World wide epidemics of cholera occurred in the 1800 and early 19008. The" classical" biotype was prevalent through the early 1960s ; The ELT or biotype, discovered in 1905, became prevalent in the late 1960s and has caused pandemic disease in Asia, the middle east and Africa cholera is endemic in India, southeast Asia, and Afghanistan. From these centers, it is carried along shipping, Lanes, trade routes and migration routes. The disease is spread by individuals with mild or early illness and by water, food, flies and person - to- person contact.Control rests on education and on improvement of sanitation, particularly of food and water. Patients should be isolated, their extra disinfected and contacts followed up. Repeated injection of a vaccine containing either lipopoly- saccharides extracted from vibrios, Live attenuated DNA recombinant , and dense vibrio suspensions can confer limited protection to heavily exposed persons (e.g.: family contacts). Very few countries require that Traveilers arriving from endemic areas have proof of Immunization with these Vaccines. The WHO vaccination certificate for cholera is only valid for 6 months. In this article, Immunobiology of cholera, contains: Bacteriology, structure of Toxin, pathogenesis, antigenic character and Vaccines to Immunization will be discussed.