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Social Welfare

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Objectives: the main objective of this essay is the inquiry quality of life in content Iran's Development Programs.The article is started with inquiry origin discussion quality of life. This consider in a point of start has orientated to approaches material and economic, that it then find social conceptual. It includes subjects such as distribution output growth economic and survival natural sources and environment. After 1990 decade the discussion about quality of life focused on social constructs such as social capital, social solidarity, social justice and social exclusion. In this essay than inquiry dimensions conceptual and theoretical quality of life in frame two approaches agency and structural. Because this concept can see as individual's character and society's character. Therefore quality of life includes social structure and individuals' position that cover three components socio-economic security, social solidity and sustainability.Method: In this article with point of subject's nature and accessible material that are documentaries about development programs, the used methods are comparative and content analysis technique. The analysis unit is themes in contexts and documentaries programs.Findings: The concept quality of life as certain applied in the fifth program before revolution. This concept in revised program extended and included development participatory institutions and decentralizing. However because of domination approaches economical growth in programs there are more consider to individual themes quality of life. In the third and fourth programs after revolution propounded concepts like citizenship, empowerment and social capital. In the basics theoretical the fourth program after revolution attend to quality of life under three field of protective needs, environmental needs and basic needs. The quality of life in this program is more comprehensive that includes society's objective situation and individuals' subjective conception in everyday life.Results: Not at all in programs be upgraded social and welfare affaires to policing level and the most of them have social services position. They see social problems of economic perspective and have been searched economic solutions for them. Iran's Developments Programs have been under effects of world's situations and patterns. Formulated Programs after revolution contains less characters of human and social development. They have been influenced of World Bank and International Money Fund's policies and government's changes that have effected on executive of programs.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Quality of life is a complicated and multidimensional concept relevant to the demographic condition in a specific geographic scale which relies upon both the objective and subjective indicators. So the concept of the quality of life can be used as a powerful tool for supervise the community development planning as it covers different social, economic, environmental, and communal health caring aspects of the community. Present article aims at presenting a proper framework to measure the quality of life based upon human needs in the rural district of North Khaveh where the conceptual link between two different viewpoints in the area of the life quality, objective and subjective approach has been taken in to consideration. Meanwhile being acquainted with present quality of life, the relation between quality of life and socio-economic variables has also been measured.Method: Method of recent essay is descriptive-correlation. This empirical investigation was mainly based on primary data. Acquired data has been gained through verified questionnaire of the random sampling bulk of 210 persons out of the guardians of the families of the north khaveh district. In questionnaire tried is discussed both objective conditions of life and also satisfaction of the social, economic and environmental directions. Running Cornbach's Alpha gave a reliability of 0.85% for the questionnaire which is statistically high enough. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, correlation, Pearson, Spearman, and multiple regressions were used for data analysis.Findings: The results indicate that general quality of life in the area under study has been poor. The maximum percent of good QOL (40 %) is belonging to Sarab Ghazanfar village, and its minimum (3.3%) is in Sarkhanjoob-e-Sofla village. In contrary the maximum percent of households that have poor QOL (60%) is belong to Sarkhanjoob-e-Sofla village and its minimum (8.3%) see in Sarab Ghazanfar village and out of eight correlated varieties, six variables like income of the family, infrastructure, education, participation, health and environmental quality have been specified as more than 85% factors affecting the quality of life in the area under study. Therefore, the concept of QOL can be used as a powerful tool for the monitoring of development plans in a society and authorities can use it to evaluate the effectiveness of development plans and policies because it embraces various social, economic, health and environmental dimensions.Results: In spite of the low indicators quality of life, the expectancy of rural households to improve of QOL in future is good, so that 55 percent of people as moderately and 40 percent has very expectancy to improve of theirs QOL in future. This matter related to the population young and the high literary levels in this area. Thus the development planning should be compatible to accessibility to local resources and objective and subjective needs of people which can help to improvement of rural QOL. To achieve that objective, the following actions should be taken in this area. The development planning of the study area should be done commensurate with the availability of the local resource and objective and subjective needs of the people.