Introduction: It has been reported that increased oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus is associated with disorder of wound healing. On the other hand, vitamin C is an Antioxidant. The present study has investigated the effect of vitamin C supplementation on wound healing in non-diabetic and chronic diabetic rats. Method and material: This experimental study was performed on 80 male rats. Diabetes was induced on 4 groups by subcutaneous injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg). All rats were divided into 8 groups, 10 in each group. Group (I), was induced, and received vitamin C deficient diet. Group (II), diabetic prophylaxis, received 250 mg/lit vitamin C through their drinking water, one month before inducing diabetes. Group (III), diabetic treatment, received ascorbic acid (250 mg/lit) one month after induction of diabetes. Group (IV), combination diabetics, received vitamin C 30 days before diabetes induction until 60 days after diabetes induction. Non-diabetes groups (V-VIII) were treated like groups I-IV. Animals were made wounded by a circular 3 cm2 full thickness incision on back, 8 weeks after diabetic induction. Mean surface area, percentage of wound healing and time required for healing in different postoperative days were determined. Data analysis was done using analysis of variance and t-test and p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: The results showed that, mean of wound surface area in non - diabetic rats was less than diabetic rats, and in 7th till 15th days, the difference was significant (P<0.001). Percentage of wound healing in healthy rats was higher than diabetic rats in all postoperative days. Furthermore, Percentage of wound healing in group (V) was more than group (I) and also, in group (I) it was more than that in groups (III) and (IV) for all postoperative days. Time required for wound healing in diabetic rats was III>IV>II>I and in non - diabetic rats was V> VII> VIII> VI. Discussion: This data suggest that, after induction of diabetes, vitamin C supplementation (250mg/lit) in chronic diabetic and in combination groups, impaired wound healing, while in non-diabetic rats, wound healing properly occurred.