In this study, the conditions of 11 border provinces of Iran including Ardabil, west and
East Azarbaijan, Kordestan, Kerrnanshah, Ham, Khouzestan, Horrnozgan, Sistan &
Blouchestan, and Khorassan with respect to certain indicators such as life expectancy,
literacy level, birth rate have been explored, using statistical U, T and Z-tests as well as
The findings indicate that there are significant differences between internal provinces
and border provinces, specially Sistan & Blouchestan, Kordestan, Ham,Kerrnanshah, West
Azarbaijan and Hormozgan with respect to the above-mentioned indicators, differences
which have resulted in a negative migration balance. On the other hand, the economic
dependence of these provinces on adjacent countries can result in their political-cultural
disintegrationand consequently in a decline in national identity, power and security.