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Success of all development programs is dependent to social capital. Social capital means authority for collective and cooperative use of all sources to responding public goals. Every society need social capital to access economic growth increasing human and economic capital and decreasing poverty. Out group and in-group relations (base of social capital) connect internal elements in society and these relations make society, healthier, more succulent and more tolerant. Every development program needs these elements. This means quality of life (one of indicators of development) is dependent to social capital Social capital and quality of life are concepts related to development literature and have dynamic links together and other development concepts. Quality of life is a multilateral concept that descript physical, emotional, social and psych well-being. This concept administer people authority for controlling their life. And this means enjoyment of all aspects of life. In spite of importance of economic, social, environmental component of quality of life, perception of these is very important. We can't use an universal indicator for survey quality of life because social and cultural conditions are different in all countries. But we can say social capital is aggregate of real and potentially sources that respond to institutional relations and deep cognizance. Social trust, social norms, social participation and social networks are components of social capital because they can facilitation all social actions. This survey focuses on people of Kerman city for recognizing the level of social capital, quality of life and relations between these factors.Method: This is a survey and data gathered by questionnaire. 384 persons of city population selected from different sections. Method of sampling was multilevel stratification. 384 persons selected from sample blocks randomly. The questionnaire was made by some international indicators and some fore passed researches in Iran and other countries. The results of reliability and validity tests Show this questionnaire is trustworthy. After data gathering data analysis by Spss and Minitab packages.Findings: Results shows 33/8 percent were residents of high sections and remainder were residents of other sections. 52/5percent of them was females. This survey shows the level of social capital and its related aspects (trust, norm obligation and informal participation) are low and level of some aspects of quality of life that related to personal health was high. But other aspects were on low level. The level of quality of life was related to social capital in every section.Results: Level of quality of life in Kerman city is affected by average of social capital Low level social capital is explained by limitation of formal participation and norm obligations. Across increasing in levels of social trust, social participation and norm obligations, the quality of life was improved. There is alarm we can’t observe any relation between formal social participation and quality of life because level of formal participation was low. The relationship between two factors was low in poor sections of city but relations were strong in middle sections. Therefore poor section is weak and they need special attentions. The results agree ago findings in Iran and other countries. This research verifies theories about social capital, quality of life and their relationships.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Health is the base for socio-economic development and is the most important component of social welfare. Women's health status, particularly, mothers' health, is more vulnerable than men, in Iranian society. Evidences, resulted from different researches, indicate that health is related to socioeconomic determinants more than medical and nursing interventions. The term of Social Capital is a new concept in social sciences that during a short time, has been populated in literatures of social determinants of health. Social capital is consisting of the individual's participation in collective life and trust between them, which can enhance their human capital. In this article we looked the health as human capital. This study aims to explore relationships between individual measures of social capital and health, among mothers with children under age of 7 who attend the Abdolabad Health Site in south of Tehran.Methods: A cross- sectional design was used. 80 randomly samples were selected from mothers who attended to mentioned Health Site to attain preventive health services. Using "Shortened Version of Social Capital Assessment Tool" (SASCAT) we measured two basic dimensions of social capital: structural (group membership, social support and citizenship activities) and cognitive social capital (trust, social harmony, sense of belonging, sense of fairness). "SF-36" health questionnaire was used to measure two main components of health-physical and mental health - and also 8 health subscales: physical functioning (PF), role- limitations due to physical health problems (RP), bodily pain (BP), general health (GH), vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role limitations due to emotional problems (RE) and mental health (MH). Partial Correlation Coefficient was applied to explore association between social capital and health. Findings: The study found low levels of group membership, social support and citizenship among the mothers. The findings indicate that, the study samples show medium scores of cognitive social capital and poor structural social capital. Mother's physical health was better than their mental health. The sample had the highest (best) mean scores for physical functioning (PF) and they showed the lowest (worst) mean scores for role limitations due to emotional problems (RE). Maternal cognitive social capital had statistically positive significant relationships with their physical health (r=0/45, p=0/000) and also mental health (r=0/37, p=0/001), but structural social capital had negative association with mental health (r=-0/26, p=0/027).Results: In this study, positive relationship between maternal cognitive social capital and their health was notable. We conclude that the quality of human relationships (cognitive social capital) play more effective role than the quantity of them in maternal health.