Measurement of height and weight in the childhood and adolescence are one of the most common ways of evaluating growh children. Since there are difficulties in accessing these data in pre school years, it is easier to obtain these data during school years and consider the essential interventions to achieve normal growth.This study was performed to determine the growth status of 6-18 years old children in Kashan and to define the sexual differences in height and weight and to draw their growth curves.16027 female and male students of 6-18 years-old at preliminary, intermediary and high school levels were selected by cluster sampling in the second half of Mehr and the first half of Aban in 1377 in Kashan.Age of the students was recorded according to the birthdate of the student in his/her personal record in the school. The heights and weights were measured without shoes and with the least clothing. All the measurements were performed by two groups of ladies (for school of girls) and gentlemen (for schools of boys) who were experienced in nursing and health sciences. Each group consisted five of the individuals, each performing a definite task.The weight of 6-9 years-old girls is lower than boys, but at 10-14 years of age their weight exeeds those of boys and again becomes lower at 15-18 years old. Height of 6- 9 year old girl is lower than boys, but at 10, 11, 12 years of age their height exeeds those of boys. The girls height is lower in the 13-18 years old age groups than boys.Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys are higher than those from Esfahan, Gilan, Kermanshah, Kennan and Mashhad. Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys are lower than Tehranains in some age groups but higher in certain other age group. Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys are higher than those from Hong Kong, Tahitai and Haryanai in most age groups. Weight and height of Kashanian girls and boys is less than those from Canadian all age groups. Despite higher weight and height of 6 years-old children from Kashan relative to their American counterparts their weight and height are significantly lower than their age-matched American.Considering the significant difference between growth status in Kashanian and American children (these data belongs to 1977 or before) and the better growth status of Kashanian children relative to most regions of the country, it can be concluded that NCHS data cannot be used as standard for Iranian children and adolescents. We should remain for appropriate measure be undertaken by responsible official and experienced research manager in to have an Iranian standard for weight and height comparison in children and adolescents.