Studying about the geographical aspect on development and world variation in human welfare is directed toward
investigating the current academic literature of the world"s overall status in view pointing of its application in our
future regionI and national plannings. In addition, the national macro-systems of the world are investigated in four
categories. These principal factors do include the economic system (manufacturing value - added/capita,
percentage of age group in higher education, radios/1000 inhabitants, GNP/capita); physical system (total value of
primary industry output/capita); the concepts of both natural productivity and people"s development of natural
resources, government expenditures / capita, GNP/capita): social system (infant deaths/1000 live births, percentage
rural, percentage of age group in higher education; and political system (political rights index, radios /1000
population, infant deaths / 1000 live births). However, the development indices are also discussed in this paper and
do comprise the PQLI (Physical Quality of Life Index), HDI (Human Development Index) and ISEW(The Index
of Sustainable Economic Welfare). Finally, the developed, developing, and underdeveloped countries of the world
are ranked in regarding the concept of human welfare. Further related investigations could support the theortical
and impirical grounds towards more laws and the generalizations.