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: The responsiveness of health system refers to the ability of a health system to meet the legitimate expectations of populations for the non-health enhancing aspects of the health system. It is a goal of health systems, which can be measured in terms of its level and its distribution across a population. The philosophy behind the measurement of responsiveness is to get the best available data on responsiveness for policy making. Responsiveness level is not an enough measure for policy making. Equality in responsiveness is another measure which must be accompanied with its level. Some studies have shown that there could be poorer quality of services offered to individuals with developmental disabilities as compared to normal population. However there have been no comprehensive evaluations of quality and equality of care for these individuals in Iran .To fill this gap; we evaluated these children's need by a new kind of evidence-based research tool to assess the equality in delivery of appropriate health care services.Methods: Children with developmental disability (cerebral palsy, mental retardation, congenital disorders) in the age group of 14 years old and younger who lived with their parents were considered as our study population. The study was carried out in all of the day cares which take care of children with developmental disability and give educational and rehabilitation services to these children in Tehran in 2005-2006. Mental illness of parent was considered as an exclusion criterion. Systematic random sampling was used to select 120 names from the list of 1000 children who had file in these daycares for these children 110 parents (0-14 year-old children with developmental disability) participated in a cross-sectional studies .The translated WHO (World Health Organization) proposed questionnaire was used for interview with these children's parents. The Gini coefficient was used to show inequality in responsiveness, this measures focus on differences in responsiveness between every pair of individuals in the population. This index is between 0 and 1. The greater the Gini, the greater the dispersion and the greater inequality. All analyses were performed using STATA software version 8.Findings: The average response rate was 95%. (3% refused to participate in interview, 2%children did not have any parent or guardians). The children were 60% mild retarded and 40% moderate retarded. Children mean age was 7.7 (7.1- 8.3) and 52% were female. 39% of surveyed parents reported poor health system responsiveness for their children. There were no differences for reporting poor responsiveness among parents whose children have mild or moderate retarded and parents who have son or daughter with developmental disability. Parents with education more than diploma were more likely than less educated parents to report poor overall responsiveness; however, these hypotheses were not confirmed by statistical tests. The overall responsiveness was 61±4.7. The Gini coefficient for responsiveness range from 0.2 (0.17-0.23) in out patient services to 0.28 (0.19-0.36) for inpatient services. There were no significant difference between responsiveness and child sex, child disability and parent's education. Inequality in responsiveness within these children was not related to the socioeconomic status of their family.Results: There is inequality in care system responsiveness within these children. This study is only the first step towards policy dialogue and development, which shows care system responsiveness to these children, requires improvements in certain areas in order to meet one of the basic goals of health systems.

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Objectives: The article is based on a nationwide quantative gender-sensitive research on Iranian rural health workers' working conditions, job satisfaction and motives using a representative sample of 2416" behvarz"es. Behvarzan, or the locally sourced health workers or are originally trained to meet the basic healthcare needs of people living in rural areas. A female behvarz is responsible for, among other things, child and maternal health, a male behvarz for sanitation and environmental projects. The healths workers are well familiar with the culture and traditions of were they live and work i.e. Iranian villages throughout the country. There are about 17 000 health houses in the Islamic Republic of Iran, according to the recent Ministry of Health statistics. Almost 27 000 community health workers are working in these health houses, more than half of them women. On average, each health house serves 1500 people in its village and surrounding settlements. Since a community health worker is from the local people therefore has their approval and support. These workers regularly supervise people's health. Among their duties, female community health workers are responsible for vaccinations, registrations and administering medicines. A male community health worker is charged with activities mainly outside the health house, such as making follow-up visits to patients and identifying them in surrounding villages. The minimum age for male and female health workers is 20 and 16 respectively. They are required to have had 11 years of regular education, plus two years of theoretical and practical training before being awarded a certificate to be allowed to practice. Even after their graduation, the behvarzan are subject to regular monitoring and distance-learning to meet the requirements by the Ministry. According to the Iranian health officials, these community workers have made huge success in improving Iranian health indexes. They has made a significant contribution to the sharp decline in mortality rates in the past three decades, helping to reduce deaths among infants and pregnant women, and curbing contagious diseases.Method: This was a nationwide survey with a representative sample of 2416 rural health workers based on a combination of sampling methods using the latest list of (sampling framework) of around 27000 behvarzes provided by the officials of the ministry of health in Iran.Findings: The findings show that there were significant differences between female and male health workers' job satisfaction with regard to different aspects of their job. Females were more satisfied with the job as a whole while for males the satisfaction was sourced out of their clients' appreciation and the support and appreciation from the directors. The dissatisfaction with their job was caused mainly by low income as' for males and the amount of work load for women. There were large differences among health workers living in various provinces and over all the job satisfaction was affected significantly by age, marital status, job history and having extra income by other sources.Results: There were statistically significant differences between female and male health workers job satisfaction with regard to different aspects of their job. Overall dissatisfactions among female  Health workers were concerning their huge work-load whereas male health workers were more dissatisfied with the issue of income and rewards. However, in general female health-workers or behvarzes were more satisfied compared to men, with their income as well as their job As a whole. They were however less satisfied in terms of the community’s appreciation and the reactions from the supervisors and higher officials. It was seemingly somehow reflecting the conventional Patriarchal relationship pattern in the traditional and rural areas Atmosphere in relation to female workers.