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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Providing, maintaining and promoting health of infants as a vulnerable age group is essential in health-care services. The present research sought to investigate the underlying causes of mortality among infants who were below 1 year old in Bandar Abbas pediatric hospital in 2011.Methods: In this descriptive-analytic research the medical files of all deceased infants who maximally aged up to 11 months and died in Bandar Abbas pediatric hospital in 2011 comprised the research population. The data were gathered through a pre-designed checklist, phone call and face-to-face meetings (when required). The data were later analyzed via SPSS 16.Results: In the study period, 223 infants (65.2%), below one year of age, had died within their first month of life and 119 of them (34.85) had died within the next eleven months. The primary reason for the death of the first group was sepsis while for the second group was prematurity. Such variables as birth weight, delivery type, feeding type, birth type, birth age, pregnancy interval, child abnormalities and parents’ educational level were found to be significantly correlated with infant mortality (P<0.05).Conclusion: It appears that careful attention to low-birth weight infants, raising mothers’ and families’ medical awareness, promotion of family regulation programs as well as offering standard healthcare before and during pregnancy positively affect the reduction of mortality among very young infants.

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Introduction: Organic matters enter to drinking water from a variety of sources, but one of the major sources of these compounds in aqueous solution can be decomposed plant and microbial residues. Chlorination is the most common method for water disinfection, the free chlorine in the water reacts with natural organic compounds and form disinfection byproducts. One of the dangerous byproducts is Trihalomethanes (THMs). These compounds are suspected to be carcinogenic for humans.Methods: In this study, 96 samples were taken from 4 points (Mianb Steghlal dam, output Minab water treatment plant, input and output of water treatment plant in Bandar Abbas) within 6 months. Parameters such as TOC, pH, temperature and chlorine residual were measured and used for prediction of THM formation by a methematical model.Results: Results showed that Bandar Abbas drinking water has high TOC and THM formation potential is high. Minimum and maximum of THM was measured 14.78 and 84.86mg/l, respectively. Positive correlation was seen between concentrations of organic carbon and pH with THM formation.Conclusion: Increasing pH and TOC concentration in water, leads to increase of THM formation potential. Bandar Abbas drinking water has high potential to form THM, therefore, it is necessary to consider measures in this field.

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View 1223

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Introduction: The advantages of participating in physical activities are so well proved that many statements recommend them in preventing chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis. Training methods that are used to treat this condition is aquatic exercise. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aquatic exercises on the motor performance and quality of life in patients with knee joint osteoarthritis.Methods: 22 women with knee osteoarthritis with mean age 35-55 (years) were equally randomly assigned to one of two groups: experimental or control groups the world-known knee injuries and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score questionnaire was used for data collection. Aquatic exercises were carried out under the supervision of a aquatic expert three sessions a week for 8 weeks, each session lasting 60 minutes. Patients in the control group continued their normal daily living activities. Data were statistically analyzed via ANOVA.Results: Results showed significant mean differences of performance comparing pre (40.56±10.23) and post- (71.81±10.94) intervention conditions in the experimental group, while mean differences between pre- (46.20±15.04) and post- (45.71±15.41) tests was not significant in control group. The mean differences of quality of life regarding pre- (63.89±7.10) and post- (75±5.68) intervention evaluations was significant in experimental group (P<0.05), but there was no significant mean differences between pre- (65.97±6.6) and post- (64.81±6.69) tests in control group.Conclusion: The results showed that aquatic exercises, as a safe and effective exercise method, should be incorporated in rehabilitation programs to improve the motor functions and quality of life of elderly females with knee osteoarthritis.

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View 4367

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Introduction: Hypertension is the most common and major important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Rapid socio-economic changes in recent decades has increased the prevalence risk factors of heart diseases - including high blood pressure. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypertension and respective risk factors in adults of Bandar Abbas in 2012.Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, randomized cluster sampling was performed to select 1531 people over 30 years of Bandar Abbas (639 men, 892 women aged 30-70) we used interview and clinical examination for data collection. The instruments collecting data were standard questionnaire and mercurial pressure gauge and portable digital scale. The data were statistically analyzed by SPSS Software, using Chi-square test, ttest, and ANOVA. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Prevalence of hypertension in the study was 35.3%. This figure for males was 38% and for females was 33%. The statistical results obtained from this study showed that the prevalence of hypertension with increasing BMI also increases, so that 58.1 percent of subjects had BMI≥25. A significant difference was obtained between proportion of women (34.94%) and men (23.18%) with BMI greater than 25 (P<0.05).Conclusion: This study showed high prevalence of hypertension in Bandar Abbas. It seems that BMI, age, sex, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, are leading factors in high blood pressure.

