Background and aims: With increasing age, we observe a decrease in muscle strength and endurance, range of joint motion and flexibility of body tissues, which in turn these factors may cause muscle pain and chronic low back pain in these individuals. So, continuing this cycle will lead to atrophy and decrease of muscle strength. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of two methods for massage and physical exercise selected in water on spine flexibility, pain and disability among non-active elderly women in Dezful.Methods: In this semi- experimental study, a total of 45 inactive elderly women were selected according to the inclusion criteria in the research and awareness of the stages of implementation. were assigned homogeneously in three groups, 15 women in each group. The range of back flexibility, pain intensity, the inability of all subjects was evaluated before and after the implementation of the exercise protocol. Then, the experimental group exercised six weeks (Massage group: four 15-minute sessions per week, group activator in the water: three one-hour sessions per week). Differences between pretest and posttest groups was determined using independent t-test and changes between the study groups was compared using analysis of covariance test.Results: Statistical analysis results showed there is a significant difference in the massage group and training group after the exercise protocol, in the flexibility, pain intensity and the inability, but it was not observed no significant difference in the control group. Also, in comparison between groups, the results showed that training method in water was more effective on the variables of pain intensity and the disability, but any difference was not observed between training methods on pain intensity of subjects, and two training methods had an equal effect on pain intensity of elderly women.Conclusion: It seems using massage and active exercises in the water, can cause further improvement in performance in elderly women.