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Today, Problems such as poverty, failure in education, unsuitable living milieu, high degree of insecurity in society including violence and collisions, and misfortunes in personal life such as parents' divorce, losing job and coercive migration are among the factors that severely affect student's health. Based on the concepts presented by the scholars, adaptation to new environment, conformity with the society, participation in civil and collective activities and a feeling of being responsible are considered as the basic characteristics of mental health. This article is intended to study the correlation between social capital and psychic health among students of Tehran and Shiraz universities.Method: In order to measure the social capital, the three indexes of social trust, social support and social participation are utilized the research method is survey, making use of questionnaire. The populations under study are students of the universities of Tehran and Shiraz. In order to facilitate and accelerate the research process and to save time and cost, it was inevitable to select 500 samples from the statistical population, making use of line table and the systematic randomization method. In this research, a Cranach is made use of for .reliability, and external validity for safety of the validity of the questionnaire. For testing the hypotheses, the statistical methods of coefficient of correlative and variance analysis are utilized. Moreover, for measuring the research model, the Discriminate Analysis technique is utilized.Findings: The data marks that social participation as an index of social capital has the most significant correlation with the psychic health among the students from the two universities. While the index of social support among the students of Shiraz University has been higher than that among the students of Tehran University, the index of social trust among the students of Tehran University has been higher than that among the students of Tehran University. Research findings also show a significant correlation between the variables of job, marital status and gender and psychic health.Results: Results of the research emphasize on interaction trust, financial, mental-social support, self-esteem, family network and the participation in the host society, to maintain their mental health. The results of this study show that students with high level of social capital would be more likely to enjoy mental health and adapt to the new cultural situation. Berry has also addressed the role of social capital and the existence of supportive networks in facilitating acculturation. He believes that higher social capital cause higher levels of mental health and quality of life.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Health of society is based on its individual. Person's healthy life is product of interaction between personal choices and their enveloping socioeconomic environment. In 1948, the World Health Organization identified social well-being as one of several facets of an individual's overall health. Social well-being is defined as an individual's self-report of the quality of their relationship with other people, their neighborhood, and their communities. Social well-being is operationalized as an individual's perceptions of their integration into society, acceptance of other people, coherence of society and social events, one's sense of contribution to society, and the potential and growth of society. The Learning of social skills and membership in a social network enable individual to interact effective with others. These are indicators of behavioural health and social well-being. This study aims to major Social Wellbeing and explore its relationship with social demographic variable.Method: this study design as a cross sectional. The sample size of this study was 1024 students of university of social welfare and rehabilitation. 168 students agreed to enter the study. To collect data 2 different questionnaires was applied: social demographic and Social Well-being questionnaires. Data analyzes was done with One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, T and Mann Whiney test results. Statistically analyses were done by spss.Findings: In terms of educational departments, students of clinical psychological and Speech Therapy showed in tern, the highest and least Social Well-being scores but not find meaningful difference between educational departments. MST student's Social Well-being scores were higher than BS. Findings showed marriage student's Social Well-being scores were higher than singles as marriage student's Social Well-being scores were 84.84 and for singles were 66.63. And male students had higher scores than female as male students Social Well-being scores were 86 and female students Social Well-being scores were 67.6. Also, averages of Social Well-being scores for were membership in association were 82.13 and for students were not membership in association were 66.20 and this difference was meaningful.Results: The finding of this study showed significant relationship between social well-being and some social demographic variable among students. Social Wellbeing had significant relationship with material status, education, sex, membership in association, and employment status, but not with education major, parent's education and student's age.