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View 1559

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Introduction: Spiritual wellbeing is one of the fundamental concepts in chronic diseases in which create meaning and purpose in life and considered as an important approach in promoting general health and quality of life. This study was aimed to explore the relationship between spiritual wellbeing and the quality of life among the patients with type 2 diabetes referred to diabetes clinic of Aboureihan specific diseases centre in Bandar Abbas.Methods: This descriptive study was carried out on 330 patients between 40-74 years referred to diabetes clinic in year 2012. Information through spiritual health and quality of life questionnaires were collected. Data analysis by describtive statistics and Pearson Correlation was performed. P<0.05 was considered significant.Results: There was a significant relationship between spiritual wellbeing, religious and existential aspect of spiritual wellbeing and aspects of quality of life.Conclusion: The results may intensify the necessity of strengthening of the spiritual health as a factor affecting quality of life in those patients. The key point in a country like Iran with intellectual, cultural and religious beliefs could be useful and necessary in designing care therapies programs for such patients.

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View 1629

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Introduction: Groundwater resources, including the most important sources of drinking water are based on studies of underground aquifers provide the main source of drinking water to more than 1.5 billion people around the world. Groundwater contamination by pollutants affecting the quality of these resources will be useless and even likely in some areas. Therefore, the present study aims at the evaluation of heavy metal concentrations in drinking water wells in the rural areas of Bandar Abbas.Methods: This cross-sectional study has been conducted in various parameters and the chemical quality of water. We measured the concentration of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb) from 25 sources (wells) based on standard methods.Results: The findings of this study showed that concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cd in drinking water wells in rural areas of Bandar Abbas were: 0.07, 0.02, 0.0054 mg liter, respectively. The values were less than the standard values of Word Health Organization. But, Cd concentration in 13 cases and Pb concentration in 9 cases were higher than WHO standards.Conclusion: The results suggest that measurement of the average metal concentrations in all drinking water wells in rural areas of Bandar Abbas were not higher than World Health Organization standards. However, more studies are recommended in areas with water wells contaminated with heavy metals.

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View 4026

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Introduction: Liver enzymes are among clinical and biochemical parameters reflecting liver function in muscle exercises and Aspartate amino transferase (AST) and Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes are indicators of liver damage in sporting activities. However, AST and ALT liver enzymes are affected by supplementation with omega-3. In the present study, the effects of omega-3 supplementation in combination with a selective aerobic activity on liver enzymes (AST and ALT) in trained female students were examined for 6 weeks.Methods: For this purpose, 32 person among Female students in physical education in Alzahra University, between age 22.5±1.2 years with a body mass index 21.59±1.2 kg/m2 were selected and randomly divided into 4 groups: control, supplements, exercise and supplementation with aerobic exercise group. AST and ALT measurements was done at pre-test and post-test. Data was analyzed using paired t-test, ANOVA and Paried t-test.Results: The results showed that inter-group and between-group changes in AST values in some groups was significant. AST levels were significantly reduced in supplementation with aerobic exercise group whereas ALT levels were significantly increased in all groups except the control group, but no significant changes in ALT levels between the groups was seen.Conclusion: AST significant differences between the exercise group and supplementation with aerobic exercise group represent a possible beneficial effect of supplementation with aerobic exercise. This effect is probably due to changes in cell membrane fluidity, or changes in liver metabolism in the liver. Seems likely for decrease in ALT, longer time or higher doses are needed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2397

