Introduction: Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation. It is an important event of climactrium, reflecting from fertility to infertility. Postmenopausal women usually suffer from physical and mental problems, so as of these, the urogenital disorders are common in menopausal women. We aimed, in this study, to determine urogenital problems of menopausal women referred to the health care centers.Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 150 menopausal women were randomly selected. The research tools were a questionnaire, record sheet and check list of symptoms and signs. The data were collected by interview, observation, and examination. Analysis was done by SPSS software.Results: Results showed that, vaginal dryness in 42%, decrease in sexual appealing in 41.3%, urinate frequency in 33.3%, vaginal itching in 11.3%, urin residua in 35.3%, embossment of vaginal interior in 58.8%, constipation in 21.1%, embossment of vaginalposterior in 22.7%, were observed. Resembling marriage statuse on vaginal atrophy (P<0.001), on cystocle, and rectocle intensity and urinary incontinence. There was also a significant relationship between urinary infection and urinary incontinence in the cases (P<0.05).Conclusion: Our findings showed that rogenital disorders are common in menopause period influencing quality of life and community health.