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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases in the world. In spite of prevention and control measures, it is still one of the most important threats to human communities. The main aim of this study was finding out the main increasing and decreasing factors of malaria in Hormozgan province. Method & Material: This case-control study was performed in three districts i.e. Minab, Jask, Roodan of Hormozgan province in 2001 to find the determinants that may have increasing or decreasing effects on malaria development programme. 384 patients were selected as case group during the second half of 2001 and 753 healthy people matched for age (±2 years) to cases at the same period selected as control group. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and data analysis was performed by EP16 and STATA. Results: The results revealed that lack of lace for door and windows with relative risk of 3.65, living in satellite villages with relative risk of 3.83 and lack of electric coolers with relative risk of 2.61 are the main causes of suffering from malaria. Afghan inhabitants of these regions contracted the disease 2.44 times more than the Iranian residents of the same regions. Keeping domestic animals near the houses, residual spray in the past 6 months had no significant influence on suffering the disease. Conclusion: According to this study malaria exist in low socio-economic conditions and many factors may affect malaria control programme. Therefore, participation of all sectors and coordination between them in malaria control programme is necessary.

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Introduction: Helicobacter pylori is a gram negative bacterium which has adapted to the ecological conditions of gastric mucosa. Due to its specific characteristics, H.pylori can cause the onset and duration of a chronic damage of gastric mucosa. Method & Material: To assess the value of touch (imprint) cytology in the diagnosis of helicobacter pylori infection of gastric mucosa, four touch smears were prepared from two antral biopsy specimens, obtained from a total of 100 patients with various GT complaints who underwent upper GI endoscopy in Shahid Mohammadi hospital of Bandar Abbas. The smears were stained using wright, giemsa, papanicolaou and gram methods. The results, expressed as the presence or absence of H.P micro organisms, were compared with histopathologic examination and rapid urease test as two gold standard methods separately. Results: In comparison with histopathology, wright method had the most sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and efficiency. Efficiency range of these four methods was between 72% and 80%. In comparison with golden standard (urease test), wright method had the most sensitivity, negative predictive value and efficiency, whereas, gram method had the most specificity and positive predictive value. Wright, gram and gimsa methods in comparison with gold standard, had efficiency of 83% and papanicolaou had efficiency of 79%. Conclusion: According to above results, imprint smears, stained using each of the four above mentioned staining methods is recommended as a quick, simple and cost-effective test.

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Introduction: Epilepsy is one of the major problems of pediatric medicine. According to world statistics 5-8 children out of 1000 have been reported having epilepsy.On the other hand about 20%-30% of epilepsies are unresponsive to anticonvulsant drugs. Therefore, broad investigations are made all over the world to find an appropriate anticonvulsant treatment. One of the newest treatments for status epilepticus is intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). This investigation has been conducted to assess the efficacy of IVIG for controlling convulsive epilepticus in children. Method & Material: This case-control study was performed on 17 pediatric patients as cases from 21 April 1998. Seizure frequency of all patients consisting of 13 boys and 8 girls was recorded 8 weeks prior to the administration of IVIG. Then each patient received 15 intravenous immunoglobulin in a seven-week period. 8 weeks after the last IVIG administration seizure frequency was observed as control group and compared to that of the original one. Data analysis was performed using paired t-test and wilcoxon signed-rank test and p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Paired t-test showed a significant reduction in seizure frequency after and before the last administration of IVIG (p<0.05) and wilcoxon test showed a decrease of seizure frequency after and before treatment too (p<0.05). All patients had received anticonvulsant drugs and 13 of them also had been placed on ketogenic which were not successful in controlling seizures. In 3 children out of 17, seizure was stopped. In 7 children the decrease in seizure frequency was 50% and in 10 children an improvement was observed in general condition compared to that of prior to IVIG administration. Conclusion: Since IVIG has shown to be effective for controlling some types of epilepsy like LGS and infantile spasms, it is recommended for controlling status epilepticus if other types of treatments fail to control it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Bases on serological evidences, toxoplasmosis is a widespread disease. Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women is almost asymptomatic and its prevalence is usually higher in tropical areas than cold and mountainous areas. The aim of this study was to investigate toxoplasmosis in a southern and tropical area of Iran. Method & Material: In this cross sectional and descriptive study the prevalence of toxoplasma antibodies, IgG, IgM, in pregnant women was determined by ELISA method. Blood samples (n=418) were collected randomly from women referred to Shariati Hospital during Jan 1999-Jun 2000. Results: The overall prevalence of the positive cases bases on high titer of IgG and IgM was 34.2% and 7.9% respectively. There was no relationship between positive cases and age and place of residence, but there was a significant relationship between positive cases and contacting with cat (p<0.001) and the way of meat consumption (p<0.002). Moreover,57.9% of pregnant women were seronegative and predisposed to acute toxoplasmosis. Conclusion: Contact with cat and the way of meat consumption play a significant role in transmitting toxoplasmosis in this area. A screening of toxoplasma infections is recommended prior to pregnancy.

