to the rural and urban households in Hammadan State? How the change in electricity price will affect on the welfare change?Method: In this paper the demand for electricity is estimated by ARDL method for a period of 1382-1387 on two months basis for issuing the electricity bill. Then household's welfare variation is calculated from electricity price change.Findings: Estimation shows that the price and income elasticity for rural and urban household are different. Due to difference of price and income elasticity, the rural and urban households are receiving different indirect electricity subsidies.Conclusion: The results have shown that due to 20% increase in the electricity price, the urban households will pay three times more than rural household for the consumption of electricity. Therefore if government distribute the incomes resulting from gradual increase in the price of electricity equally between all household, the nominal income of rural household will increase by .07%, but urban households' reduces by .04%.

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Introduction: At present different developmental strategies emphasize on public participation in general and women as half of community population specifically in order to achieve development goals. The micro-Credit fund plan for rural women is among plans has been performed by ministry of Agriculture Jahad aims to increase economic activities, welfare services and empowerment of rural deprived women. In spite of many endeavors, the plan hasn't been welcomed by rural women. Therefore, main research question is answering why most of rural women didn't significantly participate in this plan?Method: To finding a precise and objective answer to the question, families living in villages and have micro-credit fund formed statistical population. A survey method and questionnaire were used to collect data.Findings: Findings have shown that variables such as personal characteristics of rural women, meta- individual factors, cost-benefit of participating in micro- credit fund and socio-economic qualities of rural women had a significant relationship with dependent variable. However, independent variables such as: individual characteristics and social status had no meaningful relationship with dependent variable and consequently the research hypotheses rejected. Totally, according to coefficient of determination, independent variables have a significant relationship with dependent variable. As a result, only 0.52 of dependent variable was explained by independent variables.

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