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Objectives: This article explains and articulates a social problem that is murder. Murder is a type of criminal homicide that is the unlawful killing of another human person with malice aforethought, as defined in Common Law countries. Homicide refers to the act of killing another human being that consist two kinds: Criminal homicide and Noncriminal homicide. Criminal homicide is a mala in se crime, and every legal system contains some form of prohibition or regulation of it. Noncriminal homicide is not always a crime. Sometimes the law allows homicide by allowing certain defenses to criminal charges. One of the most recognized is self defense, which provides that a person is entitled to commit homicide to protect his or her own life from a deadly attack. Here, attempted analysis homicide and study its causes by using depth method.Method: The Multiple Case Study is method for study in this research that is one forms of case study. A case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident. Statistics society includes all of prisoners in Tehran prisons that indicted murder. However in this method there aren't sampling in common form, but try to select modal type. This sample include four cases that one woman and three man. The level of analysis is micro and the unit of analysis is individual. In study with use tactics such construct validity, internal validity and external validity tested research design.Finding: In order to explanation of murder used Chalabi Deviance Theory. This theory begins definition of behavior. The behavior is function of four elements: opportunity, need, expectation and meaning. Whenever combination these elements shaped like below occurs deviance: 1) Level of opportunity is low or high, 2) Needs be high, 3) Social expectation from individual is high or low and so 4) Meaning be ambiguous and irrational. This research indicates relation between economic, political and cultural opportunities with murder is a parabola shape (Reverse U). Economic Opportunities (EO) include settlement, job, clothing and food. Political Opportunities (PO) contain safety, freedom and external control. Also Social Opportunities (SO) contains primary, secondary and community relationship. The role of economic opportunities than other variables is too significant and prominent. Moreover, any increase in material, political, social and cultural needs causes increase at murder. Also the relation between homicide and expectation of society and family is U reversing shape. Impression of inequality is an important factor in study that is cased easy at perpetration of murder.Result: However, this research display Chalabi Deviance Theory (CDT) is a comprehensive and useful theory at the study of deviances particularly murder, but must that distinct between cold murder and passion murder.

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Objectives: In the 95tharticle of the Law of the 4th Plan of Economic, Social and Cultural Development of the country, the state has been charged to adopt distinct policies and plans to achieve more equitable distribution of income. Undoubtedly, the first step in this direction is recognition of the existing situation of income distribution. Situation of income distribution in Markazi province in the period 1376-81 (1997-2002) has been analysed. In other words, the objective of this paper is to analyse income distribution in Markazi Province during 1376-81. Positive as well as normative methods of measuring inequality have been mentioned in this paper. Besides deprivation index, relative mean deviation, Lorenz curve, Gini index, Kakavani criterion, Theil index and Field index have been explained as indices of positive method. Regarding nonnative method, Dalton as well as Atkinson indices have been expressed.Method: Research method in this paper is a comparative analysis of income and expense of rural as well as urban households and determining the income gap between them. Besides explaining different methods of measuring inequality, this paper calculates inequality in Markazi province as well as in the country through these different methods.Finding: Examination and comparison of Gini Coefficient, consumption expenditure of 10th tithe to the 1st tithe ratio, consumption expenditure of %20 of the richest to the %40 of the poorest ratio and Social Welfare Indices for rural and urban areas of Markazi province as well as the country indicates that the amount of inequality in rural and urban areas of Markazi province is less than the same in the country. Only, Gini Coefficient shows that inequality in .rural areas of this province is more than the same in the whole country.Results: The amount of inequality in rural and urban areas of Markazi province is less than the same in the country.