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Introduction: Growth & development is one of the important health indices from birth till puberty. Growth usually refers to the increase of the body size and development denotes the changes in the functions. Since there has not been any studies concerning the above mentioned indices in Bandar Abbas, this investigation is conducted to determine the growth indices of length and weight in infants of 2-5 years of age in Bandar Abbas. Method & Materials: in this descriptive cross-sectional study 400 children (200 boys & 200 girls) were selected through stratified-random sampling method, after measuring the weight and length of subjects, data was collected using a questionnaire containing questions on education, job, family relation, number of children, nutritional habits, and disease history. Data was analyzed by descriptive methods and t-test and infants growth curve was compared to NCHS standard curve. Results: Infants weights in all age groups were below the standard weight. Two year-old boy's length was according to the standard curve but in other age groups it was shorter than the standard ones. In the case of the girls height compared to the standard curve, no specific pattern was observed. The results showed significant relationship between parents' education and occupation and weight and height of the infants. Conclusion: 2-5 years old infants' growth curve in Bandar Abbas is not according to the standard curve. However, more comprehensive studies should be conducted in different regions to prepare growth and development curves for health planning and they should be followed up by authorities.

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Introduction: Occupational skin disease is one of the commonest and the most important occupational diseases chemical substances used in photographic process contaminate photographers and cause skin diseases. Method & Material: In this cross-sectional study, a random sample of 100 photographers were selected information concerning the presence of occupational skin diseases, demographic factors such as age, gender, etc, history of atopy and any other skin diseases was collected via a questionnaire. Results: Descriptive methods were used for analysis and relative risks related to each of the mentioned factors were determined. The total population in this study was 100, 86 men and 14 women. The prevalence of dermatosis was 33%, 24% contact dermatitis, 2% leukoderma and 3% nail hyperpigmentation. 43% were working with non-machinery printers and 57% with computerized printers. Subjects working with non-machinery printers were found to have statistically significant increases odd ratio (7.4) of skin diseases compared with subjects who were working with computerized printers (p<0.001). 41% of employees didn’t use gloves and they found to have a statistically increased skin disease compared to subjects who used gloves (odd ratio = 4.11, p<0.05). Conclusion: simple hygiene measures such as wearing protective gloves and adequate ventilation may prevent illness in photographers, also training of photographers about risks of chemical substances is important.

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Introduction: Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation can increase intraocular pressure (IOP), so in patients with open eye injuries even a transient increase of IOP can be hazardous. Method & Material: This double-blind study was conducted to compare the effects of lidocaine and fentanyl on IOP. Subjects were 90 patients of ASAI-II, aged 15-50 years and divided into three groups, having 30 patients each. Group I without premedication as control group, group II received fentanyl 5µg/kg, 5 minutes prior to laryngoscopy, group III received lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg, 3 minutes prior to laryngoscopy. Induction of anesthesia was similar in all three groups, and IOP was measured 4 times in the following manner: stage I: before endotracheal intubation, stage II: 30 seconds after endotracheal intubation, stage III: one minute after endotracheal intubation, stage IV: 3 minutes after endotracheal intubation. IOP was measured by tonometer (schiotz). Analysis of variance was used for data analysis and p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The control group revealed a rise of IOP from 12.2±1.46 (stage I) to 26.1±2.93 mmHg (stage II) (P.V<0.0001). There was no significant IOP increase in stages III and IV. Fentanyl and lidocaine groups had almost similar IOP in all stages of measurement. The rise of IOP in both groups during 2nd, 3rd and 4th stages as compared to stage one was not significant. Conclusion: It is concluded that endotracheal intubation significantly increases IOP. Lidocaine and Fentanyl effect on intraocular pressure following laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation. Fentanyl or lidocaine prior to endotracheal intubation in all intraocular surgeries particularly in patients with open eye injuries is recommended.

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Introduction: Radiology department that provides images with proper quality plays a vital role in diagnosis of diseases. Good image is obtained by proper technical criteria and correct positioning. Personnel practice of radiology department has a principal role on radiographs quality. This study was carried out to determine the radiology department personnel practice in university hospitals. Method & Material: Data collection was made using an observational check list. Its validity and reliability was determined previously. The sample size of which was thirty-nine persons. 29 items of practice related to technical and protectional aspects at three working shifts were observed and recorded separately. Results: Results showed that most of the personnel were female (61.5%), over 40 years old (59%) and technicians (53.8%). On the whole, personnel's score percentages in technical field on three shifts of morning evening and night were 47.5%, 46.2%, and 45.9%, respectively which were less than them in protectional field (60.3%, 56.4% and 55.8%, respectively). Comparison of technical protection and total scores related to individual variables showed significant difference only in organizational grades (p<0.0001, p<0.05, p<0.0001, respectively) i.e. the mean scores of radiological technologists holding BSc and associate degrees were more than those of technologists not holding university degrees. Conclusion: The quality of the personnel practice is not desirable; therefore continuing education programmes are needed for personnel. Protection against radiation exposure, availability of equipment and continuous evaluation of use of equipment can be effective in dose reduction in patients.

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