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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background: Toxoplasma gondii is a world wide coccidian parasite of cats, causes one of the most common zoonotic diseases (Toxoplasmosis) in man and animals. Transmission to human usually occurs by ingesting toxoplasma gondii oocysts shed in to the Environment by cats or eating meat of infected animals. Each case of conjenital disease is a personal and economic tragedy, the Primary infection is often asymptomatic and is rarely detected during pregnancy .The aim of this work was to investigate the occurrence of general antibodies against toxoplasmosis in serum of women with various conditions and Pregnancy. The infection is determined by serological analysis.Method: 1152 serum samples were collected from women, and sent to the parasitology laboratory of medical faculty and examined in an age group from 11 to 68 years. For T.gondii antibody identification a mouse virulent. Toxoplasma strain (RH Strain) was used, and tested for antibodies to T.gondii by an indirect antibody test (IFAT) method.Results: Among 1152 women serum samples tested in 1999 for the presence of Antibody to T.gondii a group of 206 (17.9%) serum samples were found to be antibody positive from the antibody titer 1:20 to 1:1600 . The mean of the serum P9sitive women was 25 years (minimum 15 years, Maximum 48 years).Conclusion: The prevalence of T.gondii antibodies in sera from the examinied women > was rather in a high rate. Geografical conditions, Stray cats and human food diet and habits are the important factors for high prevalence rate of T.gondii antibodies.Sanitary management,' increasing general medical and veterinay education of people and available a simple diagnostic test are the important control measures for toxoplasmosis.Acknowledgement: This study was financially supported by the Zanjan University Medical Sciences and health services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The HbA1c measurement is the valuable parameter which is widely used for management of diabetes control. The purpose of this study was to find the effect of insulin, oral drug, diet and exercise therapy on HbA1c levels.The mean and one standard deviation for HbA1c levels of 198 sepecimens (143 NIDDM and 55 IDDM) were 10.94%+2.45 for all diabetic patients. 10.62%+2.45 for IDDM, 11.07+2.49 for NIDDM respectively, whose level was a little higher than in comparison with a few other studies. In order to evaluate the effect of insulin, drug diet and exercise on controlling diabetic subjects, the mean and standard deviations of specimens HbA1c was calculated via questionnaires and it was analyzed by t-test. A significant effect of diet on HbA1c levels was observed (P<0.05) but the effect of insulin and exercise on HbA1c level was not significant, which seems probably poor insulin and exercise therapy in these patients. The val drugs which Control blood glacose delined HbA1c level significantly (P<0.05), this indicates that using oral drug by diabetic patients is easier than insulin injection.

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Acute appendicitis is one of the common causes of acute surgical admission and operative interventions in patients attending general surgical Emergency units.Generally, the result of operative management is quite satisfactory. As the Acute simple Appendicitis progresses to complicated appendicitis, the Morbidity and mortality increases accordingly with the imposition of heavy hospital expouses both for the patients and Health services systems Involved.In this descriptive study, the incidence of complication s patients admitted in shafien Hospital for acute appendicitis was determined from October 1375 to October 1377 of Iranian calendar.Total of 1090 patients files of the said duration were studied and the diagnoses were confirmed by pathology reports present in the files, of these, 53 files were deleted from the study as the diagnoses were not confirmable by pathology reports. All complications were extracted and documented by studying history physical examination and operative notes available in the files.In the remaining 1037 cases acute simple appendicitis was found In 712 (68.6%), gangrenous appendicitis in 87 (8.3%), perforated appendicitis with generalized peritonitis in 120 (11.5%), phegmouns appendicitis in 35 (33%), and appendicular abcess in 82 (8%) cases. Gangerwise incidence was 62% males and 38% females. No mortality detected and the commonest age group range involved was 15-25 years old.The Results obtained are comparable to existing texts and other related studies and no significant difference was observed in our study.