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Social Welfare

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Problem Design: The existence of massive inequality in income distribution results in poverty and increasing its scope, since for a given level of economic growth, high inequality in income distribution gives rise to creating more gaps among social classes and expanding poverty. So, policy-makers use some instruments including insurance, minimum wage determination and taxing in order to correct income distribution along with economic growth goals. From early 20th century until 1950s, most economists paid attention to increasing economic growth, however, after 1950s especially from 1970s they emphasized on increasing the quality of life with regard to widening income gap among the poor and the rich and also development in public insights. This issue was accompanied first in the rich countries by changing of work laws in favor of labor, providing the considerable welfare services to workers, increasing tax on capital owners and the rich classes; and offering social insurances for less income people. Thus, from this viewpoint, the equilibrium generating in income distribution models has become one of the government aims in economic policymaking. Our goal in this paper is to show whether social insurance is an effective instrument to decreasing inequality. In other words, what changes in income distribution occur because of changes in insurance levels?Method: Insurances such as unemployment insurance, retirement insurance, life insurance and so on, can play an important role in and also affect on income and facilities distribution in the society. In this paper, with reference to existing data and information, the relationship between social insurances and income inequality in Iran is explained using estimation of regression models.Findings: the findings indicate that the Kuznets hypothesis has been violated in Iran. Also, the received premiums of life and non-life insurances result in decreasing inequality. On the other hand, the effect of life insurances on decreasing income inequality is far more than the effect of non-life insurances. The suggestion of current paper for decreasing income inequality and its appropriate distribution is to use the other suitable instruments along with social insurances.Results: The main purpose of this paper is the study of the relationship between income inequality and social insurances in Iran during the period over 1344-1384. To get this end, after literature review on income inequality and social insurances we construct a model on Kuznets hypothesis base. The results show that promotion of social insurances including life and non-life insurances reduces the incomes inequality. The impact of social insurances on inequality is significant but negligible. In any way, this small effect of rising social insurances on decreasing inequality should not be ignored, since this small effect is important for attaining to optimal income distribution.

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Social Welfare

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Objectives: Disability has some medical, social and human rights dimensions. The social models of disability consider the issue mainly as a socially created problem and as a social outcome of a physical or mental impairment. And basically, put the subject as a matter of the full integration of individuals into society. Lack of life -opportunity and access to socio-political and economic structures leads towards a discrimination against and exclusion of the disabled persons. Thus disability is often associated with increased poverty and vulnerability and social exclusion. This article considers the information and data about disables in Iran and the policies which provide them with life-opportunity.Method: This study is a documentary one and is based on secondary data analysis. Data is collected from Behzisti institution and the center of Iran statistics. Data and statistics about the Population of disables and about some fields such as income (rate of pension), occipital, education are considered.Findings: Although, there are no accurate data and information about population of disables, according to census of the center of Iran statistics in 1385 and the estimation of Behzisti institution, the main kinds of disability are blinds and cronies psychopath. To be able to empower this population, a serious social action is necessary. Disability in case of lack of life- opportunity leads to social exclusion. The full integration of disables into society needs the social action to provide these opportunities. As in Iran there are still limitation in relation to information and data about the population of people with disabilities and disability itself. So there is a lack of accurate knowledge about disability and the degree of disabled people's needs to the serviced and opportunities. Disable face to insufficient support, unemployment and capability, deprivation, like education.Results: In the case of disregarding the needs of disables and their life-opportunity, the result will be their social exclusion. As in Iran disables are among the poorest and the most social excluded people, because of their low level of education, low income, serious problems in finding job and lack of financial sources in order to accomplish of comprehensive law to support disables rights.