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Introduction: Interoperability is needed when the Hospital Information System (HIS) data should be combined and shared with different systems. This study was aimed to determine the semantic and technical interoperability of hospital information systems of Iran’s health care centers and propose guidelines to create and develop interoperability of these centers.Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on companies, which were qualified to receive performance appraisal certificate of HIS software’s from statistics and information technology office of health ministry. Standard questionnaire and checklist were used to collect information in the first and second steps. List of companies, which provided and produced HIS in Iran, was obtained, and then a self-administered questionnaire was sent for them. Then, a health care center was selected from each company randomly, and its current HIS interoperability was evaluated. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.Results: Based on the results, all companies were used Microsoft windows and SQL server database in their HIS with consideration to technical interoperability. Also, the most frequent corporate programming language was Visual C Sharp (46.7%) and Visual Basic (40%), respectively. From semantic interoperability aspect, the most frequent terminology systems were ICD-10 (86.7%), ICD-9CM (66.7%), and CPT (66.7%), respectively. For standard messaging, 60%, 46.7% and 33.3% used XML, DICOM, and HL7 in order.Conclusion: Health system interoperability is divided into two semantic and technical parts. At the present, there is not any standard for electronic health record (EHR) to provide full interoperability. HIS templates should be provided in order to make a national standard for EHR. Therefore, it is necessary to have standard template for semantic and technical interoperability in EHR national exchanges.

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Introduction: Iron supplements, is the most cost effective and common strategy used in developed countries for the control of iron deficiency. Weekly iron supplementation programs in high schools and middle schools for girls in 2006, has been carried out. This study aimed to determine the status and practice of female students about iron deficiency and iron supplementation and its relation to personal and social factors.Methods: In this cross-sectional study in 2012, 920 pupils from 10 schools were questioned. The questionnaire included demographic information and questions about knowledge and practice. School choice as a quota of five school districts in Tabriz took place. Collected data was analysed by SPSS 13, using inferential statistics methods.Results: The mean (SD) scores of students was 52.4 (13) and practice score was 63.4 (11.3), respectively. 61.6% of the students stated that they “often or always” use tablet distribution. 8% of the sample stated that they had: “never” iron distribution in their schools. The most common reason for not taking the tablets was expressed color and taste of the tablets.Conclusion: For better and more effective implementation of iron supplementation programs in schools, iron supplementation and nutrition education classes for students or their mothers and distribution of quality iron tablets are required.

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Introduction: The aim of education process is learning and change in behavior which has been revolutionized in the 21st century due to the rapid changens in technology and sciences. The traditional approach to education does no longer meet the learners’ needs, entailing new changes in educational curricula. This study was designed to determine the factors influencing learning in the 21st century and find out the students’ views on this issue.Methods: This is a descriptive study aiming at determining the students’ views on new approaches to learning in the 21st century. To do so a researcher made questionnaire was designed. It contained 30 questions in 3 sections including demographic data, background questions and two open questions about their suggestions and criticism. 150 summer school students in Shiraz participated in the study. The questionnaire was sent to the students in person & through electronic mail; they were asked to retain the completed questionnaire to the given email address. The data were analyzed through SPSS 19. T-test and analysis of variance were used for analysis.Results: The results dedicated, 6 factors including the use of computer in teaching, increase in virtual learning, and the use of mobile in relations, engagements of electronic learning contexts, the learning focus on attitudes and the facilitating role of the lectures were the most influential factors on learning.Conclusion: It seems that the student philosophical tend to approve constructivism and cooperative learning which is learner-centered as compounded to conventional education which is teacher-contended. According to experts, this type of view point is in the same line with new approaches to teaching and education in the present. Moreover, it effects the reforms, complementation and expansion of methodology.

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Introduction: Today, health system is challenging with decreased or lack of nursing job satisfaction. Lack of nursing satisfaction that are major human resources of health, can lead to decrease quality of services, desertion, and work absence by nurses. Current study reviewed the nursing job satisfaction in teaching hospitals affiliated to Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In descriptive-analytical study, 250 nurses selected from 14 clinical departments of 3 university hospitals by simple random sampling. Data gathered by WHO’s standard questionnaire of satisfaction that included demographic data and 36 questions about professional, communication and cooperative, managerial, and financial benefits and facilities dimensions. Data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics, using SPSS Software.Results: Nursing job satisfaction was 3.18±0.54 in moderate level. Average satisfaction of nursing from studied dimensions were respectively communication and cooperation 3.42±0.6, professional 3.35±0.6, managerial 2.63±0.83, and financial benefits and facilities 2.34±0.76. The relationship of individual dimensions with job satisfaction were respectively professional (r=0.94), managerial (r=0.79), communication and cooperative (r=0.78), and financial benefits and facilities (r=0.63).Conclusion: Rate of nursing job satisfaction was moderate. The results of this study, showed that explaining the related dimensions on job satisfaction, can help hospitals’ managers to manage better each of them by mechanisms such as reducing the professional stressful factors, improving the managerial methods, and justifing the payment system.

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