This article is not with homeless or unattended children, or children with physical diseases, or other kinds of "common problems." This article, which is the result of researcher's close observation, focuses on the state of children who live under such conditions which will most probably have harmful effects on their future lives and these are due to their" parents' mistakes" not outside factors. However, this state passes unnoticed since the victims are hidden within the family.The research compares 5-12 year old children of addicted fathers with those of non - addicted fathers. This study was carried out on one hundred families of the addict, on one hand, and another similar one hundred families on the other hand. These children have not been subjects for social scientists and health experts because of the following facts:-They live with their parents.- They are not criminals yet.- They show no signs of improper behavior.These facts, however, do not deny their possible uncertain future. In order to understand the conditions under which these children live and the consequences of the father' addiction, it is possible to look for addiction factors in the problematic structure of the society, availability of drugs, incorrect function of society, incorrect function of social institutions , troubled social relations, and the state of individuals.If we draw an analogy between society and family, will the children's state be like in the addicted family? Is the structure of the family healthy? Do parents play their roles well? What are the individual states of the children within particular family structure?Studying such families and their conditions become more important when we consider this fact that most studies carried out about Iranian families are concerned with divorce. But, unfortunately, there is no information about problems in the families. We know nothing about parents who have not a mutual emotional relationship and who merely live in one house without supporting each other emotionally. Children of such families are overlooked by researchers and are not even included in divorce statistics. Actually, they suffer more than the children of divorce.