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In general, present article investigate opportunity distribution in higher education among students in four public universities.Coaching Problem: In present societies, nearly the only way for membership in new middle class and finding its own job, is attaining university degree. Moreover, necessary condition for attaining most of high level job and accepting specialized responsibilities in management and business, is taking university degree. Taking university degree on the one hand adds probability of finding better job, better earning and more lessure times, and, on the other hand, reduce the possibility of dismissal. And also, higher education is the most essential for social promotion and mobility low class children in the society. Because of it, access to higher education is regarded one of important factor to improve social equity. Therefore, the main problem of this article is to investigate student’s social origin in some universities monitored by Ministry of Science, Research ans Technology (MSRT). In other words, its goal, is answering to this question that wether there is any equity for teaching opportunity in Iranian public higher education (in investigating universities).Method: Present article is based o n a field study that investigates variables of the projects by using descriptive and inferencial statistics. In this project, sampling unit was a student and sample society includes all day students in universities of Tehran, sharif Technology, Shahid Beheshti and Allame Tabatabaee, fhat out of them 511 students were randomly selected and considered characteristics. Face validity of questionnaires were confirmed by relevant experts moreover, Chronbachs Alpha technique was used to assess reliabity of questionnaires. For determining Socio-Economic Status (S-E-S), six variables were used: occupation level of father's job, occupation level of mother' job, father income, mother income, educational degree of father and educational degree of educational degree of mother.Findings: Project findings showed that in our sample, Socio-Economic Status (SES) are as following, 5 percent of students have high level SES,20 percent of them have middle toward up SES,28 percent have middle toward down SES, and 48 percent have low level SES. These findings shows that most of student are belong to low level and middle toward down S ES.Results: The main hypothesis of this project (i.e. "The students with higher SES likely enter more in public universities") finally was not recognized. Although observational hypothesis was not confirmed, there are some symptoms that makes worried about such a hypothesis be fulfield. At present time, Iranian higher education system has not any effective policy to add access for social low groups to higher education. But, soon or late, necessity of compiling such a program will be appeared, and, for now, we must also be ready to design it.

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Objectives: Nowadays, to increase social participation is a priority in almost all societies. Children as a group, who are in developmental stage, need special attention and most of preventive interventions and health promotion programs should be focused on them. Social participation has fundamental importance in children's development and their health. Social participation state in children can predict educational and professional success and social status in their adulthood. Children who have low social participation at home, school or between their friends, have less opportunity for social maturation in compare with their peer group. Also they will have more health problems in adulthood. Research evidence indicated that most of children with low social participation haven't enough strength in life skills such as communication, emotional expression, emotional management and etc. therefore, it's assumed that we can increase children's social participation through life skills training. This study was designed for answer this question that "Is life skills education increase social participation in children?" This hypothesis was tested whit an experimental research design.Method: Subjects were included 100 children (50 girls & 50 boys) 7 years old that were students in firth grade of education in 85- 86 years. The efficacy of life skills education schedule on experiment group was studied whit a pretest posttest control group design. Study group was matched with control group in some intervening variables such as "age", "intelligence", "socio- economic status" and "family structure", because previous studies have been showed that these variables can disturb research's results. In order to collect the data demographic characteristic questionnaire and social participation scale (made by researcher) were used. Findings: The findings indicate that life skills education increase social participation in children. In addition, results of this research were showed that this efficacy was equivalent in girls and boys and life skills education increase social participation in both groups equally.Results: The results of this research demonstrated that we can prepare children to more participation in social activities, which it is from their certain rights, by designing of schedules for educating life skills to them. Then we'll able to provide condition for forming a dynamic society that it's dependent to whole society presence. As other researchers have been suggested, social participation promotion programs should include girls like boys, because they are an important part of present society and they have significant role in this field. Also, these research's findings confirm that if enough opportunity and necessary skills be give to girls, they can participate in social activities like boys and defend from their rights. These finding can help to clinicians and policy makers for developing programs and interventions for promoting social participation in children and adolescents and preparing them for entering to adulthood.

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