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Basal cell carcinoma is one of the most common Dermatic tumors, for this purpose and for studying factors of effective Epidemiologic & Etiologic were done on 69 affected patients by B.C.C who were hospitalized during years of 1992- 2000, in Beheshti hospital .This research was descriptive and was done in cross sectional way. This research showed that 55/7% of affected Patients were men and 44.93% of them were women.Their Peak age was over 60 years and most of the patients were among 60-70 years old and 60% of affected were from rural and 40% were from urban regions. Most of them had out-work and were exposed under the sun light, as (farmers, animal husbanders, Workers and out side sellers). 15% of diseases had background of trauma and long injury as long as wound and had been made scar of sunburn. About 14.5% of the referring was lesion relapse after curement of primary lesion.The most common involvement region were whole of nose, ears, preauricalaz and post auricul) and the most common area of relapse was mid face region (nose, lip, nazolabial fold, Palpebra and internal contus.Near 25% of patients who referred had variety areas lesion about 2-3 region, and lesion of 1.3 patients while visiting had been penetratead to sub cutaneous tissue and cartilage and osteos.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today the problem of antibiotic resistant infections brings many difficulties in treatment of infections diseases. So that the antibiotics, by themselves, can t sub side the resistant strains anymore.By electric and magnetic fields the rate of efficacy of antibiotic of penicillin G on streptocous b hemolytic is considered.The stablished results show that above mentioned fields in a definite limit have prominent influence on the drug effect in eradicating bacterial strains. By this result it seems that some antibiotic resistant strains are killed more rapidly in the presence of static fields. In fact a synergism is created. The peak of these effects for magnetic fields is the field of (0.19 + 0.02) T and for electric field is the field of (1680 + 50) N/C is one hour and after this period the effect will be saturated . Moreover it was observed that these fields haven t sensible effect on these strains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Summary: In this study the feeding practices of 378 mothers who had under- two years old children were assessed in five health services.The mean age of the study subjects were 24.87 are 4.92 years old, and the majority of the mothers (77.6%) were at the range of 20 to 29 years old, 5.5 percent of the subjects below the 18 years old, and the rest 16.9% of the mothers were over 30 years old.The results showed that 88.2% of mothers had breasfed their children and only 14.8% had formula fed subjects using breastfeed had the education a status of lower than formula using subjects.In other words, mothers who had high school diploma or university educations preferred formula feeding methods. Based on our results, education program about the advantages of breastfeeding in the Health services had positive impact on the breast feed choice About 94.1% of the subjects who had received the education from the health services, had breast fed choice.In contrast, mothers who had formula fed choice, as a source of information about the methods of feeding their children received this program from friends and relatives.The finding of this study also indicated that the short period of stay in hospital after delivery, small size of the family, and the birth order of infant had positive effects on the breast feed choice.Seems that some antibiotic resistant strains are killed more rapidly in the presence of static fields. In fact a synergism is created. The peak of these effects for magnetic fields is the field of (0.19 + 0.02) T and for electric field is the field of (1680 + 50) N/C is one hour and after this period the effect will be saturated. Moreover it was observed that these fields haven t sensible effect on these strains.

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Measurement of height and weight in the childhood and adolescence are one of the most common ways of evaluating growh children. Since there are difficulties in accessing these data in pre school years, it is easier to obtain these data during school years and consider the essential interventions to achieve normal growth.This study was performed to determine the growth status of 6-18 years old children in Kashan and to define the sexual differences in height and weight and to draw their growth curves.16027 female and male students of 6-18 years-old at preliminary, intermediary and high school levels were selected by cluster sampling in the second half of Mehr and the first half of Aban in 1377 in Kashan.Age of the students was recorded according to the birthdate of the student in his/her personal record in the school. The heights and weights were measured without shoes and with the least clothing. All the measurements were performed by two groups of ladies (for school of girls) and gentlemen (for schools of boys) who were experienced in nursing and health sciences. Each group consisted five of the individuals, each performing a definite task.The weight of 6-9 years-old girls is lower than boys, but at 10-14 years of age their weight exeeds those of boys and again becomes lower at 15-18 years old. Height of 6- 9 year old girl is lower than boys, but at 10, 11, 12 years of age their height exeeds those of boys. The girls height is lower in the 13-18 years old age groups than boys.Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys are higher than those from Esfahan, Gilan, Kermanshah, Kennan and Mashhad. Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys are lower than Tehranains in some age groups but higher in certain other age group. Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys are higher than those from Hong Kong, Tahitai and Haryanai in most age groups. Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys is less than those from Canadian all age groups. Despite higher weight and height of 6 years-old children from Kashan relative to their American counterparts their weight and height are significantly lower than their age-matched American.Considering the significant difference between growth status in Kashanian and American children (these data belongs to 1977 or before) and the better growth status of Kashanian children relative to most regions of the country, it can be concluded that NCHS data cannot be used as standard for Iranian children and adolescents. We should remain for appropriate measure be undertaken by responsible official and experienced research manager in to have an Iranian standard for weight and height comparison in children and adolescents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Family planning programs in Islamic Republic of Iran is faced with limited resources. So the evaluation of family planning programs, in order to determine how much we have reached to our targets, is so important.The easiest way for measuring the results of these activities is by using a couple year of protection.Method and Material: This study is conducted in order to clarify the couple-year of protection of three methods of contraception: condom, tubectomy, vasectomy.300 condom users, 290 cases of tubectomey and 290 cases that vasectome was done for their husbands were selected by simple random sampling from the health centers in Shiraz. They were asked about mean coital frequency per month in condom users and asked about age of women during using permanent contraceptive method, and then CYP was calculated.Results: Converting factors were 0.012, 9.82 and 10.76 in order for condom, tubectomy, and vasectomy.Mean live children number was 4.8 + 0.52 for vasectomy and 5.21 + 0.76 for tubectomy. Educational level of cases of vasectomy was statistically significant in comparison to tubectomy (P<0.05).Conclusion: Converting factors of permanent methods are less than Wishik coefficient (12) and these methods have the least protection.With regard to the importance of age of using these methods on providing protection, these methods must be done of younger age. Converting factor of condom is more than wishik coefficient.

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