Background and Aim: Nowadays, military medicine is an authentic and scientific academic field which is widely used among professionals in military centers. It is also essential to preserve the health and effectiveness of the armed force and their families in individual and social terms. Journals of military medicine have been considered as a context to present the latest scientific research worldwide. This study has been conducted aimed to assess the descriptive of military medicine journals in Iran and the world.Methods: This cross-sectional study was implemented by cross-sectional analytical method on all military medicine journals in Iran and the world. Three authentic scientific databases of Scopus, PubMed, and Thomson Reuters and also a number of Islamic Scientific Centers (ISC) were referred in order to retrieve the scientific journals of military medicine in Iran and the world. After retrieving the titles of the journals, the main page of every journals was referred and necessary information was recorded and was eventually reported.Results: By searching the ISC, four Iranian journals of Military Medicine, Ebnesina, Teb-e-Janbaz (Iranian Journal of War and Public Health), and Police Medicine were found. These journals have been published as quarterly in Persian with English abstracts. The most authentic (Scopus index) and oldest (17 years of experience in print) of them is the Journal of Military Medicine affiliated to Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences. By evaluating the military medical journals in the world and by searching the databases including Scopus, PubMed, and Thomson Reuters, 68 Journals of military medicine were retrieved, one of which was published in Iran (Journal of Military Medicine). Among these 68 journals, the publication of 45 journals (67.2%) was stopped and 23 journals were published (32.8%). Among these journals, 23 publishing journals were related to 9 countries including USA (52.5%), UK (13%), China (8.7%), Iran (Journal of Military Medicine), India, Germany, France, Belgium, and Australia. As observed, 91% of military medical journals are now being published in English. The Military Medicine journal of USA was known as the most authentic (IF: 0.9), and the oldest (124 years of publication history) journal in the field of military medicine. The newest journal was related to UK with the title of “Disaster and Military Medicine” which has been initiated to publication from 2015 and is now indexed in PubMed.Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, it can be stated that today presenting researches of military medicine is extremely important in a few countries (9 countries), especially in USA. On the other hand, considering that the Journal of Military Medicine (Iran) is indexed in Scopus along with 23 other journals, it indicates the appropriate status of military medicine in Iran.